
  1. B

    Old quarantine tank

    I have a tank that was used with copper treatment. Is it possible to clean it out and reuse the glass aquarium and heater for a betta fish? thank you!
  2. LxHowler

    Can copper sulphate in food damage invertebrates

    So I might be missing something but I thought copper was bad for inverts. I have just bought a new tub of vitalis marine pellets and noticed one of the ingredients listed is copper sulphate. Is this not going to be bad if one of my shrimps tries to eat it. I'm sure it's safe else they wouldn't...
  3. Clownphish

    Copper Oxide on Quartz Crystal

    This is an oddly specific question, but first off, I want to put some quartz in some crevices in my aquascape, because I saw that quartz was inert in water. I think it would look interesting, so I thought I'd test it out with this piece and another piece I have before I bought more, but I...
  4. M

    Tomini tang in QT - prophylactic treatment?

    Hi all, I have a little 2-inch Tomini tang in QT right now, he has been there for about 2 weeks. We haven't done any medication yet because he wasn't eating at first and we didn't want to stress him further. He is eating just fine now, and has become more active (still a complete scaredy cat...
  5. gobber

    White spot. Probably not ich

    Hi I did QT-ed my clownfish for 28 days with 0.5 cupramine as instructed. Unfortunately , he has white spots (1 on each side of his gills) Its symmetrical and its possibly not ich? He was in the QT with 3 other fish (wrasse, chromis, fire goby) put in at the same time. Other 3 is completely...
  6. Farrun

    QT and Sponge Filters

    So for any of you that use Sponge Filters in your QT, do you throw the sponge away after treating with copper or do you place it back into your sump/display to keep it seeded? I'm not sure if there is a way to wash the sponge to remove all the copper or what is the best/safest course of action...
  7. gobber

    Salifert copper test kit for cupramine

    Hi all, just checking if I’m using the salifert copper test kit right and is this 0.5 or almost there?
  8. A

    White spots on Tomini Tang

    I've got a very shy Tomini Tang who is hard to get to hold still long enough to take pictures of but hopefully these are good enough. On the fish's left side near its dorsal fin are a couple of white spots. Could someone help me to determine what this might be and if what I'm doing is...
  9. Davar93

    Is it HLLE? Help

    Hey everyone! I got my hippo tang in Qt. It has these patches on him now. He didn’t have the one on his head till today, he’s been in copper, nitro, freshwater baths and methylene blue baths. Currently sitting in just saltwater for past 3 days. Is it HLLE? I will try get better pics later. The...
  10. Davar93

    Hippo Tang in QT

    Hey everyone! I got a hippo tang in qt in copper. Wondering anyone advise against that? I heard of some of these guys getting HLLE from it? It’s eating well and lot of Nori, also swimming around too. Also I plan to do freshwater and Methylene blue dips.
  11. J

    Anyone here use oodonex

    Okay so due to Australia’s shipping laws tightening up I haven’t been able to find cupramine or really any copper medications at any of my lfs. The only thing I’ve been able to get my hands on is oodonex by aqua sonic. Has anyone had any experience with this? is it worth getting or should I try...
  12. F


    Hello all, had an ich outbreak in my DT and moved all of my fish to a hospital tank. 1 month of copper treatment, but my yellow tang stopped eating and couldn’t swim upright so I had to move him back to my DT to figure it out whats going on with him) 1 week in DT and he does not have any white...
  13. BaileyB

    Question on QT!

    So I have my QT ready for my fish going in my 145. Currently just observing before adding more fish later this week. These this list if fish have been in the tank now for 10 days Currently I have: Flame Angel One spot foxface baby hippo tang (size of a quarter) Royal grama Engineer goby...
  14. Davar93

    Treating with copper & quarantine

    Hey guys just to make sure I am doing this right and got my mass right as I do not want to kill any fish. I am using this for a quarantine tank that I have set up for some new fish that I got who look good but Wanna qt still. I am looking to treat 7 gallons and want to read 2ppm? So 70 drops...
  15. KGV

    Quarantine poll

    Most of us believe that quarantining your fish is the best approach to avoid diseases wiping out our entire tank. I think most will agree on that. But ... does it also safe more fish lives overall?
  16. Ocean_dreamer89

    Copper Power and Cloudy Eye

    Hey y'all! I'm looking for some guidance. I currently have a Coral Beauty in a QT. I got the fish on 2/14/20 and a few days later noticed some white spots on it's forehead area. I wanted to give the fish a chance to acclimate to its new environment and it was eating like a pig and swimming...
  17. O

    ICP Test Copper?

    Hey guys over the past 6 months I’ve lost 70% of my SPS from what I assumed was a huge OD on Vibrant. I’m still losing pieces today. I just received my ICP test for the RODI water I use and it indicated .5 ppb copper. So copper poising symptoms match my issue and I’m wondering if that amount is...
  18. E


    My 250g (total) fish only system has been up for about six or seven months. In the first week of June I will be transferring all the fish into a 550g system. When I started I bought 13 fish and added a quarantine dose of either Copper Power or Cuprimine (I have forgotten which). 8 have...
  19. Diveks

    Torn on hippo tang treatment

    ive been quarantining this hippo tang for 2.5 months now and everything else ive quarantined (in different tanks) that i bought at the same time as the hippo had been fully cured and are now in the DT. sadly i cant say the same thing for the hippo. the hippo has been a pig, eating alot, since...
  20. MiloSyko

    EMERGENCY Rescuing Hippo Tang from Petco for a Youtube Documentary

    Backstory So I’m working on a youtube documentary on why you shouldn’t support Petco. When I was visiting stores to record videos, I found a severely hurt Hippo tang that was on the edge of death. It was pretty obvious the 2 large Clarkis were beating her up even took a chunk of her tail off...
  21. leejoohoonie

    potential ich treatment? (need some second opinions)

    Hello Reef2reef community! I wanted to start a thread pertaining to a research paper that I found online about C.irritans and a potential treatment option. Here is a link to the document -> In their abstract, they...
  22. polyppal

    The complete $48 Quarantine Tank Setup! (That you can pickup from Petco Today)

    One of the big concerns people seem to have with Quarantine Tanks is the additional cost. After dropping hundreds to thousands of dollars on a Display Tank, the last thing many might be inclined to do is buy another set of equipment that they will only use infrequently... After a trip to Petco...
  23. A

    Labout Fairy Wrasse in QT

    I have a Labout Fairy Wrasse in QT and I was hoping for some advice on prophylactic treatment. It is currently in a 10 gallon qt tank that has been running for the past 3 months so it should be well cycled. It is day 2 and it has been eating well so far. I bought GC and Copper Power but am...
  24. Noob_Sam

    juvenile emperor angelfish QT?????????????????????????

    Hello, I just had a quick question are juvenile emperor angelfish copper safe? if not how should I QT them? I will use Copper Power @ 2.0 for 14 days. I tried to look up answers but there wasn't a yes or no answer. Also will it be ok with a blue tang and a 3 inch coral beauty angelfish? I think...
  25. VanCityReef

    Can you mix copper and prazi?? Clownfish & 6-Line

    Hey guys, I'm currently quarantining two small clownfish and one small 6-line wrasse. Over the course of a week I have slowly been bringing them up to therapeutic levels of copper. I am noticing that both clowns have white stringy poop which, (feel free to correct me if I am wrong) are symptoms...