
  1. N

    Nitrate 10ppm after water change.

    Really confused about a couple things. First I did a water change in my 45 gallon tank after I notice I have no nitrite ammonia Is .25ppm which I read means 0 since it’s an ati test kit. My issue is the nitrate is light orange so in between 10-20ppm. Second day I checked and still hasn’t really...
  2. A

    What is this Algae?

    Tank info: Currently battling dinos and am making decent progress due to more hair, coraline, and film algae showing up. In range of reef tank parameters apart from phosphates which are elevated to encourage Dino competitions. Description: this algae looks like brown dots, and i can’t blow it...
  3. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Alk and magnesium being weird.

    What would cause quite a big DKH drop and a raise in magnesium? The last time I dosed was a week ago, and it was Sodium bicarbonate for the alkalinity. I tested alk 2x to make sure...same result. I'm confused and worried.
  4. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Looking for a reef chemist here

    I'm just curious about sea salt. I'd like to know more in depth of why it's not good to use sea salt that has moisture in it to use it in a fish tank. I'm a little confused because it gets wet/ dissolved into our aquariums and I'm pretty sure alot of salt on the market comes right out of a wet...
  5. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    Problem raising magnesium.

    I can't seem to raise magnesium, I am worried that if I put anymore in that maybe the levels will come up overnight for some reason? Pls help not sure if I am wasting my 2 part magnesium mix. My levels at the start of the day was 1140 magnesium, it is now at 1185. Can't seem to get it to 1200.
  6. R

    How to best treat a salt splash to mitigate corrosion.

    Background: I have a wrought iron stand that I had a welding buddy spray and reinforce that I use to hold my 55 up top and two 20s below as sump. While there are minimal instances of rust and all seems well I imagine the stand won't be super long term as even small amounts of corrosion worry me...
  7. shartpants007

    Does anyone know any cheaper ways of testing reef chemistry?

    So I just spent quite a bit on a 25 pack of 5-in-1 test strips. After having gotten home and using 2 already, I realized that the precision of the strips is sorely lacking, and that I could have gotten a 100 pack for a bit less than I paid for the 25 on Amazon. Of course, I had looked before I...
  8. JuliaRuss

    Newbie needs some help!

    Hello! I am a saltwater newbie: been running a fully cycled Fluval Evo for 2 months now. All equipment are stock. The ph has not been super consist, but for the last two weeks it has been a steady 8.3. Ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate have been consistently at 0. Salinity has been steady at...
  9. Reef Kinetics

    ReefBot 60ml vials are here!

    The 60ml vials are here! allowing you to perform more tests before refilling. Grab yours now from:
  10. B

    8ph and low alkalinity

    I recently set up a 60l nano with established media and live rock from my other tank. Tank has been running 1 week with 2 clowns and 2 lps couple of zoas. Tested my water today ammonia nitrite 0 nitrate 2.5 dkh5 ph8 and calcium 380 salinity .023 My corals look good and all open. Is this drop in...
  11. alishahlakhani

    Stability - What, how and why? let's talk.

    Hey reefers, So I was wondering that our hobby relies alot on attaining "stability" but in it's raw form, what does stability even mean? I have few theories on what, why and how of stability in a reef tank. Feel free to correct me or share more opinions. What: - Stability is a range not a...
  12. R

    Test Kit

    I have a 36 nano reef that’s about 5 - 6 months old. Every time I test it says my parameters are perfect. I don’t believe that is accurate because I have had 2 fish die this week, although my coral are looking healthy. I’m using the API test kit, but looking for a new one. What would y’all...
  13. Accidentalreefers

    Large amount of Alk consumption

    Hey, so here are my parameter's Alkalinity 7.0 calcium - 430 magnesium - 1300 phosphate - 0 PH- 7.8-8.0 ammonia - 0 Salinity 1.025 I'm using a Hanna Alk checker for my Alk readings. This is my issue my tank isn't that loaded, mainly softies and LPS (mainly smaller frags), i have a birds nest...
  14. Reef Kinetics

    Q&A Miamireefkepers and Reef Kinetics

    All you need to know about automatic water testing for your aquarium. Q&A with Rabih Krayem Co-Founder of Reef Kinetics will answer questions and share solutions on how the ReefBot can Monitor your aquarium by running tests periodically, analyzing them and sending you real-time updates via...
  15. Herides

    Low pH of 7.8, despite perfect alkalinity and surrounding oxygen. Help!

