feeding fish

  1. be_ninja_pancake

    Am I feeding my tank enough?

    I have a 15 gal tank with a pair of clowns, 1 yellow goby, 1 pistol shrimp, 2 scarlet leg hermits, 1 Halloween hermit, 2 nessarius snails, 1 fire dart fish, and a variety of corals (1 hammer frag, 6 different varieties of zoa frags, 1 hobgoblin frag, 1 stylocoeniella frag, 1 stylophora frag, 1...
  2. DarthChaos

    The BEST way - to feed your fish, corals and tank.

    Sometimes ago...I stumbled upon Smart Reefs Frozen Feeder. I have been using this feeding system for my seahorses, for probably over a year. Worked so well - I got a 2nd one, for my main reef tank. Works amazing - set it in the morning....tanks fed slowly through the day....take down in the...
  3. S

    Clownfish resting on substrate, normal or reason for concern !!!

    Hi and Happy Holidays to you all. I'm new to saltwater and never had clownfish. I started the journey 3weeks ago. Set up the tank 13.5gallon evo with live sand, dry rock an seeded with Dr Tims and added the ammonia. 1week later 90% water change and added (2) clowns and biospira. Noticed...
  4. Zoa_Fanatic

    Picky clownfish

    New frostbite clowns won’t hardly eat anything. Had them 5 days. Tank has been running 8 years, biocube 32 led. Tried mysis, brine shrimp, pellets, flakes. Any other ideas? pH-8.0, ammonia-0, nitrate-5ppm, nitrite-0. They will eat but not with any gusto. They just pick and spit it out. They’re...
  5. Zoa_Fanatic

    New clowns not wanting to eat much.

    I got some new clowns two days ago. They’re tiny. Maybe 1.5” long. They don’t seem to want to eat much they just wanna cruise around the tank at full speed. I’m feeding the same food the pet store I got them at fed them. They’re frostbite ocellaris. Is this normal? Short video of the clowns...
  6. Rafa3030

    Please Help! What to feed when snowed in??

    Hello all! I'm facing a crisis that is keeping me up at night! For context, I have 2 Clownfish, 1 Royal Gramma, and 1 Cleaner shrimp in a 20L tank. No corals (long story) The city I live in has faced a snow/ice storm that I don't ever remember happening here (Lived here for 22 years). And of...
  7. Reefing Reefer

    How much should I feed in a Nano?

    Tank: Fluval Evo 13.5 w/ skimmer, media basket (filter floss & Chemi Pure Elite). I do weekly 2 1/2 gallon water changes. Stocking: 1 Allardi Clownfish, 1 Blood Red Fire Shrimp, 1 Randall's Goby Corals: Torch Coral, Hammer Coral, Pink Gonioporra (frag), 2 birds nest corals (frag), 2 styolophora...
  8. Tankquility


    Doing some feeding for the tank, thought I'd throw some music in. Enjoy! Music: breathe slow Musician: Rook1e
  9. J

    Clownfish not eating recently

    Hello, I have 2 clownfish. They have been together for about 5 months now. Over the last 4 days, both clowns haven't really eaten, which seems to stem from the female not wanting to eat and the male follows suit. Here's the back story. I have a 55 gallon mixed reef tank. It got ich, so I went...
  10. esther

    What would you do if you were me?

    Curious how all of you would design a food regimen for my tank. I know that there are tons of variables, but assume a perfect world (i.e. nutrient export isn't an issue, home all day, etc). I'm struggling with figuring out how many times to feed, what to feed and when to feed it, how much to...
  11. Spydersweb

    Getting my Valentini to eat different foods

    Hello all, So, I picked up a young Valentini puffer about a week so, and he’s kind of a pain in the butt to feed. For the first couple of days, I couldn’t get em to eat anything. I tried mysis, krill, silversides, and SF brand carnivore cuisine, all cut into appropriate sizes, but every time...
  12. ReefAddiction34

    Ventralis anthia.... beauty and the beast

    I picked up a gorgeous ventralis anthia on Sunday! I realize these are one of the harder fish to keep because of dietary needs (frequent feedings, picky eaters etc). But I’m most certainly going to give it my best to get this guy eating healthy frozen/prepared foods and have it thrive in my...
  13. inDcreations

    Do you feed Frozen food?

