
  1. NYCMikeM3

    Can anyone pls help: ID’ing small white critter building hard spiral tube on rocks

    Hi does anyone have an ideas as to what this is? The two antennae are actually part of the critter itself, whereas the rest of the spiral-structure is the “home” it builds (which is quite hard / like a shell — about 1cm diameter). obv my first concern is whether they’re harmful or just...
  2. Nate_Krohn

    Hundreds of baby snails.. urchin and a starfish?

    I woke up at about 2 am to enjoy my tank when the lights go off and there are hundreds of baby snails on the rocks and on the glass.. I also saw what looked like a baby urchin and some type of starfish. Can anyone help ID them?? I posted some pics. They’re not the best because they’re at night.
  3. O

    Mystery Orange Growth

    I have a mysterious orange growth that looks like spaghetti noodles growing on my Chateo.. I removed it once a few weeks ago and now it has appeared again, I am struggling to find any information on this. TIA to anyone who can identify!
  4. T

    Id please!

    Never seen this thing. Should I remove it?

    Worm Identification

    Please see attached video of a small (what looks to be) worm. If anyone has an idea of what this is I would greatly appreciate it. It was moving slow until I took some tongs to get it off and it moved VERY rapidly into the rock. It is about 1/2 inch long at most (very small). Thanks for...
  6. BoSalman

    BUGS! What in the world!

    Hello, So i had this small goniopora recently which was accidentally laying on its side on the sandbed for a day or so, i fixed its position uprights and i'm keeping it so if its healthy enough it would bounce back on that small area... Normal inspection tonight on my tank to look for...
  7. BoSalman

    Tube worm?

    Hello everyone, I just noticed this thing when i was looking around at night. It reacted super quickly to the light and i thought it "popped" as it just disappeared to a tiny hole in the rock... Had to point my camera on video and finally it emerged again.. hopefully those video screenshots...
  8. ethanbear111

    Weird purple brown anemone

    I found this weird anemone with a brown foot/stem and purplish blue tipped tentacles. It was on some Indonesia ocean cultures live rock. The rock has been there for about four days and when I looked at the anemone earlier it was small, just now it became bigger. A smaller one
  9. sotsreef

    Baby Mushroom or Octospawn tentacle

    I found this little green dot looking thing on my sandbed in a low flow area today. It was sitting there before I placed it in a cup with sand at the back of my tank. It’s about the size of a nerd candy, neon green and I can see a spot without green which I assume is the foot, if it’s a...
  10. sotsreef

    What’s living in my chaeto?

    Long white stringy creature living in chaeto. It retracts when I touch the water or it senses vibrations on aquaclear filter. Maybe some kind of worm??
  11. sotsreef

    Aiptasia or Anenome??

    what is this thing? I found it on my chaeto that I bought from my lfs today. It is rainbowish Brown in color and very small. Any ideas??
  12. sotsreef

    Fern thing in chaeto

    what is this? It is in the chaeto that I just bought.
  13. Aaron Davis

    Good? Bad? Neutral? What are these?

    Update: Upon further research, I was able to educate myself a little. It appears the snails are harmless and the limpets?; are as well. The flatworms though; not so sure. Hello all! Found a few new critters I haven’t noticed before. Seen a few of these little snails climbing around. They’re...
  14. K

    Unknown Critters... Hopefully Harmless...

    I recently noticed that a frag of green mdntipora had a small area where the flesh was gone and the skeleton was exposed. It had soon before i noticed this fallen from it's spot, so I thought that it had possibly been damaged and the flesh had simply fallen off. I kept an eye on it, and a week...
  15. Aaron Davis

    Can anyone identify?

    This little guy looks like a shrimp. Swims fast. Noticed him while doing a water change.
  16. PerplexyHexy

    Good or bad nem?

    i cannot tell what it is... i have 2... they are tiny rings with little tentacles and a white bubble on the tips...
  17. Benedetto84

    Help IDing snail

    Is this little guy good or bad? Just found him on a rock in the tank and I think saw something that looking like this one saying take it out.
  18. Benedetto84

    Can anyone identify this for me ?

    I just got home from work and wanted to check the tank out before I go to bed and noticed this wierd looking worm. Can anyone tell me what it is and if it's good or bad?
  19. BRB

    To dip or not to dip or what to do?

    Happy Thursday Soo I got some zoas that were getting eaten by this little Dude but I got him out. I am noticing more than just him. Please help me identify what I need to do. Thanks in advance