
  1. Gogi

    Tumbling chaeto without powerhead - solved

    I always see questions along the line of; Should I add pump to make my chaeto tumble? I don't want to get into the discussion whether that's required/good for chaeto growth here. I just wanted to point out that usually the flow through the sump is enough to make chaeto spin. The flow just needs...
  2. Schraufabagel

    Red Sea Iron Test Resulting in 0.0

    I have a 25 gallon AIO with a refugium in the middle chamber. The amount of chaeto is probably the size of several softballs now. Yesterday, I dosed 2.5 mL of Brightwell Aquatics Ferrion, 1 mL of Red Sea Trace Colors Iron+, and performed a 15% water change. Prior to that I hadn't done a water...
  3. rene9898

    California WTB WTB Chaeto Light

    WTB Chaeto Light to use over my sump
  4. Karen00

    Is this chaeto safe to use?

    Hello fellow saltines, When I setup my tank close to four months ago I got a goby/pistol shrimp pair from a fellow reefer. He packed the baggie with chaeto (I'm assuming to give the shrimp something to cling to). I wasn't quite sure what to do with the chaeto so I put it in a clear food...
  5. OrchidMiss

    chaeto aiptasia...

    Hi guys. Not a question as far as ID.... I know aiptasia when I see it. That being said, I've found 3-4 visible aiptasia in my chaeto in my 1g HOB refugium... The chaeto ball has grown from about a baseball size to the size of a softball and running out of room. Question is, can I do a...
  6. T

    Hello Help removing chaeto from live rock

    Hi, When I set up my tank, I purchased premium uncured live rock. I did a great job curing it without killing much of the amazing small corals, multiple kinds of macro Algae (some I have never seen before like red moss). Anyway, I added a ball of chaeto directly into the tank but with the...
  7. themericks

    Chaeto: at my wits' end

    I'm hoping someone can point out something I'm not seeing here. Main problem is the same as many other threads about chaeto dying, but I'm starting to think the reason is something that I don't/can't test for and dose/remove. Any chaeto I put in my RSR 170 DT sump consistently dies a slow...
  8. Nevada Wiseguy

    Looking for Biocube 32 Chaeto Holder STL File

    Does anyone have an stl for a chaeto holder? I have a Biocube 32 along with the media basket, but want to be more refugium, like I have been in the past. Last time I added chaeto it was a disaster. I would like to PETG print some sort of chaeto holder as my nitrate levels are higher than I...
  9. Mikey0909

    Would this bulb enough light for a 5 gallon refuguim?

    I will probably just have cheato in the refugium. The bulb is also 2700 K
  10. AlgaeBarn

    Livestock The 3 most important events in world history?... (chaeto)

    The sealing of the Magna Carta. The invention of the World Wide Web. That time we updated the website with Chaeto on a THURSDAY. Chaeto is available in our Ultimate Refugium Starter Packs today!
  11. D

    Chaeto damaging tank?

    Hi everyone. So my chaeto has been growing very quickly, and every night I can see it producing a bunch of oxygen bubbles. I also added a flow pump to the chamber its in. However, when I went to harvest half of it, a huge cloudy mess went into the water when I stirred it up, and now my water is...
  12. A

    Want to buy macro algae

    Looking for affordable macro, hypnea, ogo, codium, or gracicularia would be nice. Can’t afford anything expensive willing to pay for priority shipping. Lmk what you have and what your asking. PayPal only
  13. A

    How long can chaeto survive in the mail?

    Found someone on ebay selling chaeto for a good price the issue is he is shipping priority mail. How long could it last in a padded envelope? Would it be worth the risk with all the shipping delays?
  14. ultraArcite

    Requesting help identifying a potential issue in refugium macro algae

    Hi everyone, I have Sea Lettuce and Chaeto in my refugium (there are some other things in there if you wanna check out my build thread). I've started noticing these white, hair-like clumps in my sea lettuce. Can anyone identify this? Is it something I should be concerned about?
  15. B

    Why is my Chaeto melting / disintegrating?

    I have tried to have Chaeto in a refugium a couple of times to fight the hair algae in my DT. But in both cases, after a month or two it starts breaking apart and of course, it creates a mess in my DT Setting: I have created a separate compartment in my Reefer 170 sump with a Kessil H80 for...
  16. hart24601

    Iowa Chaeto 2 cups free priority mail shipping $25 4 cups $40 shipped!

    I have been using chaeto since around 2013. I won the acro growout contest here in 2014 along with have a tank spotlight the next year and those are photos from that system. I would not have been able to win the contest or support that system without chaeto. I included those photos in the...
  17. chadfish

    Remember to dispose of your excess chaeto responsibly

    Hi Everyone, I just came across this journal article about chaetomorpha which "possess broad environmental tolerances, demonstrate high nutrient uptake and growth rates, and reproduce by fragmentation. Although these characteristics make Chaetomorpha a desirable aquarium inhabitant, they may...

    Chaeto has been restocked!

    We accidentally let this go out of stock and now its back up! All portion sizes are available! Our chaeto is grown in an algae reactor and is looking great! While its always somewhat limited we generally have some available at all times. If you need some, this is your chance! [Click Here to View]
  19. Jaspervdb

    Coraline on cheato?

    Dear Reef2Reef, I recently got my first ball of cheato and some pieces are covered in small tube like things. Some at the end of the cheato and some in de middle. Can this be coraline algea or are they vermetid snails? Or anything other than that? Seems to be clear of any other hitchhikers...
  20. DeNovice

    Will chaeto drop nitrate and phosphate to zero?

    I have been consistently getting 0 on Nitrate and Phosphate. I have chaeto in a back chamber that’s literally doubling in size in about a weeks time. I give it 18 hours of light which I’d read was recommended. I also have green hair algae forming on the sand. As of yesterday, my ammonia level...
  21. DeNovice

    Phosphate question

    I have a newer tank setup. 20g AIO cube. That being said, I turned my middle chamber into a chaeto reactor and it doubled in size in about two weeks. I just tested my levels and came up with this - Ammonia .25 Nitrate 0 Ph 8 Phosphate .25 Nitrite 0 Full disclosure I’m not 100% since I’m using...
  22. JoannaCora

    Display Refugium and Seeking Macros

    Hello all! First post here on the forum, been in the shadows for a while though. Nice to meet you all! I'm stocking a display refugium and this post is to a) show off, c) request specific IDs if anyone knows them, and b) find anyone in the Southern California area willing to sell, trade, or...
  23. jackalexander

    Help with green hair algae

    I’ve been battling GHA for a few months now and It’s upsetting because I got it on a frag plug from my LFS. It has only spread a little bit and it pulls off easily so my nitrates are >5ppm and phosphate is around >0.15. I have tried flipping rocks upside down to cover the GHA, manual removal...
  24. jackalexander

    Chaeto Acclimation

    I just started a mini fuge to try and combat some gross algae and keep nitrates in check. I read in some places that I should start by lighting it for 4 hours a day for a week then increase to a full light schedule of 8-12 hours a day. Any tips from successful fuge keepers? Do any of you turn...
  25. N

    First time doing Refugium - competing algae?

    94Gal DT Trigger 30 Sump Tank is only a few months running After tank cycled, I added 2 clowns. A few weeks later a few snails / hermit crabs. Long term goal (1+ years) is to have a pair Mandarins to I wanted to set up refugium and start seeding with Pods. Initially added MarinePure block &...