    Most of my friends in the hobby almost exclusively feed frozen food in their aquariums with some sprinkles of dry food/ nori strips here and there. What does everyone else do? If you don't feed frozen why not? Is anyone able to exclusively feed live??
  14. Bhor217

    What is your ideal feeding schedule for predators?

    hey all, Was wondering what an ideal feeding schedule would be for my 150G FOWLR tank. Current stocking list (all very small juveniles currently) -porcupine puffer -Picasso trigger -black Volitans Lionfish -harlequin tusk -mappa puffer -snowflake eel I’m use chunky mix, fresh shell on shrimp...
  15. Bhor217

    Ideal feeding schedule

    hey all, Was wondering what an ideal feeding schedule would be for my 150G FOWLR tank. Current stocking list (all very small juveniles currently) -porcupine puffer -Picasso trigger -black Volitans Lionfish -harlequin tusk -mappa puffer -snowflake eel I’m use chunky mix, fresh shell on shrimp...
  16. Feeding Your Fish: How to Create Your Own DIY Mollusk Buffet

    Intermediate Topic Feeding Your Fish: How to Create Your Own DIY Mollusk Buffet

    Mussels Photo is a royalty-free image from Pixabay. DIY Food - Mollusk Feast By making your own fish food, you know exactly what your fish are eating. A variety of mollusks are a good choice, but I'm not a good shell shucker, so, I've taken the easy way out making this recipe. I also want...
  17. kayla s

    Dr Bassleer’s Acai Pellets

    Hi everyone! I tried searching for any threads on this food before making a thread, apologies in advance if this is a double post. My LFS employee recommended her favorite fish pellet to me, which they don’t even sell, and I have never heard of. Acai pellets? It’s like, actually acai berry, too...
  18. Jeremy K.A.

    Clams on half shell help please

    I'm curious, if I feed my fish clams on the half shell will they end up eating my Live Tridacna/Hippopus as well?
  19. pokegirl1332

    Mandarin Goby Pros and Cons. eating?

    so currently have a 130 gallon water box an 30 gallon water box with my husband. in the 30 we keep our frags and pair of clowns, and in the 130 we have a purple tang, 2 davinci clowns, a melanarus wrasse (pardon my spelling), a coral beauty angel, and a flame angel. would like to get a goby and...
  20. Becca Lane

    Food schedule and amount

    Hi I am wondering if I am feeding correctly. I recently acquired some lps that need to be fed and a 6-line wrasse that seems to nip at my blue sympodiums if he is hungry. I have softies and lps and a 12g tank with a 10g sump. I spot feed 3x a week with a little frozen krill, a little mysis and...
  21. Struggler

    Help with Pellet Feeding

    So I am new to the saltwater tanks and have just started my tank with three blue/green chromis and two Ocellaris clownfish. I have had the chromis for about a month and the clown fish for about a week and a half. I have been feeding my chromis brine shrimp from day one, same food my lfs fed...
  22. Nikko

    Specific methods for feeding mandarins

    I was curious of any creative methods to target feed a Mandarin dragonet in a mature 90-gallon tank with six other fish that have relatively aggressive eating habits. I have two frostbite clownfish, one yellow tang, Hawaiian bristletooth tang, yellow watchman goby and a rainbow fairy wrasse. I...

    Build Thread Random video

    Check this out! Just having Some fun with the Tank lol
  24. alexytman

    Planning on feeding FW mollies to ribbon eel

    I have just got a ribbon eel and am planning to feed it live food (as it won't eat frozen), I heard mollies lasts very long in salt water, is that true? I'm planning on putting in a dozen so there is more opportunity for it to feed! How long do they last cause I don't want to pickup dead fish...
  25. Scrappy RN

    New idea (for me :) for frozen food strainer.

    I'm relatively new at this hobby and am still in the phase of figuring out how exactly to do things like, "thaw shrimp food cube, strain water off of shrimp, and soak them in several drops of nutrient solution for 3 minutes." It sounds pretty straight forward until you're standing there with a...