
  1. TbSaysNo

    Would my reef tank sustain a mandarin dragonet?

    Hello Reef2reef, I have always wanted a mandarin dragonet, but I have yet to buy one because my tank might not have a stable enough copepods population. My DT is 80 gallons, while my sump is 11 gallons. At night, numerous amphipods crawl on the sandbed and rocks. Homeowners of the tank is as...
  2. D

    Can't see any of my tisbe pods in culture?

    I recently started a Tisbe pod culture and am following a few guides on r2r as well as on youtube, but I'm starting to wonder whether I even got any live pods? I've got two cultures going each in a 1.7l jar, both have airline tubes connected to them at 1.025 salinity. I feed phyto once every...
  3. Projects with Sam

    Are copepods & amphipods smart enough to...

    I have a pad in my refugium I use to prevent stuff from going into the tank and every week or so I like to clean it so I get consistent behavior from my skimmer and floss roller. Its heavily populated by copepods and amphipods in the time its in the tank and I hate killing them all when I hose...
  4. Projects with Sam

    Are copepods & amphipods smart enough to...

    I have a pad in my refugium I use to prevent stuff from going into the tank and every week or so I like to clean it so I get consistent behavior from my skimmer and floss roller. Its heavily populated by copepods and amphipods in the time its in the tank and I hate killing them all when I hose...
  5. Grizzly_Jordy

    Can I add a mandarin goby and 2 spot goby to tank

    I'm planning on culturing both phyto and copepods to dose into my 20 gallon cube tank and i was wondering if i could get both a mandarin goby and a 2 spot goby to it. I already have a clownfish, tailspot blenny, yellow clown goby, and banggai cardinal. None of these fish usually hang around the...
  6. S

    Build Thread Let’s see those culture setups!

    as i start my journey into culturing live foods: phyto,pods,mysis, etc. i’d love to see some of your tanks & get ideas as to how i could go about this. also what’s your favorite “live food” to culture? Thanks!
  7. N

    Need help to identify what type of critter is this ? Copepods ?

    Hi everyone, need your help on this. What is this ? Is it copepods ? If not, what is it? Good or bad ? Should I be worried
  8. B

    Help culturing copepods

    Happy thanksgiving, I was just wondering. To those of you who culture copepods, what pods do you culture and what do you feed these cultures? Right now I'm only feeding tetraselmis phytoplankton and I'd like to increase my yield every week. I read that other types of foods can help.
  9. AlgaeBarn

    Pod poop?

    Now that we have your attention- check out our video under the microscope of a copepod pooping ;) :rolling-on-the-floor-laughing: What goes in..... must come out.... Due to the fact that phytoplankton removes CO2 from the atmosphere and copepods eat this phytoplankton, these pods are...
  10. TbSaysNo

    Aquadip Copepods Safety?

    Hello. I am wondering If I should buy this it is very cheap, but will this be able to culture my 90 gallon tank with copepods, so my mandarin will be able to get fed?
  11. B

    Can someone tell me what these are?

    Hello everyone, I’ve seen these little white critters all over my system and they are EVERYWHERE. I want to think they’re a type of copepod but I’m not entirely certain. I tried my best to get a good picture. Thanks for any identification!
  12. AlgaeBarn

    New May Deals!

    But the New Galaxy Pod 4 pack and get a 5th jar FREE OR Subscribed to the New Galaxy Pod combo and get a FREE Can O' Cyclops each month!!
  13. Alex’s Reef

    Cloudy water

    So my 23 gallon frag tank has been super cloudy the past 6 days and I’ve tried almost everything under the books to get it clear. Frag tank is a Red Sea 350 V3 sump; I broke the baffles down. I run carbon, Sera Crystal clear media on a Sicce whale canister. I have a Nero 3 and a Tunze nano...
  14. Diveks

    Tiny orange worm? And tiny creatures on the glass.

    My tank is fallow right now and with no fish around, I decide to focus more on the tiny things around the tank. I am seeing 3 creatures that I am not sure what they are. Whatever they are they are all over my tank, one grain of sand can have around 6 (yellow line) every spot you see in the sand...
  15. whalewhalewhale

    Wild Copepods

    For those living on the California coast, have you ever caught any wild Tigriopus Californicus to feed to your tank? I was exploring the tide pools between Malibu and Ventura and saw pools with hundreds of thousands of orange pods. It’s pretty tempting right now to try going back to see if I can...
  16. Phoerut

    Is there any alternative food for Copepods aside from phytoplankton?

    I don’t know if I want to go through the trouble of cultivating or buying phytoplankton, but I want to cultivate copepods. I wondered if there’s any dried food they will eat or an easier/cheap alternative?
  17. S

    Good idea/Bad idea: 12" Cube Pod Hotel

    Don't know if this should be in here or in diy.. ● 13 Mil Thermoformed PVC Cubes ● Non-toxic to microorganisms and immune to rot ● Resistant to degradation by UV light, fungi, bases, acids and...
  18. Muffin87

    Live VS Dead Phytoplankton for feeding just-added copepod population

    I'm cycling with dry rock, and when that's over, I'll seed my tank with copepods in a bottle. Should I invest in live phytoplankton to feed the copepods and make them reproduce faster, or is dead phytoplankton like EasyReefs EasyBooster gonna do just fine? If I buy cheaper, dead, phytoplankton...
  19. trevorhiller

    Growing Copepods w/ Ocean Magik

    So I setup a DIY copepod culture to try to keep a supply of pods around to dose my new tank. I have a 2 Liter Erlenmeyer flask w/stopper hooked up to a air pump. I added a jar of Tig pods f/algae barn and have added some ocean magik to tint the water. My water is not quite as dark as some of...
  20. Dinosaur

    Cyanobacteria (red slime algae) vs copepods

    i've found something interesting, so this is my refugium, i stuffed it with a lot of macroalgae, but since the water flow is lacking, there was intense bloom of cyanobacteria (red slime algae), almost give up on this tank until i put some dead fish there, which a lot of copepods feed into it...
  21. Nemesis of Pistol Shrimps

    Can I Feed Copepods Algae Wafer or Fish Flakes?

    Hi, I bought a bottle of tiggerpods and poured them into a refugium with chaeto that I just set up today as well. I am wondering if I can feed them fish flake/algae wafers instead of spending more money on culturing phytoplankton. Thanks!
  22. A

    Looks like a pod but any confirmation?

    So I was taking a dinoflagellate ID and I saw this little pod that looks like it was stuck or it was feeding. Can anyone confirm? I attached a video, and to see it you need to be on a laptop or desktop. It doesn’t work from the phone for some reason. #reefsquad
  23. BloopFish

    Brand of Bleach for Phyto

    I imagine that the brand of bleach you use likely doesn't matter as long as there are no surfactants or perfumes in the bleach, but I was wondering what various brands of bleach people tend to use for their culture to get a good idea of what has been sort of "vetted" already.

    Pod Culture Options for a Mandarin

    Hello all! I'm new to the hobby and I'm currently in the process of cycling my 40G NUVO from IM. I'm trying to plan for eventually getting a Mandarin and I'm looking into my best options for establishing a healthy pod count for the fish. I plan on getting a captive bred Mandarin, but I still...
  25. Arthropod Parasites of Aquarium Fish - Hemdal

    Arthropod Parasites of Aquarium Fish - Hemdal

    Parasitic Crustaceans (Copepods, Isopods, and Sea Lice) Jay Hemdal c.2020 This is an excerpt from my upcoming fish disease book - a section on arthropod parasites of fish; isopods and copepods. ------------------ Cause This disease problem is caused by a variety of very small crustaceans that...