
  1. M

    Trying to make my QT tank look nicer, can I add live rock?

    I'm about to set up a 10G QT tank since I'm dealing with ich in my display tank. Since the QT will be near my display, I wanted to set up something that looks nice. So far the only fish I'll be treating is a filefish. I'm also going to be using copper. That being said, can I add a piece of...
  2. lynn.reef.nerd

    Copper in RODI

    I'm currently on Well Water and the latest ATI test of my rodi is showing some copper. Is this level safe or is there something I should do to remove this before addition to tank. Thank you.
  3. Sushibar

    California Testing Drygoods Quarantine setup, Furan 2, Hanna checker Copper

    I’m selling a Hannah checker for copper with 22 reagent packs, 20 or so grams of Fuarn 2, 20+ grams of Nitrofurazone, 8 oz of copper power and 3.75 0z of Methylene blue. $100 shipped to the lower 48
  4. Gretchacha

    Whitefish roe from WholeFoods for clownfish that won’t eat

    My clownfish in QT hasn’t eaten in over a week and is getting weak. I’m desperate to get something in his belly. My WholeFoods has whitefish roe processed only with salt that I can get tomorrow. Any thoughts on this as a food to get him eating again...
  5. K

    Sharks and rays with copper

    I want to start off by saying i currently do NOT have any shark or Stingrays in my system but i was wondering is even small traces of copper deadly to sharks and rays? I’m currently getting a reading of 30ppb or .03ppm of copper in my system.
  6. th365thli

    Copper power with Kanaplex or Ruby Reef Rally?

    Recent events have me decide it best for me to treat my FOWLR display tank. I've just about moved all the inverts into a separate tank to go fallow. I plan on using Copper Power. For full coverage, would I be able to do Kanaplex or Ruby Rally at the same time? I also have Prazi but I don't...
  7. CincyReefer07

    Prazi or Copper First for New Fish QT? Does it matter?

    I’ve read quarantine procedures, this is my first time quarantining any new fish. I have a 60 breeder with a couple powerheads, heater, and marineland hob filter for QT. Im picking up a Magnificent Foxface tomorrow and am setting my QT up tonight. My LFS recommended starting with...
  8. E

    EMERGENCY Ick and copper

    I got ick and treated it with Copper power at 2.9 ppm. the ick went away after 3 days of treatment, but now, it’s day 10 and i am seeing white spot again, normal? still at 2.9 ppm
  9. E

    EMERGENCY Copper in dt or quarantine

    Hi so i goy four fish 2 weeks ago for my new Fowler tank and tien out they have ich. i have 2 option, tank spec: 135 gallon with sillica sand that will not absorb any copper. 50 pound of live rock. no invert, just 2 tang , one butterfly and a foxface. first option is to treat the Dt with...
  10. tjhart69


    I just started the reefing hobby 6 months ago and I have loved reading the forums for information, however I sometimes have trouble discerning which method is most appropriate for my situation. I really appreciate any help that experienced reefers can offer. I have set up a QT, it is 20g long...
  11. Cole_Voeller

    EMERGENCY Ich in tanks

    Okay, well I thought my ich problem was dealt with, but I guess not. So as much as I hate the idea of taking all my fish out and keeping them out of my tank for months, it looks like I have no other option. Sort of a total pain being in an apartment though. Anyway between the tanks, my fish are...
  12. W

    Separating a Yasha Goby and Candy Cane Pistol?

    Hey Guys so I am in a weird situation where I bought a yasha goby-candy cane pistol shrimp pair but I'm left with the decision if I want to put the candy cane pistol in the quarantine tank with the yasha or put the candy cane pistol in the actual reef tank and just separate the pair, would this...
  13. GoldenOrbWeaver

    Concerned about copper leaching from ring

    Hello. I was replacing the filter floss in my filter a few minutes ago and stupidly had my hand in the water with no gloves on (I'll get gloves soon) and a copper ring on. I realized that that was bad after few seconds so I immediately took my hand out. In that time, would enough copper have...
  14. C

    To extend Copper QT OR Not

    Hello All, I have some fish in quarantine and after watching for a week I started slowly raising cupramine to theopathic levels. Fast forward 14 days and I notice last night my concentration dropped to close to under .35 from around .5. Its pretty hard to read the test kit. I mistakenly mixed...
  15. Gonj

    EMERGENCY Tank crash, ICP test, and New Build

    Long story short my tank crashed, I found my nero pump controller sitting in my sump (photos below). I immediately did an icp test find results below. I’ve been doing several waterchanges and running carbon between the crash to now. As per my icp test is it safe to assume the metal in the tank...
  16. Gonj

    Tank Crash, Icp test, and new set up

    Long story short my tank crashed, I found my nero pump controller sitting in my sump (photos below). I immediately did an icp test find results below. I’ve been doing several waterchanges and running carbon between the crash to now. As per my icp test is it safe to assume the metal in the tank...
  17. J

    Does copper power impact refractometer reading?

    Does copper artificially elevate salinity readings on refractometers? I am at 0.25 copper today, and did a water change before starting to ramp up. The bucket of water I mixed said 35ppt, and I just went to test the salinity of the QT tank and it was at 43. I'm adding fresh RODI water to bring...
  18. J

    Safest cooper med?

    What’s the safest copper medicine ? I generally have small fishes and will get some baby tangs to quarantine also.
  19. S

    EMERGENCY Gill Flukes / Velvet ?

    This week I noticed a couple of my fish were "gone" following a quick business trip to Houston for a few days... That being said I found my yellow clown goby at night swimming frantically all around the tank acting very abnormal with possibly red gills from what I could make out which died the...
  20. E

    Coopersafe starting dosage

    I see tons of Coppersafe dosage recommendations backed with evidence and all that. But I am confused at the starting off dosage? Should I put the fish in the tank with 0 copper? Then add copper in water separately and add it slowly? Only asking because I have my HT set up and it is currently...
  21. situming123

    How to deal with ICH? Come here to save your fishes!

    When you see a little white spots on your fishes body. It means you got ich from your tank. And you have to prepare your meds ASAP to kill them. Ich is a very command parasite sickness for fishes. It is easy to deal with but most of people just not treat them in the right way. So, I will share...
  22. J

    Copper with no sign of ich??

    I have a baby blue tang 2” and a tomini tang 3” that’s currently being treated with prazi in my QT. They have no signs of ich and it’s been 2 weeks. Should I dose copper to be safe ? Or should I just observe for the next 2 weeks?
  23. underthereef

    Quarantine Treatment Length

    Hey, I started quarantining my first fish (4 Banggai Cardinals) and observed them for the first few days. Now I am starting my Cupramine preventative treatment. My question is how long do I need to run copper at therapeutic levels before the fish are clean for the display tank which is clean...
  24. Muffin87

    Different forms of copper with metronidazole, and Hanna Copper HR

    Living in Europe, medications can be very difficult to find. At the moment, it seems my options in terms of copper medications are: DYI copper sulfate + citric acid (therapeutic range 0.15 to 0.2?) Cupramine (actual therapeutic range 0.5 to 0.6 for resistant strains?) Ionic copper (therapeutic...
  25. SimplyVibing

    Can you mix two types of copper medication?

    I’m running three QT tanks, and treated using Copper Power at first. Unfortunately I ran out and my copper reading is only 1 ppm on all three tanks. Long story short, I bought cuprimine instead because that’s what my LFS carries. Is it safe to mix Copper Power and cuprimine? It is also worth...
Queen City Corals