
  1. S

    Id please

    Please help me iD this guy. One of my hammers is struggling and when I decided to cut one of the heads this guy felt from the coral. Thank you in advance.
  2. Bankertanker

    Hello 40 Breeder

    Hey, This is my new and upgraded 40 breeder. I had a 20 long on the east coast, moved cross country, tried shipping the tank, epically failed. The only survivor was one clown from the old tank. So upgraded to a 40 breeder, first couple months the tank has been a disaster, either deaths...
  3. The Natural Coral Depot

    Florida Live Goods Zoas

    Price Varys depending on which Frag
  4. D

    EMERGENCY Reef Dying

    Hi, I’ve had this reef for about 2 months now, everything was fine and open and doing very well then all of a sudden maybe in the past week it’s just stopped opening up fully and not looking healthy. I will show some pictures below of before and after. It’s mainly my torch’s and frogspawns I am...
  5. Icryhard

    Coral dying, other corals healthy

    So I recently bought a coral which looked like image A. I placed the coral at the bottom of my tank, because the previous owner had that as well. There isn't that much flow in my tank down there though, anyways after a while one of its heads got some brown slime over it (see image B), which I...
  6. E

    Weird algae?

    So a buddy of mine started a reef tank with fish after seeing mine for a while. They made a mistake and somehow something toxic got into the water. He gave me the dying stuff to see if I could save it. Most of the stuff was too far gone and everything died. I kept the corals incase they may be...
  7. I

    Pennsylvania Live Goods (BTAs, Soft Coral, SPS, Fish and live rock)

    Price $500 OBO, Selling contents of my tank it includes Multiple large and small Bubble Tip Anenomes Soft Corals, Sps, Yellow Tang File Fish Cardinal fish 2 Clowns Royal Gamma Snails 50lbs of live rock
  8. Dragon Ballz Bounce Mushroom.jpg

    Dragon Ballz Bounce Mushroom.jpg

    Dragon Ball Bounce Mushroom
  9. O

    SPS white lines

    Hey guys over the last three weeks my encrusting and happy Bill Murray SPS has been suffering from what I can only guess is STN. I’ve had RTN years ago, but this is completely different. It started with the backside becoming white but leaving the tips still colored, if that makes sense. Over...
  10. T

    Clownfish concerns before vacation

    My clownfish recently became more interested in my torch coral. Yesterday they started swimming through it and nuzzling. I was aware that this can potentially kill the torch so I was considering adding an anemone if the clowns started to do this. Unfourtentally, I'm now a week away from a trip I...
  11. W

    New Hampshire Live Goods Magic carpet mushroom, coral

    My magic carpet mushroom which was very large has decided to split I now have 3 that are at least 4" across I'm looking to let 2 move on to a new owner. $100 each one I do have other corals that I can frag as well if you see something you like
  12. B

    New Jersey Live Goods Rainbow Bubble Tip Anenomes ( Healthy & Great Coloration )

    Looking to clear some room in my anemone only tank. Photos are taken under 90% blue actinic and 10% white for reference. Keep in mind that anenomes do morph depending on your water parameters, as I have the same strain in multiple tanks. The anenomes range in size from 1.5 - 3 inches. They are...
  13. S

    Missouri Live Goods Tank breakdown. All for sale- livestock goes first then hardware.

    I’ve posted this many times but was unable to find a buyer locally so here’s hopefully my last post! Make your offers on each coral in messages please! All of these corals are for sale as well as Fish. Here’s a stock list Clove colony (on a rock) Ny knicks torch 1.5 heads. very large three...
  14. R

    EMERGENCY Long tentacle anemone acting weird

    Idk if my lta is okay but it seems like it’s acting weird just got him a day ago any help would be appreciated if you can look at the picture and tell me what you think
  15. JZ199

    Giving nepthea a chance

    Just wanted to post some pictures (even though I haven't got my filter yet so they're not good) Sometimes things in the hobby just need to be given a chance to flourish. Picked up this ROUGH looking Green Nepthea maybe about 2 weeks ago for 14 USD. I didn't have extremely high hopes but the...
  16. J

    Maryland Live Goods Torches, anacropora, pavona, digi’s and more UPDATED

    This is an updated list of what I have today. Surf-N-Turf Staghorn Acropora $15 Nightmare Staghorn Acropora $10 Papaya clove polyps on plug. $10 Papaya clove polyps on rock. $10 Chalice ( will move to plug) $10 Green stylo mini colony ( will place on plug) $15 Green stylo 2 frags $5 Rainbow...
  17. D

    Build Thread dtransReefs West Coast "Simple" - A Fluval Evo 13.5 Journal

    Hi Reef2Reef, Cross posting from nano-reef forum because I LOVE the help I Get from Reef2Reef. I that's okay. I'd like to start a journal on this build because I've gotten tons of help through these forums with great advice and perspectives, and I'm hoping that I can offer the same platform...
  18. S

    Missouri Live Goods Tank breakdown. All for sale

    Hey guys, selling my entire tank setup here. It’s a 15 gallon JBJ, been running over a year. All pictures were taken today around 6 pm, lights were ramping down. Here’s the details- Hardware: AI prime 16hd Hyyger wave maker JBJ 15 tank Tank stand tank has a chamber in the back of it to hold...
  19. Phyber

    Virginia Live Goods ORA Neon Birdsnest - 6"-8" - Virginia - UPS Next Day Air - BIN$250 or Bid

    This item sat on my frag rack too long. Finally at a point to start needing to frag for space so I'm giving this a try. I don't have a large reefing local community to sell to. I have coral for sale on eBay...
  20. W

    New Hampshire Live Goods Creole anthis, coral frags

    I have a 8" creole anthis ( not positive on the spelling) eats pellets, flake, nori, frozen food. He was in my 180 display but would kill any new smaller fish I would add so he has been banished to the 75 until I find a new home for him $30 I also have many corals that I can get frags of for a...
  21. J

    Purchasing corals to bring to UK

    Hello, Is it possible to purchase coral while on holiday in Orlando and bring them back in aeroplane hold luggage? I would of course purchase and pack on the morning of the flight home to the UK. If this is allowed, what is the best way to package and label, etc? thanks, John
  22. N

    Zoa Pox? Zoas Closed up

    Hi Everyone, I'm afraid I might have zoa pox. Since yesterday, my zoas have started closing up. Just now I noticed a white spot on one of the closed up polyps. Could this be anything else? Is there any good treatment for this?
  23. ReeferHendrix

    Who likes scolys??

    Starting off my scoly collection here’s my news ones I got, would love to see everyone’s different scolys!
  24. keb10d

    Button Coral White Substance?

    Any idea what’s going on here?! Doughnut button coral.. woke up with a white goo substance on it..
  25. JZ199

    Finally back to coral with Nepthea?

    So after having my 125 and 55 gallon fully stocked(still, with mostly "beginner corals") and taking my very long (7ish year) break, as a few may know I finally came back and have my new tank going(32.5 fluval flex) After battling GHA and a few other issues, the tank has reached over a year and...