candy cane


    Connecticut Live Goods Teal Candy Cane Coral Colony+ Lrg Hollywood Stunner - CT - Local sale only

    For sale - 20+ polyps of Candy Cane coral - $60 4x5 inch Hollywood Stunner Chalice- $30 Shoot me a message and we can meet up! Local sales only. Thanks for looking!!
  2. D

    EMERGENCY Reef Dying

    Hi, I’ve had this reef for about 2 months now, everything was fine and open and doing very well then all of a sudden maybe in the past week it’s just stopped opening up fully and not looking healthy. I will show some pictures below of before and after. It’s mainly my torch’s and frogspawns I am...
  3. reeffreak911

    Florida Live Goods Dragon soul candy cane coral

    Dragon soul favia have a couple of frags
  4. Av8tor2

    OH No, I am hooked!

    First coral, showing real signs of growth!!!
  5. S

    Brown-ish discs on my candy cane?

    I woke up today with these brown discs on one of my heads of candy cane. They appear to be moving and i just want to check what they could be and if they are pests. If so how would i go about removing them? Thanks (sorry for the dark image, lights just turned on)
  6. D

    Is my candy cane splitting?

    Is my candy cane splitting, and how long will it take because it constantly has been like this for a while.
  7. D

    Need help stocking my new tank

    Hi everyone I’m looking to stock my 90 gallon tank with coral in fish. I already have 1 gsp 1 duncan 1xenia 1 devil hand leather 1 toadstool leather 1 favia 1 gontipora 1 candy cane 2 sets of zoanthids 1 mushroom. 1 clown 1 Montipora that won’t grow 1 lavender tang who I am looking to get...
  8. D

    Candy Cane Coral Growth

    I’ve had this candy cane Coral since March I think. It’s always been two heads. But for a while now one has always been bigger than the other and the other one won’t open up because there is no space. Also not sure how candy canes grow but I’ve had two heads since March which kinda sucks. Not...
  9. D

    Candy Cane Coral Worm?

    Hi. I’ve had this candy cane Coral for a while now. And recently it’s been developing these worms or some sort of slime on the stalk of it, not sure what it is. There is also those white dots on it aswell. And recently when I was on vacation they have formed everyone on my tank. The back...
  10. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy canes show off

    My name says zoa fanatic but candy canes are my passion. Anyone else love this coral? How big is your colony?
  11. Timich

    Candy cane help! Please!

    Please help me who knows what might be going on. So I had this candy cane next to my hammer for several months. No problems. Hammer didn't grow as much as the candy grew almost triple since I first bought it. The skin of the candy is like dissolving. At first I thought it was splitting. But it...
  12. Timich

    Candy cane help! Please!

    Please help me who knows what might be going on. So I had this candy cane next to my hammer for several months. No problems. Hammer didn't grow as much as the candy grew almost triple since I first bought it. The skin of the candy is like dissolving. At first I thought it was splitting. But it...
  13. M

    Build Thread New to Reefing- 4 Month Cube journey - Build Thread

    Note: Please ignore the Ikea light that used for lighting the tank for the pic. Hi All. I am new to reef aquarium and this is my first reef tank that I setup last week. Planning for mainly zoas and easy corals and probably will move to hammers later. That’s all. Plan is to kickstart tank...
  14. Stones-Reef

    Large Candy Cane Colony (Three years of growth)

    Rescued this candy cane frag back in 2018, now it looks like a softball. Share yours below! 2018 Now
  15. ewoolpert

    AIO Build What coral next?

    Good morning everyone. I have a fluval evo 13.5 and need suggestions as to what coral to add next. I currently have a toadstool that is doing well and want to add my next piece. I am leaning towards a frogspawn, acan, or candy cane. All feedback is welcome. Also if you have any other...
  16. Zoa_Fanatic

    How long for candy canes to recover?

    I have some candy canes that have recently become super super mad for some reason. They deflated one day when I raised the pH of the water by 0.2 over about three days and now have slowly been reinflating during the day but looking like crap at night. Before and after pics attached. Any idea...
  17. Foggy Pirate

    Help with Candy Canes!

    Hey Everyone iv seen some other threads going from it’s corline algea to its dying that you might need to cut off the head, to its regular algae so i figured i would post my pictures. And make my own post for some personal help. So I bought these from Manhatten Aquairums, the guy was really nice...
  18. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy Cane Corals not inflating

    I've had these guys 8 months. They've gone from 2 heads to 20ish. The last 2 or 3 days they haven't wanted to inflate at all with the tissue held close to the skeleton. Tank is nearly 7 years old. Parameters are: Nitrate - 5ppm Nitrite - 0ppm Ammonia- 0 ppm Calcium - 520 ppm pH - 8.2...
  19. raphgiroux

    Deflating candy cane

    Hello there, and thanks for hearing my all time first post on this forum! Exactly a month ago I had a thriving reef and a cute candy cane, a well established bird of paradise and blue stylo. But my parameters were a little off, phosphates being at 0.9 and nitrates at 0.00. I made some research...
  20. Zoa_Fanatic

    Candy cane splitting but not growing any new skeleton.

    My candy canes are splitting like crazy. They’ve gone from nearly dead to two heads to like 10 heads now. But they just keep splitting. At what point do they start growing new stony skeleton and branching out? My hammer coral recently split and immediately it grew a new skeleton for the new...
  21. nanonøkk

    candy cane coral looks damaged

    ok so my candy cane corals been doing great it recently split and it’s starting to do it again. but at this one spot it looks like the skeleton is showing is something wrong with it and can i do something for it or should i leave it alone still and it dosent look like a feeder tentical it looks...
  22. nanonøkk

    help i cut my candy cane coral

    ok so i was trying to flip my flipper scrapper and i cut my polyp of candy cane coral ope and i’m scare rn and i’m freaking out what do i do here’s a picture of it
  23. nanonøkk

    is my candy cane coral dying

    ok so i just turned off my tank light like i normally do and i look at my candy cane coral who was puffy and happy the entire day to see it all shriveled up like in the picture and i dont know what’s wrong because all the other corals are fine and even the goniapora is still open
  24. nanonøkk

    what’s wrong with my candy cane coral

    ok so i just woke up and turned on my tank light why dose it look like my candy cane corals mouth area has a tear or something
  25. nanonøkk

    my candy cane coral is browning

    ok so i have a candy cane coral it’s been doing great but today after my water change it started to brown what’s going on with it i know most of the time it’s light but i’ve never had a problem with it
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