
  1. G

    Trochus Snails - Totally Inactive: HELP

    Hye guys, when I first ever got Trochus Snails I thought I had found the best thing since sliced bread. They literally cleaned the entire tank in a matter of weeks. Since having a few die, etc. I finally went back to the LFS for a cleanup crew (even though I'm there every second day pretty much...
  2. F

    White spots on tail of Copperbanded butterfly

    Any ideas of what this may be? He doesn't appear to be sick, he's a finicky eater but is demolishing all Majano anemone.
  3. P

    Royal Gramma with unknown condition

    So we got a Royal Gramma on 02-04-18 and it has been in QT ever since (thank god). He came and immediately presented with symptoms of flukes (up at the top of the water, breathing heavy, began to get cloudy eyes, fin rot/deterioration). Started to treat for flukes with fresh water dips (2 of...
  4. S

    Red bump under clownfish's mouth.

    Just picked up two new clowns last Friday from a local fish store. The pair was already in the same tank and I purchased both. One is a Mocha Ocellaris and the other is a Midnight Ocellaris. There is some aggression from the Midnight, as he is quite a bit larger than the Mocha. I noticed a day...
  5. Falcon 6

    Is this Ich?

    I've two fish in a 5 gallon QT for 17 days, a Mimic Tang and a Midnight Angel. Both have been getting along well and and eating frozen mysis, marine angel formula, and seaweed. Last night I came home to the tang lying on his side and breathing heavily, he expired a few hours later. This...
  6. Melia

    Help! Spotting on my yellow tang-disease?!

    I recently got a yellow tang from my local pet store, and it has been developing some dark splotching on its’ scales. Is it Black Ich? I don’t know exactly what it is and i have no idea how I could fix this. Anything helps you guys!
  7. PeterG

    Fish Died - What to do now?

    I have a fairly new 90 gal mixed reef tank; started up in August. Lost a couple of fish along the way but everything doing well for the most part. In the past 2 days I’ve had two Tangs, a Kole and a Powder Grey, die within 24 hrs of each other. I purchased them less than 2 two weeks ago from a...
  8. PeterG

    Fish Died - What to do now?

    I have a fairly new 90 gal mixed reef tank; started up in August. Lost a couple of fish along the way but everything doing well for the most part. In the past 2 days I’ve had two Tangs, a Kole and a Powder Grey, die within 24 hrs of each other. I purchased them less than 2 two weeks ago from a...
  9. CookeRS

    Help needed identifying disease on Seahorse + treatment?

    Hi all, First time post. I have a Nano Marine tank with 3 corals, a Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp and a Black Common Seahorse. For about 2 weeks now, the seahorse has had a visible disease/issue with his eye, and it does not appear to be getting better. I have attached photos for a visual of...
  10. joshbridges


    im a current newbie to the saltwater comunity and my clownfish isnt doing well ,, he is active and showing no signs of being stressed but he has this stuff on his fins and nose, similar to cottonspores in freshwater fish here are 2 pics of my fish ,, any help is very much appreciated
  11. Jimmyneptune

    Wrasse lying on side breathing heavy

    I have a Lineatus Wrasse that I have had for 2-3 years. He was healthy and active last week. The rest of my fish are doing great as well as my corals. I went away on vacation and had someone feed my tank daily, probably overfed my tank. The first day back with my lights on I noticed him lying...
  12. jordimex


    Hello guys i have a bad ich problem on my tank and i am looking got a solution to fix this and treat it the right way. Only problem i have is that i live in a small studio and don't have space for a quarantine tank so that is out of the way i am looking for a reef safe option to treat and fix...
  13. R

    Diagnosis please - Clownfish skin disease

    Hi There, Please can you help me out with a Diagnosis? One of my clowns (which I've had for about a month) had the other day what looked like Fin Rot on the tail fin. I’ve since been treating with Polyplab Crystaline Peroxide Salts on the advice of the Local Fish Store. However, since then...
  14. Mariners

    Qt and cupramine

    hi everyone, This is an update to an earlier post i had qt-ing 2 firefish in a 13g. So far: 1) 5 m freshwater dip, then placed in qt. 2) days 1-5 praxipro, clean qt 25% water change 3) days 6-10 2nd dose praxipro, 25% water change Cupramine 1) days 1-13 of cupramine after praxi, both firefish...
  15. Mariners

    Firefish and qt

    hi everyone, I currently have 2 firefish in a 13g qt, i started them w a 5m fresh water dip them on praxipro for 5 days, cleaned and redosed tank after 5 days more w praxipro. After day 10, i started using cupramine increasing lvls over a 2day period to match the 0.5 copper lvl needed. I...
  16. KMench

    Pajama cardinal fins eroding

    hi all. I’ve had this pj cardinal in quarantine since I had an ich outbreak in my tank. He is currently being treated with CP and I noticed his fins have a black edge and are partially gone. He sits next to the heater a lot in the QT so I can’t decide if he’s burned his fins, has fin rot, or...
  17. Zoolife xD

    Shell rot questions

    Hey I've got a gonodactylus chiragra that I picked up from a poor local store that had it in terrible conditions so I decided to rescue the little guy from them, anyway it has a small tan spot on the telson that I believe to be shell rot. I've done tons of research before and after purchasing...
  18. Isabella rubalcaba

    My story on how i fought off ICH .. will now start QT !

    Hello again guys !! So heres my story, i purchased a yellow eye tang off live aquaria, and made the HUGE mistake of not QT the fish. My tank beforehand has never faced any kind of disease/etc. so anyway as i was observing the new arrival i noticed what many of us dread .. i saw a few, tiny white...
  19. tonybwill

    What does this look like.........

    What is it and how to treat it?
  20. A

    Queen Angelfish Sick??

    Hello all, I am new to this forum and I would like to say first off thanks for your help in advance. I bought a queen angelfish (about 1.5"-2") from my LFS about 3 weeks ago. Since his arrival to my tank, he's been eating very well and swimming around happy as can be. Up until 3 days...
  21. Glissfish21

    Need Advice With a Copperband Butterflyfish

    I have a copperband butterflyfish on hold for me at my LFS, and the first day I saw him I decided to get him because I've always wanted one and I watched him eat mysis (I've heard it's hard to get copperbands to eat frozen/prepared foods). He looked great, he was active and picking at the rocks...
  22. S

    Black spots on clown

    hey guys I bought a clownfish about 3 weeks ago and today I noticed 3-5 black spots on it, i did a water change yesterday. I've read it could be black ich or nothing at all so can I have some help diagnosing it and what to do about it. It was hard to get a good picture but this is what I got
  23. Luca'sMom

    White bumps on Clown???

    Anyone know what these white bumps are on my clown??
  24. Mariners

    Help identify prob and solution for new zoa plz!

    Hi Everyone, Need help w figuring out the problem w these zoas. I floated frag in bag to equalize temp, then dipped a few frags in coral rx. Rinse w tank water then placed new frags in qt tank. My other frags are doing great, but this one in the picture has mucous surrounding a few polyps...
  25. Mike N

    New Valentini Puffer has ich?

    I purchased a valentini from petco today to add some personality to a fishless 30g. When I started the acclimation, I noticed white dots on a couple of his fins. He seems happy enough, but I have noticed him flashing a couple times. Hes the sole fish in a tank with live rock and an emerald...
Tropic Marin USA