
  1. Reefer37

    Do You Keep CUC in the Sump of Your AIO?

    Just curious if people ever have CUC in the sumps of their AIO? I have a JBJ45 I've noticed quite a bit of algae growth back there and a lot of it is really hard to get to to clean out. The only concern I could think of was them making their way to where a return pump or the skimmer was, but I...
  2. N11morales

    Adding Tuxedo Urchin?

    Hello, I have really wanted to add a tuxedo urchin to my 32G biocube. I’m not sure if I can add one yet though. My tank has only been completely cycled for about 2 months now. I don’t have much algae due to the cuc I already have: 3 turbo snails, 5 nassarius, and 2 astrea snails. I had read I...
  3. imarino326

    cleanup crew for small tank

    I haven’t really had a need for a CUC yet, but I’m getting worried as to what I should put in. Any suggestions for a CUC for a fluval seaevo 5 tank? Tank is below.
  4. Reefnoob13

    CUC when to add

    My 50 gallon aquarium has cycled. My question is when I should add a CUC and what are recommendations for a CUC. I plan on having two clowns, Six line wrasse, Royal Gramma, and possibly one more (would like opinion for another) or concerns of list. I plan on just running soft corals to start and...
  5. Z

    Diatoms I’m assuming

    Diatoms? Soon to be diatom bloom? how long does this bloom usually last and what were your guys clean up crew to get rid of the algae. ( I understand it will go away on its own. $ also how long was your first diatom bloom??
  6. Cque2222

    Pennsylvania Wanting to buy hermits and snails (cuc)

    Hello! Looking for someone to ship around 7 hermits and 7 snails and a conch to increase my population in my nano. mainly looking for turbo or trochus snails.
  7. rapid


    Hey guys so i am currently going through a real bad Diatoms bloom (THE UGLYIES). I need help to decide what kind of CUC to add. I currently have 15 hermits 1 cleaner shrimp 2 emerald crabs. I need something that eats the diatoms ? snails? and possibly a sand sifter of some kind ? my sand...
  8. AquariumDani

    Is everything OK?

    Is my tank too dirty? What do I add for a CUC? I have 3 mexican turbo snails, 4 astrea, 1 nassatrius (idk) snail, I had 1 tiger conch but I haven't seen him in a week. My corals and fish seem happy and my corals are open and growing pretty quickly. Parameters: Alk: 9.2dKH Cal: 400ppm Mg...
  9. BaileyB

    Refugium invertebrate ideas?

    Just finished making my own DIY sump with a standard 10g tank for my 20g tank. I have a refugium in the middle and am looking for things I could add for algae control, and just to keep the refugium cleanish. I know ill have to scrub some algae but want to do as little as possible. I have some...
  10. Lylelovett

    How fast should I expand my first clean-up crew?

    Hi all, I have a 5x2x2 150g that I just stocked for the first time last night. 2 Clownfish, 4 Corals, 2 Sandsifting Stars, 3 Emerald Crabs. My tank has a pretty good algae bloom going (which I understand is typical) and I'm wondering how quickly I should beef up my CUC? I'm down with the...
  11. Evan28395950

    CUC Questions

    Hey all, so I have a 24gal biocube (31 including back filtration area). I only have 2 trochus snails for my cuc, I was wondering how many inverts should I have? Also I was wondering your thoughts of adding nassurius snails and blue hermit crabs, because I have a Valentini Puffer. So not sure how...
  12. will0wtr33

    Scarlet reef hermits dying - SOS

    So after cycling my tank for about six weeks (live rock and live sand, die off from the live rock being shipped provided plenty of ammonia) my parameters were looking good. No ammonia. No nitrites. Tons of nitrates. I tested weekly and saw all the signs of cycling to completion. I waited...
  13. Reefer18

    Clean Up Crew Help!

    I currently have a 30 gallon soft coral reef and the cleaners in it is 1 scarlet skunk cleaner, 1 dwarf feather duster, and 1 margarita snail. I want to add more to my CUC and want to add 12 dwarf blue leg hermits, 2 mexican turbo snails, 1 more margarita snail, 2 cerith snails, 2 astraea...
  14. will0wtr33

    Nano cuc help

    So my 10g nano is finally cycled. I'd like to start adding a few inverts to get my clean up crew going, but I'm not quite sure what would be best. I want a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, and I'm debating on blue legged hermits or scarlet hermets. I would also like a snail or two, but I'm not...
  15. kennedpa

    Another reason to irradicate bristle worms

    Unsure if these are French in origin endulging on some escargot , but I as one who loves their CUC does not appreciate it. His friends are just standing idly by as though they're waiting their turn. :(
  16. Jeff Shaw

    pH Reading of 7.8 - Not a Reef Tank, Clean Up Crew

    I have a 60 gallon saltwater tank with 1 percula clownfish, 1 powder brown tang and 1 blue reef chromis. I have some live rock (and formerly live rock) in the tank but no corals, etc. and live sand on the bottom. I have 2 questions: I have a pH reading of 7.8 using an API test kit....should I...