evo 13.5

  1. saltybees

    AIO Build Canadian Evo 13.5

    Fluval Evo 13.5 build stock lights Stock return AI Nero 3 Hydor 425 Tunze 3152 ato Bleach cured rock 10lbs Fiji pink+2ish lbs of crushed aragonite DIY media basket with filter floss, carbon and purigen. the Nero is a newer addition (excellent power head for nano tank ime so far.)I’ll post a...
  2. Sebastian8601

    Build Thread Fluval 13.5 EVO as first saltwater tank build

    Good morning, I recently picked up a Fluval evo 13.5 from craigslist for 80$ with a heater and stand. I am beginning my first saltwater tank build and would like input and feedback about what i need to be doing to improve on my build. Hardware: Tank: Fluval EVO 13.5 Light: Stock light (subject...
  3. michael squire


    so i ordered a random flow generator and it came in the mail today and it is way to small for the fluval evo 13.5 and i’m not happy! i have no idea how to measure how big the nozzle would need to be or anything does anyone have any links or names to rfg’s that would fit the fluval evo 13.5??
  4. Fdeluca

    Ideas for a quarantine tank?

    Hi everyone. Starting my second attempt at reefing. This time I'm doing it right... I hope. My main tank display is a 55 gallon with a fiji AIO as The sump. The plan is to house softies and LPS along with a hand full of smaller fish. This time im also setting up a small quarantine tank to...
  5. Wicksy

    Build Thread Wicksy's Evo 13.5 Journal

    Hey guys this is going to be a journal of my Fluval Evo 13.5 Heads up I've never had a journal before so I might be all over the place and this is my first salt water tank. I've had this tank running for over a year now it hasn't been doing much until recently so let's get started. 13.5 Gallon...
  6. MegLaina

    Discovered Great series!

    Hey everyone! I am excited about this series on YouTube I’ve been watching and figured I would share. This guy is very experienced and shares some great history and information on reef keeping that I think experienced hobbiests and beginners could benefit from. It’s kind of back to the basics...
  7. Mav88

    Nano Build EVO 13.5 2 1/2 months

    Hello All, I purchased an EVO 13.5 in October and wanted to show my journey with the tank, and hopefully let others thinking about the hobby see the pros and cons of working with the tank. Originally the wife and I wanted to do a larger tank, but due to the older house, with flooring being...
  8. McJaeger

    My fix for stuck ATO sensors and accidentally flooded tanks!

    Hey guys. I wanted to share my solution to a problem I've had a few times since I installed an ATO a few months ago. I haven't seen any threads with this exact fix and I'm a bit new to the hobby, so pardon me if this is common knowledge. I'm using the XP Aqua Duetto as an ATO for my Fluval EVO...
  9. A

    Too much live rock for my aquascape?

    Hi all, I am starting a brand new nano Reef in a fluval Evo 13.5. I have never done a salt water tank so this is a new experience and I could definitely use any and all help. I would like to ask all of your opinions on the aquascape I made. It is about 11-12 lbs of live rock. I am wondering if...
  10. Sam25

    New to R2R (Philly area)

    Hey there. My name is Sam and new to the R2R community. I have a nano reef in my current setup for about 8 months. Prior I had a HVAC malfunction in my apartment and roasted my 1 year old tank so i had to start over. I have a Fluval Evo 13.5 with the stock lighting
  11. JRP_Riley

    Evo 13.5g tank light defective

    Hello, I have a Evo nano tank and my light just went out this morning, I have 2 clowns and a some snails and crabs. I called to get it replaced and it will take 4-5 days for it to arrive. Right now I have some led strip lights on top of the tank to give my candy cane coral some light. Right now...
  12. NanoMike

    Does this tank mount look ok Fluval evo hydra26

    I just picked up a hydra26 today and got the flex mount with it for my fluval evo. I was going to get an ai prime but apparently everyone is sold out and the company is not shipping any right now. My concern is the mount and how heavy it is. Does this look okay and do you think I should worry...
  13. dmankin

    Nano Build EVO 13.5 Tank Lid & Clips... Anyone Ever Try to 3D Print One?

    I don't have a 3D printer <yet>, but the thought crossed my mind that maybe one could be used to make a custom {and homemade} mesh lid for the EVO 13.5. There are a few nice ones out there that I have seen online, but they are pricey. Dave
  14. dmankin

    Nano Build EVO 13.5 Startup Questions and Observations

    Hi all. I have a brand-new EVO 13.5 in my home that I am about to bring to life. I have made some observations, and that leads me to some questions that I hope you can help answer. First, I have purchased a heater to fit in the chamber with the return pump. But it appears to me that the pump...