
  1. Jake Tully

    Lionfish/ Eel Not Eating

    About 2 weeks ago I bought a snowflake eel from an LFS that had it eating krill just dropped into it's small tank (not from tongs or skewer). I introduced him into the tank and he has not eaten yet. At first I attributed it to getting accustomed to the tank and I did change my rock work a few...
  2. kennydoll

    lightning maroon clowns in a predator tank

    Hello fellow Reefers! it’s kenny again, and i have another question for you. i finally got my 125 gallon tank up and running again, so i can move my fish out of the 55 predator and into the reef once more. HOWEVER. i have a bonded pair of lightning maroon clowns and they are aggressive to my...
  3. Roggio

    I just wanted to share a pic of one of my eels enjoying his Euphyllia Garden

    One of the perks of the Radion Defusers is being able to take pics without lenses or filters!
  4. SashimiTurtle

    Golden Dwarf Moray stopped eating

    I've had my Maui for about 6-7 months now. When I first got him he was healthy and started eating right away, something you eel keepers will know doesn't happen often with new eels. He stayed in a 10g tank with live rock and macros for a month or two while my display cycled. Once the display was...
  5. sjpreeflife

    Help me ID this Eel!

    So I came across this Eel and nobody has been able to give me an answer as to what type it is, any help is appreciated! D9F2B650-FA51-432C-893C-200821E41DC9 by sjpreeflife posted Mar 13, 2018 at 5:07 PM
  6. Gary G

    Build Thread Gary'sG 125 Eel tank build.

    I am starting this as a placeholder. This will be auto tank running Reef-pi. The plan started with a simple 75 gallon until my wife surprised me with a 125 gallon that a coworker was selling. I have been redoing the stand from some water damage from a sump leak. I am redoing the lights soo...
  7. BugXprt

    Well Hello, I am new here. New Project: Skulls/reef/eels, Oh my!

    Runner, Bicycler, Reefer, Entomology expert, and yes I like Skull art. I was searching eel topics and I came across this forum. I am currently working on a hybrid reef/eel tank. Originally, 2006, I started with a 55g reef tank that did well for 6 years. Then one day...Dead. Next I got into a...
  8. badstorm48

    Snowflake eel question

    So, I just got a snowflake eel today from my lfs. He’s had him for 3 weeks and doing well. I fed him tonight. I was wondering how much should you feed him. Since he’s only like a foot if that maybe give or take some. I cut up a small raw shrimp and gave him about a third of that shrimp. Just...
  9. Aaron Davis

    what the heck?! Golden Dwarf Random Death

    Alright. I don’t understand. I got this guy over a month ago. Had been GREAT! Good appetite. Good color. Never a sign of sickness. I don’t get it. Water parameters are great. Anyone see anything from these videos?
  10. Anarcha0s

    Snowflake Eel with a Golden Dwarf Eel

    What do you guys think about having a Snowflake and a Golden Dwarf together in a Biocube 32? I will be upgrading to a 55-70 gallon tank in June. I found a Golden Dwarf at a LFS and I really don't want to miss out on an opportunity to get a Golden Dwarf. But of course, if will be bad for my...
  11. MSB123

    Blue Ribbon Eel Questions

    I was gifted a blue ribbon eel by a friend who ordered it and had no idea about it, and now I have this 18" long eel in my QT tank. I have kept a snowflake eel successfully in the past, and I have never tried keeping ribbon eels. I would have never ordered it, but my friend decided to order it...
  12. Be102

    Identifing Dwarf golden moray eel gender..?

    I just added a dwarf golden moray eel to my tank yesterday, and after realizing how much I enjoy it and how little room it really takes up, I am considering ordering another one. Is there a way I can figure out what sex it is so I can attempt to order the opposite so they can live comfortable...
  13. Aaron Davis

    Bleaching Coraline and water parameters

    Hey all, My coraline algae that was once purpleish, is now bleaching white or a faded grey. I'm assuming it's my lighting because parts that have less light are still purple. Behind my anemone when it shrinks up, the coraline is still purple behind it. It started with white spots taking...
  14. E

    Krill for Eel.

    So I've been feeding my smaller eels Rod's foods for the past few years, however it is expensive as hell. I go through one pack of predator blend in just two weeks just for my eels alone (I have a lot more predator fish). It's not really worth it anymore. My Snowflakes (2 eels) and Golden Dwarfs...
  15. Aaron Davis

    Golden Dwarf Moray Eel Quarantine

    Hey all, I got super lucky and will be purchasing a Golden Dwarf Moray Eel from a LFS here and was wondering about quarantine methods. I reviewed some quarantine threads and have done so before for fish, but never for eels. I want to make sure that I do this right the first time around...
  16. Aaron Davis

    Eel Possibilities

    Hey peeps, I currently have a 55 gal and am wanting to add an eel soon. For this tank I'm wanting to go with another snowflake eel or a dwarf golden. However; in the next couple years I plan on getting a 150 gal at least. I'm looking for some input on an eel to throw in that along with the...
  17. Patrick Fulton

    Fimbriated Eel Tankmates?

    Hey, this is my first post, so forgive me if I'm doing this wrong....BUT I have a 90 gallon tank with a Fimbriated AKA Yellow-headed moray eel. He's about 16 inches or so and I'm looking to add some fish to the tank. I'd prefer them to be reef safe because I have a bunch of mushrooms and a few...
  18. Dalton Hunter

    Huge snowflake price?

    So I have a massive snowflake eel in my tank that I'm considering selling but I dont know a good price for them at the size he is at. Most I find online is for 12" max, and mine is at least 30" of not more and a little bit bigger around than a golf ball. This guy eats 8 silverside almost every day.
  19. Y

    Eel Trade

    I hope this is the right location. Hi everyone. I was wondering if anyone would be interested in trading for two snowflake eels. I only ask for a trade because I want to make sure they are going to a good place and I wouldn't feel right with cash (Im not out to make a profit). The trade could...
  20. Nad121

    DIY eel trap

    I have a 240 gallon fowlr that came down with ich. I was able to catch all the fish in a trap with the exception of a small longnose hawkfish and my 2.5 foot zebra moray eel. I designed a trap to catch the eel. I cut a piece of 2 1/2" pvc to about 2 foot long and capped one end. I then drilled...
  21. alexytman

    Eel comparability

    I'm currently looking into reef safe dwarf eel species and would like to know if u can mix species e.g. Dwarf golden moray and snowflakes or blue ribbon and other things
  22. Aaron Davis

    Snowflake Eel Symptoms

    This would be be second snowflake eel that didn't make it more than a week. My water parameters are all good with the exception of slightly high alkalinity for my corals. Nitrates are about a 10. Nitrites are a zero. Ammonia is a zero. Ph is 8.4. I found him kind of draped over a rock...