
  1. Kacor13

    Clownfish Died - Nitrate Spike

    Hi! Total newbie here. I cycled my tank for a little over a month with live rock/sand and Microbacter7. My readings last week were at zero. I purchased my first clown on Saturday and he was fine until this morning (Tuesday). He was swimming towards the top of my tank for a bit and then later on...
  2. L

    Diagnosis Help

    Need some help figuring out what got my sailfin tang. Day before yesterday it was fine. Eating swimming, doing it’s normal thing. Expanding fin. Happy fish basically. Yesterday it spent its entire day on the sand bed. Barely swimming. No noticeable marks on skin anywhere. I pulled it and put it...
  3. Sick_man

    Hermit Crabs suddenly dying

    So i have a 20 gallon with about 10 hermits and theyve been doing a great job at cleaning up the frags from algae but all the sudden half of them died and they were only 2 months old. The fish and the corals are doing great, even the super sensitive goni. I tested the water and its 0 ammonia, 0...
  4. Mason D

    HELP: 3 clownfish dead and sad corals

    I am stumped when it comes to problems with my 10 gallon AIO reef tank. Someone PLEASE help me. I bought the tank used just over a month ago. It came cycled with two snails and two hermit crabs. After two weeks of it running it, I bought an emerald crab and two easy SPS corals. The corals...
  5. Reefing_Engineer

    Dead fish investigation

    Hey, I started a reef tank and did lots of research on corals and I got caught lacking in my fish knowledge. I bought two clownfish around 1”, a black and regular oscilaris, and for some reason I have lost two of the black ones in around a day. The regular oscilaris has been doing great, I...
  6. Doh Boy

    Something had the munchies

    I just got this birdsnest colony last week. Well I dipped it with Bayer for 15 minutes at 10ml per cup, rinsed through three stages and put it in QT. Well I am looking at it and see something looking at me! I thought it was a stuck hermit crab or snail, so I pull the coral out and put it in a...
  7. T

    Dwarf Angel Dead

    Hello first post. I set up and cycled my 65 gallon tank a month ago. About 2 weeks ago I added an orange spot Goby and a Keyhole Angel. I have been test the water regularly to make sure there were no spikes and everything has been good. Sunday I went back to the store and had them test the...
  8. Daveouthere

    Help !

    My skunk shrimp killed my peppermint shrimp and was trying to drag it away it fell into my sleeping bubble coral my bubble coral immediately put out all of its little tentacles and from what I can see it’s sucked it in what should I do will the bubble coral eat the peppermint shrimp I do not...
  9. Brooks1997

    Why is everybody dying?

    Sorry for the long post but some opinions would be helpful in figuring this out. The past 2 weeks my fish have unexpectedly died. I have 2 ideas why but information online is conflicting. My aquarium; 90 gallons, 20 Gallon sump, its about 4 months old. I had a 75 gallon and upgraded to this...
  10. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    Hello, I recently have been having a nitrate problem and I told my mother that mangroves could help. She took it upon herself to pick up some seeds from our local lagoon and put them in my reef tank without washing them. I was a little angry, but decided that if anything bad was going to happen...
  11. BabyShark

    Dead rock flower anemone

    I’ve had a few rock flower anemones for a while and they’ve been doing great in my tank. I recently got a new one from a company that’s been giving me trouble last week and it appears to not be doing so good. What are signs that a rock flower anemone is dead? Also what steps should I take if it...
  12. Perpetual Novice

    New Bella goby suddenly dead

    I'm 99% sure the fish is dead. But just in case it's somehow stunned I'm posting this here. Yesterday I got a 5-inch Bella goby from a local fish store. I decided not to quarantine and just did a short acclimation to the tank. Yesterday it swam around the tank and selected a cavern to set up...
  13. Perpetual Novice

    Something eating my sand sifting star??

    I have a friend setting up a 20 gallon tank. It was cycling with just snails and hermits for months. Then two days ago he added a couple clowns and a sand sifting star. Today he sent me this. What happened. It’s not totally dead year but I think he should throw it out now. Right?
  14. O

    What to do on vacation?

    I have gone on vacation and explained to the caretakers what to do in the situation of evaporation, food, dosing, etc. Sadly every time I come back to the corals unhappy and fish hiding pale in the rockwork. Just recently the pumps went out becouse of evaporation and before the caretaker could...
  15. J

    What happened to my rose bubble tip Anemone?

    I'm not sure if it's gonna die or it's going to split...
  16. W

    Dead bubble tip anemone?

    I bought a bubble tip anemone last night at my LFS attached to a live rock as the employee couldn’t get it off. The rock had bristleworms on it so I removed the anemone and soaked the rock in tap water overnight per LFS request. This morning I found a white fleshy blob on the rock. The LFS said...
  17. BeejReef

    Serial Jumper - Still Swimming

    A dot-dash wrasse I've had for only a few months is a maniac. He's not a stealth jumper, the kind you find behind the tank a week after the fact. Twice now, he's jumped straight out of the front of the tank as I'm standing at it with the door open... landed at my feet both times. Though I'm...
  18. Diveks

    Acropora with dead ends

    In my 16 gallon, i have some sps growing, i have had this particular acro for about 6 months or more and it has been doing great, growing new branches. Although a few days ago my birds nest that i just got fell onto my acro. I was out from the house for a while and when i came back, my...
  19. W

    Duncan help

    I’ve had my Duncan for about 4 days now. I understand it may take some time to open. However it has a brown /white slime over it. Any ideas as to why?!
  20. ccurnick

    Can dead sps still have color?

    Long story short, I had an incidental alk swing right after adding a few frags. I’m not seeing any PE on two of them, but they still have some color and what appears to be tissue. Where the polyps should be, there’s what appear to be dark circles. Tank parameters are all in check and have been...
  21. Schnizzle

    QT nuked, wrasses dead

    I’m out of town so I’m relaying this through my fiancée. Last night she fed the Lubbock’s, Naoko and Orange Back fairy wrasses and everyone was seemed normal. They’ve been awesome. I was trying to get some chloroquine phosphate because the Lubbock’s was lethargic the first week. The last week...
  22. ethanbear111

    Inverts Won’t Survive

    I have a Reefer 350 that has been running for about five to six months, with three fish, a mini angel, a royal gramma and a damsel fish. I have tried all sorts of invertebrates and they just won’t survive. Snails, coral, an anemone and cleaner shrimp. My only living invert is a tiny blue hermit...
  23. nightmarepl

    Pocillopora coral dies in few hours any reason why?

    have Pocillopora coral in my tank got stung by my hammer alittle bit moved him over to the other side of the tank mostly same height and all from light started growing back for about a week today i look and all his polyps Are gone basically a whitish stick is he dead? If so what could of caused...
  24. Melia

    All my fish dead! Why??

    a few days ago, all my fish had begun dying. I found that my nitrates were sky rocketing (500 ppm) and I was so disappointed I didn’t catch it earlier. I was panicking trying to save what I had left, so I did a total water change because of how crazy the nitrates were. Just this morning my last...
  25. Melia

    Cowrie snail- dead?

    A friend of mine today gave me a large cowrie snail, asking me to clean it out for her to use as a shell. I told her I would, but I’m not gonna go and hurt a creature like that so instead I put it in my tank at home. Once I got home, I put it in and I did see it move a bit, but I’m afraid it was...