
  1. His Coral Highness

    Mombasa Dead in 24 Hours

    Just picked up a Mombasa from a local fish store yesterday for my 75 gallon. They said they only had it in the store for about 3 days. I acclimated it pretty slowly and it was hanging out on the rock work most of the night. Then today it briefly started to swim, but it looked weak. Then it lost...
  2. S

    EMERGENCY Clown Pair Randomly Died

    My wife has has a Red Sea Nano up and running for a few months now with a pair of Black Storm clowns from TSM. They were doing wonderfully - fat and happy and always active. Saturday afternoon we stopped at TSM and picked her up a Panama Cardinal and a banded throchus. Acclimated the fish and...
  3. afamuz

    Is my hammer dead?

    Got a hammer 1 week ago. Was doing perfectly fine till i saw my hermit one day eating at it and it had fallen off the rock. Now 2 days later it fully receded and you can see the skeleton. The little tentacles are completely loose and not puffy and it looks dead. The head at the back looks alive...
  4. Zokki

    EMERGENCY Help needed ‍♀️ high ammonia

    Hello, I don’t know how exactly all started but I have high ammonia for over 3 weeks now. I’m adding api ammonia lock, prime, api quick start and stability.I did water change 4 times and ammonia is still the same. I had star fish that my puffer was picking all the time and die and one small...
  5. M

    Came home to my sea hare dead and half it's body missing

    I got this sea hare on Friday from my lfs to combat some hair algae I've been getting and today I came home to half it's body missing(the head half) and the bottom just floating by the sand bed. Now I saw him last night grazing and moving around so I have no idea what could have caused this. Is...
  6. Phoerut

    EMERGENCY Tank crashed - how do deal with the damaged and dead?

    My tank crashed This was the series of events that caused this: Reef flux added 24hours later crazy ammonia spike - why this happened I’m not sure - like off key maxed out my testing kit and I wondered how everything was still alive. Fish okay. Some of my corals look ticked. Urchin was...
  7. E

    Weird algae?

    So a buddy of mine started a reef tank with fish after seeing mine for a while. They made a mistake and somehow something toxic got into the water. He gave me the dying stuff to see if I could save it. Most of the stuff was too far gone and everything died. I kept the corals incase they may be...
  8. chocomallows007

    Do hermit crabs eat live fish?

    I have red and blue leg hermits and just this morning, I saw my hermit crabs eating my Anthias. All was left of the Anthias is it’s bones. When they sleep in my tank they go in the rockworks and so does my Chromises (which are 5 months older). The Anthias and the rest arent sick or anything
  9. J

    Dead Blue Spotted Puffer

    Hello everyone. I have had a blue spotted pufferfish in one of my many at home aquariums for about 6 months now. He was in a tank with a baby snowflake eel and a undulate trigger fish. The tank is a 60 gallon. It was my small/ baby fish tank until they got big enough to move up into my 75 and...
  10. B

    Missing fish

    Hi so earlier this week i notched my cleaner shrimp just went missing. I saw his molt in the powerhead. But didnt think to much untill i couldnt find him. Owell i was upset but maybe he was soft and got stuck idk but few days later my six line is now gone! No evidence. Im clue loose. My...
  11. Danielsj

    Sudden Deaths

    Hey guys so i have just lost both of my clowns today. I have had them for about 2,5 months and they have been thriving eating and not showing any signs of sickness at any point until today. So this morning when i got up my smallest clown was laying on the sand breathing heavy, i fed the tank to...
  12. B

    Woke up to dead foxface.

    Last night I installed a UV sterilizer. I have a dino outbreak (amphidinium) so low toxicity. This morning I woke up to a dead foxface. Last night he was eating and healthy. Quick little fish. I also saw he had some torn fins. But everything in the tank is pretty peaceful. 2 clowns, neon goby...
  13. nsauer3

    EMERGENCY Dead slug(Warning dead slug picture)

    My slug I had for the algae died last night, the cleaner shrimp are eating it. Should I fish out the slug’s body or let nature take its corpse?
  14. bleuchzsteve

    Drag half dead?

    Hi all, i just ordered my first frags from top shelf aquatics and one of the frags seems like half of it is dead’s an evergreen Galatea and It was an “almost WYSIWYG” item so I believe it was in this condition when I purchased it. Should I do something special with this to keep it...
  15. polyppal

    Lets talk about our livestock FAILs

    Seems like there's always a bunch of posts on R2R about people who are 'ready to give up' because 'x' coral or fish died... But I think that some amount of failure goes hand in hand with this hobby. Lets talk about our expen$ive fails and the lessons we learned from them...
  16. naselflee

    Clownfish suddenly died after feeding

    Hey guys. I’m at loss here and quite heart broken and need some help. I have a 400 litre tank that has been running for 6 month or so. Everything seems to be running smoothly. Tank is a fish only. anyway, I fed my tank this morning with some brine. All occupants ate fine. I come back...
  17. Dad2Wyatt

    Is my emerald crab likely dead?

    I added an emerald crab (along with a turbo snail who is an expert level hider) 2 days ago to my tank. The crab immediately went under a rock and stayed there for a couple days. Last night after lights out I went back and checked In the hole and it was still there and moving within the hole...
  18. Freakmachine01

    Jumping Fish

    Has anyone ever had a queen anthias fish jumped out of their tank? Right after my weekly weekend water change as I was doing tonight I was cleaning up, looked over at the floor and my fish was on the floor. It's skin was dry so it must have been out of my tank for a couple hours. So I'm just...
  19. C

    EMERGENCY Hippo Tang Death

    Hi all. Our blue hippo tang suddenly died and I’m suspecting it was my fault :( We had a freeze last night and the tank temperature had dropped significantly lower (72 degrees) compared to the 82 we like to keep it at. I put in two smaller heaters equivalent to one larger heater (I’m in the...
  20. at11ok

    I need help immediately! Something wrong with my GSP!

    So this morning when I turned of the lights for my tank my green star polyps looked fine starting to come out and open up, then I went on with my day doing errands then when I came home I looked at it again and it was completely closed and saw a white spot on it. I didn’t think much of it...
  21. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    So, recently my tang died. Could any of these be a cause of death? Microscope Pics.

    Maybe a copepod? Harmless? A ciliate? Is it harmful? Guessing these are a type of dinoflagellate. Harmful? No idea what this is... And this is my tangs Flesh...after he died. Thinking he may have died from flesh eating worms or flukes.
  22. zachSalty

    Feather Dsuter Help

    I got a feather duster from my LFS yesterday. It is not quite 24 hours old. While drip acclimating and throughout the ride home the crown was out. The worm it’s self is not out of the tube and he has looked like this all the time (see picture). I tried spot feeding him this morning and he didn’t...
  23. Mich16

    I have had 2 clowns and 1 watchman goby. One clown died overnight.

    I bought a pair of clowns from a lfs. I had a qt setup. They seemed to have worms because of stringy poop, so I treated them with focus and metroplex for 10 days. Symptoms left and they seemed happy. I didn’t see a reason to treat copper so I transferred them to the main tank 90 gal with 30 gal...
  24. gr8pretender

    A Suncoral Worth Saving?

    Here is a photo taken today, from my coworkers tank below. My coworker bought this sun coral from one of our LFS a few weeks ago, they had discounted it because it looked on its way out. There is only one polyp left now. His parameters aren't 100% (although I read that shouldn't matter that much...
  25. gaving

    Coral bleaching

    I’ve had this tank for about 10 months it is a 20 gallon cube tank and recently I went into the world of sps. I’ve noticed that both of them are bleaching and I was wondering what I can do to reverse it?
Your Reef