    Hey guys, According to my Seneye Reef, my pH is at 7.8 and has been dropping for a while until now, not dramatically but over a long period of time and seems to be settling at 7.8. I've been testing my alkalinity during this process and my alkalinity comes out at more often around 3 Meq/L...
  16. lazycouch

    PH HELP!!

    hey guys, i’m about to do a water change for my 30 gallon tank (will be removing 7 adding 7 gallons of new water) and the 7 gallons i mixed have a total ph of 8.5 but my current ph in the tank is 8.14. I was wondering if the vinegar method is approved by one of you? i’d like to lower the ph to...
  17. BighohoReef

    Have I dosed my last dose of RS?!? (Switching to Tropic Marin)

    Hey all, I just dosed my last bit of Red Sea (RS) magnesium this morning and calcium plus isn’t far behind. Instead of reordering the Red Sea I’ve had my eye on the Tropic Marin ALL-FOR-REEF BRS has some great reviews and it’s been sold out during covid times. I’m wondering what folks think...
  18. Kaiser

    Ran out of Core7 3b and the replacement will not arrive until the 19th.

    So I realized that I ran out of Triton Core7 3B this morning, and upon searching, can't find the refill carton that I thought I had. I ordered the 5L Jugs a few days ago but they will not arrive until the 19th. I looked around and it lists 3B as Alkalinity + Trace, which is the same as 3a, but...
  19. Oscar’s25Gal

    Nitrates are high?

    Hello guys, so I have a 25 gal. I have no corals, except a very small shroom colony and a RBTA. My ammonia reads 0, pH 8.1, Nitrite 0 but my nitrates are 35. I have 2 clowns, a wrasse and a juvie blue tang (i am upgrading my tank in a few weeks.) Can anyone tell me why my nitrates are so high...
  20. 0utworld

    Salt Mix Alkalinity Drop

    Hi all, Due to the difference in alkalinity between my tank (170ppm) and my Reef Crystals salt mix (>180ppm), I've decided to mix my saltwater a few days prior to water changes. After mixing my water for 4 days, I've noticed its alkalinity dropped faster than expected (157ppm). I think it might...
  21. Reef Kinetics

    For the first time ever, Iodine can be tested autonomously!

    The Reefbot is now compatible with Giesemann Aquaristic Iodine Test Kit. You can read your Iodine levels between 0 and 0.1 ppm! Don't forget to use coupon code rklovesr2r at checkout for a 50$ discount!
  22. C

    Concentration of Ammonia (ppm) per Ammonium Chloride Dose (g) and Tank Volume (gal)

    Hi everybody, This thread may not be relevant to everybody, but to those who need it I think that this could be extremely useful. For those of us that opt to do a fishless cycle, I have created a quick reference dosing chart to achieve whatever concentration (ppm) of ammonia you desire by...
  23. BloopFish

    Is hydrous sodium silicate fine to use for silicate dosing?

    I've been wanting to dose silicates in my reef tank and read Randy Holme-Farley's article about silicate dosing. I know that it mentions you can buy water glass solution to dose silicates, but I was wondering if I could purchase this hydrous sodium silicate powder I found online to dissolve in...
  24. Gustavo89

    Undetectable Phosphates...what to do?

    Hello, ive been dealing with Undetectable Phosphates , normally i test with Hanna Checker. 1 month ago, i move the sand abprutly to test the next day and they were around 0.75 PPM, then checked again after 3 days they were around 0.20 ppm, then again until 0.00 PPM. So i guess they are...
  25. Reef Kinetics

    ReefBot testing for Nitrate, Phosphate, Nitrite, Ammonia, Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium

    Which parameter should we add next?