clove polyps

  1. jackalexander

    Cutting back GSP and clove polyps

    I want to know what my best option here is. I have a nano and my GSP and clove polyps are starting to get slightly overgrown but I’ve never fragged before. The clove polyps at my LFS are usually $10 per polyp so I would love to frag up that colony and start making some money back. Also, I’m only...
  2. Sleeping Giant

    New tank buddies

    Got some new additions:
  3. Reefer37

    Clove Polyps Not Opening

    Hey everyone! So really at a loss on this one, but got these clove polyps about 2 months ago and they've been great open and out. About a week ago they closed up for some reason and I thought may have something to do with lighting as I was already looking to upgrade. Switched lights and still...
  4. R

    What is my clove polyp doing?

    Hey, so a few of my palm trees have these little “balloons” growing from the tops. The ones that do have turned a much brighter green then the rest. Is this how they spawn?
  5. nautical_nathaniel

    Giant Clove Polyp/Palm Tree Coral Showoff Thread

    Hey folks! Let's see those giant clove polyps, the more mild mannered and less invasive member of the clove polyp group of corals! Here is my current crop of giant clove polyps: I got these bad boys at MACNA this year. They have dark green "leaves" with a gold neon stripe running down the...