coral placement

  1. MrDeathKills

    Coral placement help.

    Need help with placement of coral we are picking up tomorrow. 1 is sand or flat rocks on sand. Then we go on up to 4 where the most light gets. I don’t have an issue putting coral in the back of the rock structure. I will just post the type of coral rather then full names, if full names would...
  2. Brocksreef117

    Elegance coral placement

    I just got this elegance coral and was wondering if this enough room to let him grow out or do I have to rescale my rocks yo have more room on my sand bed the elegance is about 6inches by 7 when expanded and is on glass
  3. Brocksreef117

    Nano Build Coral placement/sand bed

    I have all these corals coming in tmr morning and I don’t have space in my sand bed to acclimate them all and my elegance will sting other corals next to it any one have a idea of what I should do and where should I put these corals to acclimate.
  4. Queenofreef

    Strategic coral placement can make your corals look more colorful/brighter!

    When I started my second build a few years ago, It made me pretty sad. I couldn’t tell why I thought it was ugly but it just was. With my previous tank, I had this l“aha!” moment one day where I pictured the direction I wanted to go and how I wanted corals to grow in eventually. But with the new...
  5. Britttt

    Keeping hammer corals in close proximity

    Hi all, we have noticed a good number of well-kept aquariums that have various hammer colonies touching. We've been keeping ours about 6 inches apart as a precaution, though are interested in trying closer placement if anyone might have advice on how to approach putting different colonies...
  6. 1

    Zoa closed up

    I have had a small zoa frag for just over a week now and most of the time it has been closed. I moved the powerhead so it wasn't in the path of the flow a few days ago but it's still closed. There are only two small heads that are partially open. They're out of the main flowstream and partially...
  7. Reefer37

    Coral Recommendations

    So I have a JBJ45 that's been running for a little over 6 months now and trying to get ideas on corals and placements I can add on with. I'm wanting to add to my reef and honestly pretty open to ideas! I'm planning for the bottom middle to have a clam, just waiting till I really felt...
  8. Reefer37

    Frag Racks/Putting In Sandbed

    Hi everyone, so I've found myself kinda in a conundrum and trying to think possible solutions. So I have a frag rack that I've been using to put corals on while acclimating, but a problem I've found is controlling algae growth on the rack itself. Obviously it's too high for crabs, I stick a...
  9. Reefer37

    Coral Suggestions

    Looking for any coral recommendations that won't grow out of control (GSP, Xenia, etc.) for the back of my rockwork. It's pretty shaded overall and tends to get quite a bit of flow, so I'm really not sure what would be a good coral. Any suggestions would be great!
  10. Fish2Coral

    Did I place my corals correctly?

    Hey guys! So I have this nano reef tank (5 gallons) I had for about a year and a half. I got a new blastomussa Merletti, Green Start Polyp and Candy Cane Coral. They don’t seem to be doing that great like the other corals and anemone. I was wondering what can I do to help these three? Did I...
  11. kopoboi

    Set up of Coral Yes or NO? What else can I add?

    HI ReeftoReef Community, So I was playing around with my 3d Paint to see how I would have my corals after some research. The reason me and my mom got into this is because we like movement in our tank, that is not just fish. It seems the two favorite ones we like GSP & Xenia are very evasive...
  12. Evan28395950

    Favi Coral Placement

    Hello all, after adding another piece of rock I noticed a space that perfectly fit my favi coral. I had it in the sand bed before. I know they don’t like too much light. But would it be ok to leave it like this:
  13. Renelope

    Placement advice?!?

    Hello, Hoping for some advice on placement for a couple of corals that I just bought... Here is a quick fts sorry for the blinds... Just got a Sinularia and a Euphyllia and I’m looking for some advice on the best places for them in my tank... Right now I have a purple grogorian in the left...
  14. beyer

    Pom Pom Xenia placement

    I have a new Pom Pom Xenia frag with 3 stalks and placed it on my rock. I've heard you should isolate them so they don't overtake your main rock structure but I do not have room in my tank to dedicate a specific island for Xenia coral. Will I be ok to have it on my main rock structure? I've...
  15. potatocouch

    Gluing/Placing coral permanently question

    Folks said not to glue coral when you got em ... because they may not like the spot. But then if you want to trial an awkward spot where gluing is a must, don't you glue it there and see how it goes? It's like trial-n-error ?
Ultimate Corals