
  1. mdavi

    ID this clown please

    Can anyone id this clown for me? I would appreciate the help
  2. ETH2ETH

    3 gallon cube

    This is my 3 gallon cube that has been up and running for almost a year now. It runs on 3 items. A top fin HOB filter, a coralife light capable of supporting soft corals, and a small heater.
  3. B

    Stocking list - sugested order

    Hello, what do you all think about this stocking list? What order would you stock? Is there anything you wouild leave out or add? Tank is new this is for future reference. 116 gallon corner bowfront with 20 gallon sump. LPS/softie tank Yellow tang Foxface 4 clowns Nem 6 line wrasse Royal...
  4. maxemorris

    EMERGENCY Accidentally Siphoned Clownfish

    While doing a water change my tiny male clownfish, around an inch, went into the siphon and traveled into the bucket. I didn’t even notice until it already happened. He is swimming fine, do you think he will be okay? Is there anything I should look for?
  5. maxemorris

    Clownfish has white spots and cloudy eyes- is it ick?

    I added pictures of my female semi-storm mocha clownfish. What do you guys think the problem is? How should I treat it? This it started as soon as I had brought her home from a new fish store. My lfs originally told me to add Melafix, which I did, but it came back and I feel as if it has...
  6. maxemorris

    EMERGENCY Clown laying on sand bed rapid breathing- is he dying?

    I have a 15G tank with a built in sump, a large live rock arch, and a 1” sand bed. Livestock I have a pair of semi storm clownfish (paired), a blue leg hermit crab, a mushroom coral and a duncan coral (both still frags). Temp: 79° F Ammonia: 0.5 ppm Nitrate: 20 ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Alkalinity...
  7. S

    best way to treat ich without QT setup

    So i recently picked up a pair of clowns for my 32 gallon biocube and have noticed that they both have ich. They seem to behave and eat normally but they have lots of noticeable spots on them. I do not have the space or budget to setup a QT tank to treat them so i was wondering what the most...
  8. G

    Clown hosting?

    Is my clown hosting my purple bubble coral?? She seems to hang around it a lot practically laying on it most times even at night. The males doesn’t seems to go around it though. She also sometimes seems to like brush up against the bubble coral as she’s laying on it. Idk what she’s doing but...
  9. J

    occelaris or perc??

    Unlike the other clowns in my tank, this one has more orange around its pupils. Is this a percula?
  10. J

    perc and occy in one tank Howdy! The tank is nano 15gallon fluval. All cycled. When I first got them, I did not know what species they were. As I have researched I found that more orange in the eyes is a perc and more black is an occy. I am pretty sure the larger...
  11. J

    Bigger clown attacking a smaller one

    I currently have two clownfish and I have been having them for about 2-3 weeks now. I noticed that a true percula (large) is attacking a oscellaris (small). Small one is just hiding at the corner and sometimes shakes when the large one attacks. It does not seem too aggressive usually, but...
  12. Traviitrav

    Here’s to nanoing

    I’m in the process of parting together my 250 gallon beast, got impatient, and saw Waterbox having a 10 gallon cube sale and came up with this. Attached a AI Prime 16 HD Reef on it for good measure. Now debating if I want to make it a nano reef or a nano anemone tank!
  13. L

    I have 4 clowns, but one is a jerk and hosts all 3 nems

    It’s not really a “problem” persay, but I have 1 percula, one Black ice, one cinnamon, and one black ocellaris. The cinnamon clown is v aggressive and bites me like a lil jerk lol. and it has decided to host all 3 of my nems without letting the others have any… is this normal? And How can I let...
  14. W

    Clownfish stung/grabbed by carpet anemone

    Howdy all, I have a Black Storm clown in a QT tank right now with some concerns. About a week ago the clown was acting strange and had a very thin slime coat and my first thought was that my carpet anemone got a hold of it(which now has a new home). Over the next few days the slime coat...
  15. J


    Hello, I am new to saltwater aquariums. I had no idea that I have to cycle a tank before I add any livestock. I brought two clowns from lfs, bought aragonite sand and three live rocks in 15gallon fluval tank. I understand some ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates swings can happen during a cycle...
  16. B

    Clownfish Head Injury or Parasite ID Please

    Hi, 6 months into the hobby paying the price of learning some painful lessons re quarantining. Had 4 fatalities over the last two weeks, all visual (gold/brown fuzzy spots, white fuzzy spots) and behavioral (fast breathing, swimming into power head flow, scratching and flipping) seem very...
  17. T

    EMERGENCY Clown disease help

    I just got two clowns from my LFS. One was tank raised and one wild. The wild one looked sickly from day one and died after 3 days (picture attached with wood background). Now the other clown that was healthy and active now has a part that looks like an issue. (Picture attached). Not sure if...
  18. Bankertanker

    Hello New to reefing

    Hello everyone, I wanted to introduce myself I am Eli and I just set up my first saltwater tank, it's for my office so working on a smaller scale. It's a 10 gallon with 2 clown so far, going to wait a bit to start adding more to the tank. Any suggestions, recommendations, comments ETC I would...
  19. Diveks

    Clownfish lost mate and clown behavior

    Hey everyone, I have decided to get my clownfish (male) a new mate since the female died in qt. The male clown is very adventurous. The tank is around 50 gallons around 3 feet long. They are 4-5 cm .The new clown is almost the same size and when i plopped him in he old clown went straight for...
  20. LukeWolf

    Missouri Bonded pair of Mocha Storm clownfish first sale!

    Hello all, I am breaking down my tank due to moving off to college, so all of my livestock is for sale. I’m going to post the bigger more expensive fish individually then all the small cheap fish in one post. If anyone is interested I also have a 8” naso tang, 8” Hawaiian black longnose tang, 6”...
  21. Hunter90 HD

    Fluval 57L Reef Aquarium Improvements

    Good morning / Afternoon / Evening All, I am looking at redesigning my current Fluval 57 L tank filtration system for better filtration / water quality. At the moment i am currently using the system as designed except i changed the return pump to a UV filter pump. As you can see below, this...
  22. P

    Nano Build Possible Nano Nem / QT Build?

    I may or may not have been bit by the saltwater bug... Thinking about setting up a Nano (10-15 Gal) tank of BTA and some clowns. Would be using this as a QT tank for new frags (on a small rack) and keeping and propagating Nems. In the long term is this possible? I would be able to set up the...
  23. Danny's Aquariums

    My Designer Clownfish - Danny's Aquariums

    I want to show you my clownfish! I'm so happy with these cool fish. They are doing really well! What type of clownfish do you have in your reef tank, if any? See more of them here:
  24. taymarie

    Dead clowns

    I have had an established tank for about 8 months now and my two clowns for about 6. I have a 20 gallon hex tank. Five hermits were added about two months ago and I have various corals. Last weekend I added some copeopods from petco( I don’t normally use Petco organisms but my lfs is an hour...
  25. yanni

    1 or 2 clowns

    I’ve been thinking about my clowns I’d like to add once I get my tank set up and all sorted, but I’ve been thinking, is it really necessary to add two clowns? Could I downsize my tank from 120L, 30 gallon, to something a lil smaller and only have 1 clownfish? or would the clown not be as happy...
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