
  1. ashs_exotics

    Should have done my research on Damsels

    Have a 30g tall rectangular tank i'm setting up as a reef tank. Fish already added: Green Canary Blenny, Watchman Goby, Royal Gramma, Clownfish, firefish. Saw a cool looking velvet damsel at the local fish store, couldn't resist those beautiful blue stripes. WORST IDEA EVER. So I am blessed...
  2. Decat

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, which tank should he go in?.....

    Here is my Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish in quarantine: Should I put him in my Coral Display (located in the middle of the sump below my FOWLR predator tank): Or should he go in my Damsel Tank: I have never had a Lionfish, so I am not sure which option would be the best for him. Do you think the...
  3. DRTYshredCo

    Dying Trumpet / Candy Cane ??

    Recently I’ve been noticing my Candy Cane getting thinner and thinner, it now had it’s skeleton completely exposed. From what I’ve heard these are supposed to be dang near indestructible... my parameters read ok (outside of higher nitrates). Coral looked decent on 14 Feb & a week later (20 Feb)...
  4. trmiv

    Starlicki Damsel and Tomini tang rapid breathing in quarantine

    I received a Starlicki damsel and a Tomini tang from Divers Den on Friday. temp acclimated , matched the QT tank water to their water, and released. Saturday they were out and about and swimming well and eating. I did not take notice of their breathing Saturday. Today they are still eating...