feeding fish

  1. Nikko

    Specific methods for feeding mandarins

    I was curious of any creative methods to target feed a Mandarin dragonet in a mature 90-gallon tank with six other fish that have relatively aggressive eating habits. I have two frostbite clownfish, one yellow tang, Hawaiian bristletooth tang, yellow watchman goby and a rainbow fairy wrasse. I...

    Build Thread Random video

    Check this out! Just having Some fun with the Tank lol
  3. alexytman

    Planning on feeding FW mollies to ribbon eel

    I have just got a ribbon eel and am planning to feed it live food (as it won't eat frozen), I heard mollies lasts very long in salt water, is that true? I'm planning on putting in a dozen so there is more opportunity for it to feed! How long do they last cause I don't want to pickup dead fish...
  4. Scrappy RN

    New idea (for me :) for frozen food strainer.

    I'm relatively new at this hobby and am still in the phase of figuring out how exactly to do things like, "thaw shrimp food cube, strain water off of shrimp, and soak them in several drops of nutrient solution for 3 minutes." It sounds pretty straight forward until you're standing there with a...
  5. AmatuerAuer

    Copperbanded Butterfly Fish Feeding/Care

    I have done a lot of research on the Copperbanded Butterfly and was well aware of the risks associated with their feeding habits. That said, I purchased one from a reputable dealer in the area who assured me he was feeding. He is well fed and appears in great condition, plump, no torn fins...
  6. Arnout96

    POLL: How much do you spend on your frozen fish food?

    Dear Reefers, I am trying to find out what other people spend on their frozen fish food annually, for which I created a poll. My own spending is around a $100 every year again, solely on frozen fish food, which made me wonder: what do other people spend on their frozen fish food?? Let me...