cyano bacteria

  1. Lebowski_

    AIO Build Dinoflagellates Breeding Tank | IM Fusion 15

    Been out of the scene long enough to remember Metal Halide bulbs hotter than the sun itself. Fish and CuC 2 x Nassarius snail 3 2 x Spiked Astrea snail 2 x Tank Bred Clownfish 4 x Blue legged He Coral Many mushrooms and Zoas (Frozen Apple, Rasta, Illuminati, Red People Eater) 1 x...
  2. C

    Neglected tank clean up help!?

    Tank: 10 gallon AIO TL;DR neglected tank, what’s the best way to clean up so my pump quit working while I was out of town, took a while to notice, order new pump, install, etc. in the mean time, I’ve developed some hair algae, algae growth on the glass, and all kinds of algae along the glass of...
  3. A

    Help with Algae ID and solutions ?

    I have an algae appear that I need help w ID. It grows in a stringy reddish brown growth pattern. Also it may or may not have air bubbles within the algae . It may be clinging to it from my HOB SKIMMER. My tank is 2 years old. Thx
  4. LeeLoo Lola

    Many would I decided to upgrade!

    I’ve been reefing for a very long time. Last November after a few year break, I started up a 75 gallon. This was the first time I used dry rock, dry sand. (Zero stars..would not recommend!) The first few months were glorious, but then came all the uglies. First it was cyano like I’ve never seen...
  5. mann1139

    Cyanobacteria for a year - What's feeding it?

    Hello Fellow Aquarists - I'm at the end of my rope with this problem and after a fish death a couple weeks ago, I'm looking for outside advice. I have constantly had cyanobacteria constantly growing in the tank, and I can't figure out what's feeding it. I thought I had it under control a...
  6. E

    Fluval 13.5 questions/concerns

    This tank has been up for almost 6 months. I bought this light maybe a year ago (CoraLife 30”-36”). Tank size - 13.5g fluval 13.5 I found out recently that I can set a (rise/fall) to mimic the sunrise and sunset. The lights are on for 10 hours (including mimicry) I have a simple reading on my...
  7. Reaper_Six_Four

    Cyano question

    I have a very small outbreak of cyano in my tank. I’ve never had any blossom up so I’m not sure how to mitigate it (outside of mechanically removing the patches). I don’t think I’m over feeding and aside from small hair algae on the rocks and sand my tank looks ok. Do a 12% WC every other week...
  8. M

    What is this?

    Does anyone know what this is, I can’t find anything like it online.
  9. T


    Thought I was having an algea bloom....but have chaeto in sump. Nitrates are 2.0- 2.5 and phosphates are .08 - .04 consistently. Wondering it this is actually Diatoms, and if so, best way to exterminate. I have been running U.V. for 2 days. Very minimal change. Help!?
  10. B

    Cyano ? Dinos?

    What’s up everyone, just have a quick question on what I got in the tank. Is it Cyano or Dinos? This tank has been up and running for 2 months and I have not had this algae but till about 2 weeks ago. I use an Ai Prime for the light mainly for my GSP. Just wondering what this is and what I can...
  11. Pelagikos

    Somebody please what the heck is this?

    Been fighting low phosphates and high nitrates finally got my nitrates from around 100 parts per million to around 25. Keeping my phosphates up by dosing neophos everyday. These things used to disappear when the nitrates were out of control during the night but then would return during the day...
  12. Alex's Nano Reef

    Cyano,Dinos,GHA. WHAT IS IT. id please

    my parameters are in check. i dont know for sure its been many years since i saw cyano. but i think i killed of my diatoms and it seg-wayed into cyano but during that i had a alk swing that ticked off my corals and i think a algae or bacteria problem is why they aren't coming back faster or even...
  13. UkiahTheTurtle

    How to Kill GHA and Red Cyano bacteria at the same time?

    I have both GHA and Cyano at the same time how do I kill them both at once?
  14. D

    Spider web algae (stringy) growing on top of corals. PLEASE HELP!

    Hello, first of all, sorry for the low quality of pictures. If anyone has any idea what this may be (algae, Dino’s, cyano?). A little background, I have had this tank for nearly a year now, about 2 months in, this spider web looking stuff (hard to see in the photos but it is a dark brown/reddish...
  15. R

    [PICS & VIDEO updated] : Help me identify this algae?

    Can someone please help me identify this nuisance alage I am having for the last 2 months now. I have an established 5year old SPS dominant system. My Nitrate is between 0-5ppm and my PO4 is 0.04 checked with Hanna URL checker. All the inhabitants of the tank are doing good. VIDEO:
  16. wonderbassist

    Cyano/Dino outbreak

    I’ve got some microscope pictures! I have a Cyanobacteria outbreak, it’s starting to grow over some corals. I used chemiclean 2 weeks ago, did the 20% water change after and have continued with my weekly 10% maintenance changes. The cyano came back way worse, I’ve also been dosing vibrant. I see...
  17. Dinosaur

    Cyanobacteria (red slime algae) vs copepods

    i've found something interesting, so this is my refugium, i stuffed it with a lot of macroalgae, but since the water flow is lacking, there was intense bloom of cyanobacteria (red slime algae), almost give up on this tank until i put some dead fish there, which a lot of copepods feed into it...
  18. D

    Anyone have experience with Easy Life Excital VS Cyano Bacteria?

    I was wondering if anyone has experience using Easy Life Excital against cyano? I have a cyano issue at the moment and was wondering if this product is effective. I also like that it is a natural product instead of the other chemical treatments available on the market. Any input would be appreciate.
  19. D

    Any Good Cyano Treatments Which Don''t Require a Water Change?

    I was wondering if anybody has suggestions for cyano treatments which don't require water changes. I was thinking of using chemiclean or cyanorx but I'm not bothered to do a water change, my nutrients are also undetectable. I also don't mind waiting a few weeks or months for a product to work...
  20. Zoa_Fanatic

    At my wits end with Red Dusty Algae

    Im battling some red dusty algae all over the sand and rocks in my tank. I have never seen diatoms or cyano present like this so im not sure what it is or how to treat it. Its a fine dust that settles into a sheet on the rocks. Its not the typical dark purple/red of cyano. Its fire engine red...
  21. DeNovice

    Microscope pics - cyano, diatoms, dino ID help

    If I need more quality pics let me know. I’m new to the game so can someone id this for me with what I’ve got? Can iPhones not upload videos to this site?
  22. MileHighSeaLevel

    ID This Snot Please?

    Have some snot on the back glass, that's growing in an interesting pattern. It's ONLY growing on the glass, and both the turbos and nerites are eating it, so I don't think (fingers crossed) it's dinos. Some of the strings are nearly a foot long, but no bubbles. Where it's growing best is on the...
  23. N

    Battling Cyano with good parameters?

    Set up an Evo 13.5 4ish months ago and have been battling cyano for about a month now. I know it’s likely a bit of new tank syndrome, but I'm getting nowhere, and it just killed my nice chalice. It is especially frustrating as my parameters seem to be quite good and i’m very regimented with...
  24. J


    I have this stuff all over the sand. 5 nitrates, 0.19 phosphate. Any thoughts? Seems too heavy to effectively siphon out. Blows off the rocks and frags very easily. Goes away at night, comes back strong during the day. Orange picture has a yellow lense over the camera, bluer one does not.
  25. AdamMac21

    One algae after another

    Ok, so I have a 15 gallon with a clownfish, royal gramma, cleaner shrimp and cuc. I was having bryopsis issues, got rid of that but now I have green slime algae and red cyano in full force. Lights run from 10:00 to 9:00. I feed the fish every other day and reef roids once, maybe twice a week. I...
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