
  1. jackalexander

    Fish Compatibility

    I want to know if these fish/inverts will all work out together in a 32 Gallon: 2 WW clownfish 1 YWG 1 Small Longnose Hawkfish 1 Midas blenny 1 Male Melanurus Wrasse 1 Large Cleaner Shrimp Basic CUC Mainly LPS coral/ some SPS
  2. theocorals537

    Wyoming White clownfish spawned!

    Ive had this pair of clowns for about 8 years, i love them as a pet. they have been going crazy at the rocks for a while now and i always thought it was algae they were after. i looked today and saw the male cleaning a big patch of eggs under their rbta! will they hatch in tank? i always dose...
  3. B

    California Long fin mocha

    Looking to remove my long fin mocha. He is beautiful healthy and went thru qt. Treated for internal and external parasites. Very healthy and beautiful. Only reason I need to remove him is due to bulling of my paired storms. He is now in isolation.
  4. coastalnanoreef

    Clownfish help!!!

    I’ve had this clownfish for about 5 months. In the past couple days I’ve noticed he’s laying on the bottom next to where he sleeps. He’s doing this in the middle of the day. I’ll attach a video but I’m very concerned. All my parameters are the same as they have been for months. Also my other...
  5. M

    What to choose

    Dear reefers, Not that long ago I bought a new Orange Stripe Prawn Goby and I loved him. But after 2 days I noticed my Clownfish were attacking my goby, because of that I had to remove the Goby. But now I really want to add a new fish but I don't want the same thing to happen, I know every...
  6. K

    Pale lesion on clown fish?? Brook?

    Hi I am fairly new to marine tank as I only have kept freshwaters. I have one small orange clownfish and this fish developed white~opaque lesion on R) side of its body. I wasn't sure if it's just body colour change or some kind of infection? I kept this fish about ~1.5month. Noticed this lesion...
  7. ridgeburyreefer

    Thoughts on multiple clownfish

    Backstory- I’ve set up my first saltwater tank, it is currently cycling, plenty of live rock, open space, and hiding space. I have won two “grade A” clownfish and also 5 baby clownfish (slightly smaller) of random picking. They will be sent to me when I’m ready for them. I had intended on the...
  8. SD_Reefer_Madness

    Catching a tricky clownfish

    I have a smart, fast, and small clownfish I’m having trouble catching. Lights just went out, so I’m gonna wait a few hours and try and hit it with the surprise attack. I’ve already tried leaving the net in with mysis for awhile. I swear it was just messing with me and swimming close then dipping...
  9. T

    Clownfish Quarantine

    Fish came from a really nice store, they had been treated with cupramine in the store and held in a separate water system that I purchased them out of; any protocol for treatments? Should I treat for any parasite or any disease at all; or just watch the fish for a bit? Seems really healthy...
  10. ridgeburyreefer

    New 90 gallon

    Set up my first saltwater tank, a 90 cornerflo! A little cloudy bc I only had one clarifier packet, but I’ve dosed it w dr tims ammonium chloride and microbacter7 started w 8.2-8.3ish pH and zero nutrient, what should I be looking for in this cycle to indicate it’s completed? Loving my rockwork...
  11. R

    Shrunken BTA

    My BTA has shrunken a lot since I’ve gotten it. I’ve had it for about 3 months and it has only gotten smaller since. It also just started hiring a clownfish. I am a beginner and my tank is 5-6 months old. 36 gallon.
  12. M

    Possible internal parasite?

    Hello. I’m curious if this is a sign of an internal parasite. My clown has been acting strange. Not moving much from one spot. She has stopped eating and has had some white poop. The male clown is perfectly fine and I’ve had them for about 2 months now. Could this be an internal parasite and how...
  13. Pierce168

    New Reefer!

    Hello everyone! My girlfriend and I have decided to get into the hobby and we are setting up the new tank for clownfish. We have done about a month of research and we just now set up the tank and RO/DI system. I have yet to mix the salt and water. I have plenty of questions but I think for now I...
  14. Eyezik

    Build Thread 20g Long Budget Set Up | Newbie`

    Background: Back when this pandemic first got started I bought a comet fantail goldfish and rapidly discovered the complexities of fish keeping. I gain knowledge and got to the point of buying a 55 gallon for my goldfish, as well as some buddies. It has been about half a year and I am not taking...
  15. J

    Clownfish Aggressive Towards Mate

    Hello, I recently set up a new tank and added two blackice clownfish. They were friendly with each other at first and now recently the one primarily white clownfish keeps attacking the other. They both twitch at each other here and there but the aggression hasn’t stopped. No damage has occurred...
  16. shyeager


    I have 1 clownfish and would like to add another. Can you have 2 different types in same aquarium?
  17. Berlibee

    Show me your Helmet Picasso! (Photos Heavy)

    I will start! Would love to see your Picasso Clownfish. ;Woot
  18. MattR

    Pennsylvania Sustainable aquatics supercell clownfish

    Unfortunately need to get rid of my supercell clownfish, I have tried to pair it with every clown I have and it has been rejected every time. He is super healthy and will literally eat all day. The split fin is from getting attacked by a female but it is healing and not infected. Want him to go...
  19. M

    Orange Stripe Prawn Goby

    2 days ago I added a beautiful Orange Stripe Prawn Goby to my 30 gallon tank. After 1 day I noticed that one of my clowns bit his tail but I didn't worry about it because clowns are very territorial. Now at the second day when I got home I noticed anther bite in his upper fin. Now I’m starting...
  20. V

    Clownfish diseased?

    Hi all, I purchased a pair of juv clownfish from my LFS about 1.5 weeks ago. They were doing fine, feeding well and moving well. We noticed some white poop on the smaller one, and we treated it with prazipro. So far they are doing well except that yesterday, I noticed some spots on their fins...
  21. Joe Johnson

    EMERGENCY Disease ID: Clownfish in brand new tank shedding slime coating

    This tank is 2 weeks old and I added 2 clownfish 5 days ago to start the cycling process . The male clown has been developing a slimy looking coat over the past 3 days. He continues to swim and eat normally and otherwise seems fine. After researching the symptoms I am worried it could by...
  22. B

    Clownfish acting strange

    hi! We have a Mated pair and juvenile male clownfish we got all together. Today I noticed the juvenile male acting strange. He didn’t eat during the morning feeding and then he was in the top corner of the tank upside down swimming weird. I googled what that could mean and planned to watch him...
  23. M

    Two clownfish - (Black & White) and Orange Ocellaris, Reef fish

    Selling my two clownfish that I have in the tank. It's time for me to let go of my fish. There very healthy eat good and lived together for months. There about a little over an inch. The black one is a designer fish and it's a Darwin Ocellaris W/ (full bars). Message me if you have any...
  24. L

    Clownfish suspected internal parasite

    Hello. I've had lots of freshwater fish in the past and a few weeks ago I decided to get into a FOWLR tank. I took one of my old 15-gallon tanks and installed a surface skimmer, powerhead, heater, and aqua clear 30. I added 15 pounds of dry rock and crushed coral (each 15 pounds). I used RODI...
  25. AquaHobby31

    When you fight with your spouse... sleep in another room. Apparently this happens not just to humans :)
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