canister filter

  1. MarineDepot

    VIDEO: Canister Filters on Reef Tanks? Never Say Never!

    VIDEO: Canister Filters on Reef Tanks? Never Say Never! Speed up cycling, deep clean, or start a quarantine tank!
  2. ScubaSteve4Life

    Use my canister filter?

    I'm on day 16 of my tank cycle and have brownish algae starting to grow over my dry rock. I started with about 25 lbs of dry dead rock and 20 lbs of live Carrib sea sand in my 29 gallon tank. I'm currently using Red seas reef mature pro kit and it mentions I need a protein skimmer but nothing...
  3. J

    Clearing out some equipment

    I have some equipment from a previous build that is taking up space in my closet. Everything is in excellent condition with original boxes. The list with prices (including shipping via USPS) is below, but I will also take offers. Let me know if you have any questions! Eshopps PSK-75H...
  4. MarineDepot

    Cobalt Aquatics: 15% off Everything!

    Cobalt Aquatics: 15% off Everything! Save on pumps, heaters, food, and more! 10 helpful ways to use versatile MJ pumps for your reef tank
Top Shelf Aquatics