coral identification

  1. J

    Help ID the zoas i just bought plsss

    Anyone know the ID? Someone said reverse gorilla nipples but it doesn’t match exactly. Mine has more green yellow inside(sorry i cant see certain colours so im not sure). Looking for another guess or opinion. Thanks
  2. Dandamanlondon

    Trying to identify this coral

    Hi all, I recently had this coral sent with a load of Zoa’s I ordered and I’m struggling to identify it. I had to refix it on the plug as it became separated and it’s been looking a little sorry for itself the last few days. Many thanks in advance.
  3. chrisgold

    Coral identification

    Can anyone identify this coral please?
  4. L

    Need a coral identified

    Hi ran across this coral and the owner doesn't know what it is. It looks like a type of LPS. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. Chrisz

    What is this?

    What kind of coral is this?
  6. M

    Coral id

    Can anyone help me with the name of the coral ? Placement and care ?
  7. Zoa_Fanatic

    Is this a toadstool leathers coral?

    Hey guys. My wife bought me this coral for Christmas. I think it’s a white toadstool leather but I don’t know. She paid 25$ for it. I feel like it was a decent deal. Someone please help me I’d this thing and let me know is she did good! Thanks! Edit: It’s like solid ghost white. I don’t think...
  8. N

    Coral ID please?

    Sold to me as an acan but the texture and shape of polyps to me Seem like it might be otherwise, hard to See with a camera the fine texture. I have acan lords and echinacea And haven’t quite seen an acan like this, I am starting to doubt it’s an acan species. Any help guys?
  9. S

    Corals and sponges and algae oh my!

    Heya yall! I got one heck of a doozie for you! I bought a live rock for some sponge growing on it but I noticed what looks like a coral...or more than one type? I have no idea if the second one is a coral. It looks like it has coral features. Likewise, I'm almost certain this is a coral...
  10. D

    Help with Chalice ID

    Hello everyone, Could someone please help me ID this chalice? Thanks!
  11. RedFrog211

    Coral identification?

    I got this about a week ago from a LFS and never found out what it was. Got curious and tried looking it up, but had no luck. Any thoughts?
  12. Imnotjakeyv

    “Coral” identification. Pseudocorynactis?

    Was moving around my scape and just barely caught a glimpse of this guy and was hecka confused. Took a closer look and figured I’d just ask for help identifying it I’m thinking a pseudo but not quite sure.
  13. jackalexander

    Coral ID & Health Assessment

    I recently bought this frag for $10 but I’m not quite too sure what it is. Also, in the first image (present time) the polyps are down, is this an indication of decreased happiness or too much flow?
  14. Carebearsss.x

    Mini Blastomussa?

    Hey everyone! So we bought this beautiful blastomussa yesterday & the lady said it was a newer kind of blasto that stays much smaller (im new with corals) & I know it’s not an Acanlord :/ Can you pls help me identify this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!
  15. Reefing_addiction

    Can you ID this

    Saw it in a video and screen shot it What is it Are they hard to keep?
  16. Reefing_addiction

    I’m slightly forgetful please help

    So I recently purchased 3 corals but my brain refuses to let me remember what they are. I should have written it down before I left my LFS guess I was to excited! Please help! I’m pretty sure the one to the far right is a Zoa. The first pic will be of all three together and then I’ll crop them...
  17. Zoa_Fanatic

    Creamsicle zoa

    Hey guys I got some zoa from a LFS that are a bright orange with a white ring around an orange mouth. All I have for pics is my iPhone which is terrible but I’m wondering if anyone can see if they’re possibly creamsicles?
  18. Zoa_Fanatic


    I got these for 10$ yesterday and I have no idea what they are. They have an orange core under the black lights and an orange ring around the outside of the bell. I’m happy with any guesses.
  19. 1

    Need Help Identifying

    Hello all! So I decided to get back into the hobby now that I had some disposable income. I found a great deal on a 100 Gallon glass tank, had the protein skimmer, lights, power heads, heaters ,canister filter, stand and all the accessories for feeding and tank maintenance for a $100. I couldn't...
  20. PcDr32

    Coral ID Help Please.

    Can someone help with ID'ing these?
  21. jjones

    Acro ID Help

    Purchased this Acro from a local store a while back, it’s colors look much better now than when purchased but they didn’t know any specifics about it. Any help is appreciated!
  22. Rijodan

    Help figuring ouy this mystery coral?

    I got this a month ago from the lfs and other than it be a "supernatural" encrusting coral i didn't get any other information about it. Probably should have asked more questions but I was excited as always at the coral store. Mainly I want to know the type so I know how to care for it best. It...
  23. BrokenMarrow

    What coral is this?

    I couldn't get a very good picture of it, but I got a zoa colony that had a duncan on it and whatever this is. Any ideas what it is?
  24. Nahno

    Coral ID help

    Hey guys, the first picture is goniopora, I put it in yesterday...but I was wondering if anyone can tell which type of goniopora it is? The second and third I added today..the second I was told is possibly a green finger leather, but to me it doesn’t look the same as the photos I’m seeing...
  25. imarino326

    Duncan species?

    Hey all, I’ve had a tank for sometime now and just put in this new duncan coral, and I’m wondering what the exact species/family of duncan I have. My friend has one and it’s whiskers are very long but mine are very short. I’ve read stuff about flow and all that, but I’ve changed it around and...