
  1. chemicals

    Dinoflaggelates identification

    Hi, Hi, i’m currently batteling dinos and I was wondering if you could help me id these. Zoom is 250x. My guess is amphidinium small cell.
  2. ZombieEngineer

    Possible Dinos, microscope and UV recommendations

    I have been struggling to get my Nitrates above 0.00 for months. Even with tripling feeding to 100 small pellets and about 1.5 cubes of frozen a day in my 65, it hasn't budged. I previously used a Red sea test kei, but now use the Hanna HR nitrate and ULR phosphate and same results. 65 gallon...
  3. F

    Is that ugly phase?

    Hello, My tank is currently 2 months old, problems started a month ago, when I though that Dino appeared in the tank (phosphates bottomed to 0) and I did 5 day black out and dosing bacter7, but recently I discovered that algae on rocks turning green. Here are some photos: 1. During water...
  4. O

    Dino-X and Neonitro

    Hey guys once again battling algae… started dinox last night and it says not to add trace elements and no products that absorb. My tank is ultra low nutrient and I want to add Neonitro to help battle the Dino’s. Can I do both at the same time?
  5. Oceansinmybasement

    Dino help

    I know there are many threads about treating Dino’s, but I think I have a bit of a unique case and need some help deciding on treatment/management. I have a 80 gal tank (mixed reef) about 2 months old, and confirmed Dino’s by aggregation test today. A few weeks ago my nutrients bottomed out and...
  6. A

    Is this brown algae or dinos?

    When i try to scrape it off it disperses like sand. Everything is turning brown, even the substrate and glass. I tried buying a phosphate test buy i could find it here so i’ll try and see if an aquarium store can perform the water tests. The ammonia is at 0.25ppm and salinity at 1024
  7. C

    EMERGENCY Crazy Algae Issues! Please help!!

    Hi all, hopefully you can help me!! I have a 24 gallon AIO waterbox peninsula, roughly 8 months old. I have been battling algae for the last 4-5 months. I believe its a combination of diatom, dinos and maybe cyano? the algae doesn’t completely disappear at night, but does reduce slightly. If...
  8. A

    Help with ID

    Hi all, I suffered a prorocentrum bout a few months back and it has come and gone in a few patches since, but now I noticed this red stringy stuff that eerily looks like an increase in Dino. I put it under a microscope but I couldn’t really identify anything. I attached a video! #reefsquad
  9. M

    Cyano, dino, or something else?

    Tank is over four years old. 40 Breeder with HOB skimmer and refugium with Chaeto that I harvest weekly. I do a weekly 5 gallon water change including some sand vacuuming. For about the past month my sand has been growing this brown substance on it. It goes away at night and gradually comes back...
  10. W

    What kind of Dinos are these?

    I got back into the hobby about 1.5 years ago. I've been battling Dinos for almost 6 months. When they first appeared I ended up dosing Dino x which got rid of them after about 12 doses (every other day). It wiped out all my corals in the process. After a few weeks I started getting loads of...
  11. L


    Is this Dino? I’ve had my tank up in running for about 2 months now. Just had a die off of diatoms I believe and now this long stringy algae has appeared. Can someone confirm it’s dino or if it’s something else?
  12. K

    Need help id and treatment plan.

    This is my first saltwater tank and has been set up for 3 months now. It is a red sea 625xxl This problem started out looking like dino or diatoms. More brown in color with tentacle like balls of gas. I put an mp40 in the tank and the balls of air went away but the color turned more red and...
  13. S

    thinking about giving up...

    So i am currently in the middle of my second battle with dinos and things have really taken a turn for the worst. I have stable levels of nitrates and phosphates so i know nutrients aren’t an issue. I tried a UV sterilizer with no success. I had read articles on reef builders and seen videos...
  14. S

    Diamond Goby to help with dinos?

    So I am experiencing a bit of a dino problem on my sand bed. I have experienced dinos before but this time they are not nearly as bad as they were, previously they took over all the rocks, sand and basically the whole tank. Now they are back but only in patches on the sand bed. I have had...
  15. Nikko


    Hello kind and helpful reefers! I have what hopefully is an easy question. Took a sample of my substrate as I have been having issues with a brown coating on my aquarium that forms once lights go on and go away when they go off. This has been going on for over a month. I don't believe it's...
  16. A Dinoflagellate Treatment Guide

    A Dinoflagellate Treatment Guide

    As the title suggests, this is intended as a short guide on what to do when you suspect dinoflagellates are trying to overtake your system. It is an attempt to boil down the protocols discussed across 11,000 posts in this "Are you Tired" thread along with thousands of other dino threads. I did...
  17. Z

    How to (at least temporarily) get dino(amphidinium) off frags/coral?

    So I've got dino, I was out of the country for 4 months unexpectedly and had to ask my brother to take care of the tank, of course I couldn't ask for all the care a reef tank needs, which led to me getting home and finding both dino and cyano. I've already done a lot of reading on dino, I'm...
  18. D

    Help with formulated plan to beat dinos.

    so I’m currently battling dinos and this is my plan of action using Brightwell Aquatic's NeoPhos and NeoNitro. both nitrate and phosphate have bottomed out and are at 0ppm. tank lights have been off for 2 days and dinos have died down very slightly. temp has been raised to 79 degrees also. can a...
  19. S


    Are these are diatoms or dinos ? it is a new tank however I used some rock from my old tank and most is dry rock. here’s the photos , I also used the towel method. I have a microscope coming tomorrow.
  20. V

    Dino’s and should I be worried?

    Hi again. So my tank is around 4 months old now and been going through all the uglies. I am happy taking things slow and really not bothered about the uglies all that much. It recently went through a massive GHA bloom which I mostly left to its thing while manually removing some and it’s now...
  21. GP0801

    Brown algae and bubbles suddenly all over my tank

    I'm pretty new to the aquarium thing but everything seemed to be going so well the past few months and all of a sudden today the tank and equipment is covered in this brown stuff and bubbles. There were even patches of sand flying around because the bubbles were carrying them through the water...
  22. wonderbassist

    Cyano/Dino outbreak

    I’ve got some microscope pictures! I have a Cyanobacteria outbreak, it’s starting to grow over some corals. I used chemiclean 2 weeks ago, did the 20% water change after and have continued with my weekly 10% maintenance changes. The cyano came back way worse, I’ve also been dosing vibrant. I see...
  23. R

    Diatom? Dino?

    Hi my tank is ~3 wks old, and recently seeing growth of these brown stuff. Small patches has showed up a few days after i had turned on the light (which is about a week ago) and i think its growing a lot faster these 2 days. I would like to think its diatoms cuz my params are Salinity: 1.025...
  24. Z

    Leaving on a night light? During a intentional tank blackout.

    TL:DR can/should I leave a very low wattage "night light" on during a blackout to reduce the likelihood of my fish from accidentally swimming into an anemone? So I have, something (algae/Dinos/whatever*) that I am planning on doing a 3 day blackout for. Last time I did a blackout I lost a...
  25. F

    Dinos quick question ❓

    I am battling dinos currently and just wanted to ask. Is my answer as simple as I think? I am thinking all I have to do is dose phosphate to get rid of them. My current parameters are: Temp 74-75 Salt 1.025 Amonia 0 Nitrites 0 Nitrate 10 Phos 0 Cal 400 Mag 1340 Alk 8.0
Ecotech Marine