
  1. JennyH3

    Hippo tang - injured fin or disease

    This morning I noticed that my hippo is favoring one fin. I can’t tell if he is injured or has the start of a fin disease. video is long - around the 2 min mark is a good shot. I was videoing the Anthias as well. He was introduced to the tank a month ago. He came larger that I thought he would...
  2. TroutWithLegs

    Favia Stressing me out

    Took a look at the tank tonight before I am away on a work trip and noticed some of my colonies showing some issues. Most are favia/favities. Not 100% what the orange one is, not worrying about and ID just help with a diagnosis. Haven't made any drastic changes to the tank lighting...
  3. luke42

    Steps to treat possible brook

    We finally got our UV up and running so thought we would try to start tangs. Introduced 3 to our 180 gallon. One of them was a very skinny mimic tang. After 3 weeks, we never saw him again so assumed he had passed. LFS said we had a huge cleanup crew so monitor levels but do not tear apart...
  4. D

    Dark spots on clown appear then disappear then appear

    So I have a clown that developed a few dark spots weeks ago. My fellow reefers locally determined it was from my hammer coral stinging him. They did go away after awhile while I still had my hammer. now I currently do not have a hammer in my tank (for a few weeks now) and theses spots...
  5. H

    EMERGENCY Sick dottyback

    I need advice! I got this dottyback a few weeks ago, and I saw some white patches on its side yesterday! Above its anal fin looks weird too. I just put it in a spare 5 gallon, and am planning on using kanaplex with 90 percent weekly water changes. Is this enough? Any idea what the cause is? This...
  6. Freeze 15

    EMERGENCY 2 clownfish/ happened overnight. Any advice?

    2 clownish look this way overnight. They are swimming at the surface. My dog face puffer is scratching on sand and rocks allot. Any thoughts of what this is and what I should do?
  7. J

    Timor Wrasse Diagnosis Help!

    Hello, I have a Timor erase that I’ve had for around two years now and he has been struggling for months now with something I would like help in identifying. He has a large lump on one side of him and what looks to be another lump starting out almost directly on the opposite side along with a...
  8. Scaggs1117

    EMERGENCY White spot near dorsal fin, only one on fish

    Hey guys, this morning I noticed a white spot near one of my clownfish dorsal fin. There’s only one on it’s body so I don’t think it’s the ich. I attached a picture even though it’s not the best quality. It’s sort of crater like raised a little bit. Was wonder if this was cryptocaryon or...
  9. P

    Philaster guamense detected on SPS. Should I worry?

    I got an acro frag from a friends tank that was struggling (STN) hoping to recover it. eventually I dipped it in revive and saw dozens of small black organisms coming off. After microscopy examination, I ID'd it as Philaster guamense based on morphology and having microalgae (zooxanthellae) in...
  10. M

    LFS's copper treatment safety

    I have a LFS that qt their fish but I am not sure if their process is completely safe. They have all tanks connected together with presence of coppersafe (2.00-2.50 ppm). They receive new fishes and put them into the same system. Is it possible for fishes that have been in the tanks get...
  11. S

    What disease is this?

  12. jibson

    EMERGENCY White warts on Pyramid Butterflyfish mouth (and nowhere else)

    Hi guys, Me again - this fish has previously had flukes which I dealt with several FW dips, moving tank in between each one, prazi pro and NT labs antiwork/flukes and he has was fine after that. He's been eating fine and is very active. He had one of these warts before and thought at first...
  13. M

    Singular spot the whole time in QT

    Hey everyone I have a purple tang in qt rn and it has a single spot on its dorsal fin and has since I got it. Not gotten worse or better in any sense I’ve been watching the fish like a hawk. No medication has been dosed and the singular spot hasn’t changed. It also doesn’t really protrude the...
  14. jshaw1980

    Dead royal gramma

    Hi all, need some help if possible ..my royal gramma just died after only having this guy for a month. Found him dead today, was eating fine as of last night but has been hiding frequently the past few days but coming out to eat. Had another gramma previously that only lasted a few months. My...
  15. Randy’s reef

    EMERGENCY Weird looking yellow tang

    Hi everyone I’m back again , so I rescued a adult yellow tang about 5 inches but it does not have any dorsal fin or bottom fins will this grow back? also fish face is very white as seen in pic how can I help this guy
  16. R

    What’s Wrong with my Fiji Puffer?

    Just got a Fiji Puffer today and put him in to my tank while I went to work. He sat in a breeding box with a net that I use to reduce aggression and let the fish check out the new fish before adding (all day). I came home, let him out and he swam into a cave but I noticed some sort of sore with...
  17. S

    Mysterious Fish Deaths

    Hello. I have a newly set up tank and started with a filefish. He was doing well for about a month and then we added two clownfish. The tank is 26 gallons. The filefish mysteriously disappeared. Mind you the ammonia and nitrite had been zero before we put the fish in. Two days later one of the...
  18. Phoerut

    EMERGENCY Fit rot on royal gramma

    Okay so I’ve just upgraded my mixed reef tank from a fluval nano to a 170 I quarantined the fish for 5 days before over loaded the power in my house 3 times!! So I moved the fish over. 5 days the fish had some suspicious looking marks on the fins. Today i the tail is completely shredded, red...
  19. jibson

    EMERGENCY Have I just infected my new tank with ich after dipping live rock in freshwater for 20 minutes

    Hello, So I had a small piece of live rock I wanted to add for my new angel from my other tank which likely has ich in it. I dipped this piece of rock in freshwater for about 20-30 minutes and then added to the tank. After about 20 minutes I removed from tank as realized perhaps the cysts...
  20. chemicals

    Cleaner shrimp black gills

    Hi all, One week ago my cleaner shrimp’ gills started to turn blackish. At the moment didn’t really think much of it and after a molt it was back to normal. Then several days ago it came back and now it’s really black (see picture). I searched the internet and only found 2 similar cases where...
  21. J

    Is this black ich? Sorry for the bad pics

    I was wondering if this stuff on my Midas blenny was black ich, and if so how would I go about treating it? I do not have a qt tank, and if it is black ich I’d assume it’s probably spread.
  22. jadbug

    Sarcophyton elegans "Yellow Fiji" tissue disintegration - help!

    Hey all! I was fortunate enough to pick up a Sarcophyton elegans (I think a Yellow Fiji just not coloured up yet) a couple of weeks ago online. It arrived pale but in one piece. Unfortunately the foot of the coral has begun to disintegrate rapidly into white debris. The head seems okay, but the...
  23. flakychips

    Is this normal for Elegance coral? Or is it new additions to my tank?

    Hey guys relatively new to reefing and our tank is now five months old, so we thought it would be a good time to introduce the Elegance coral into the tank. It has been two weeks and all parameters were normal. However, since we noticed sand clumping, we introduced five conch snails. Now, it...
  24. A

    Ich or velvet

    https://youtube.com/shorts/1cM8Y0QlHic?feature=share A bit of a description she is behaving normally no swimming into flow of return eating normally breathing is kind of labored not really though and her size is about 2 inches she also has been like this for almost a week, and is...
  25. K

    Frustrated is an understatement. What am I doing wrong?

    I started my reef tank back in April and it has been nothing short of a nightmare from the get go. I added a pair of clowns to the tank a few days after the startup bacteria to help with the cycling process. I elected not to QT the fish since there was nothing else in there to contaminate at the...
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