Hello everyone! Glad to be apart of a forums page, here is a look at the tank I have running atm.
Its a Fluval EVO 13.5gal (stock build, no mods) with a pair of Snow Onyx Clownfish, a beautiful long tentacle anemone (was tagged that at lfs but they suspect it may be a different type, lmk what...
Hello fellow reefers! Welcome to my first ever thread on R2R!
I am a high school student in Idaho, and I have worked, or I guess I should say learned, at a LFS here called Fish Aquariums and Stuff for 2 years now!
I have owned 2 reefs in the last 3 years, my previous being a 24 gallon in one...
Figured I'd add a build thread and document my first big-ish build. Red Sea Reefer 350. I currently have an Evo 13.5 nano that's been up for a little over a year and a half and I can probably say that's the little tank that got me hooked on reef tanks. Prior to that, I've been mainly a...
Hey Reefers :)
I am kind of new to the hobby. I have 29 Cube reef tank for 3 years before I moved to SoCal area and had to sell it. I am a big fan of the hobby and I want to start again. My previous setup was a simple AIO setup for keeping softies and easy fishes.
Now, I want to build a much...
It's been 20 years since I kept fish and now seems as good a time as any to start up again and it's amazing how much the hobby and technology has changed in that time. Since January 1st 2021, I've been slowly building my reef tank piece by piece. It's only been 6 weeks, and I don't event have...
On the 30th of January I traded for a new tank I had recently posted a build thread for my 75 gallon tank but you know impatient reefers can be sometimes when it comes to getting a bigger tank. So here’s a small look into what I’ve been doing so far and the list that I’ve compiled.
Red Sea Reefer XL 425 - The Upgrade
Welcome to my newest build thread for my Red Sea Reefer XL 425 - (if you are looking for my original build thread with my Innovative Marine Nuvo 20 Gallon with custom stand, please use the following link...
Hey guys,
Long time lurker here- R2R has awesome info and perspectives! I've been reefing for about 15 years mostly pretty low budget and DIY heavy.. I finally made an account and I'm excited to be participating more fully! I am very open to suggestions, comments and constructive criticism this...
Hello Reefers!
I've been setting up an Innovative Marine 30L AIO for a few months now and wanted to share! I plan on mainly keeping LPS specifically Euphyllia.
2 IM MightyJet Return Pumps
2 VCA RFG's (With the Slip Fit Drop connector)
2 AI Nero 3's
2 AI Prime16 HD Lights/Mounting...
Hi Everyone , This will be my first nano build. I am quite excited to do this build. Wanting to make this a ULM tank or as low as possible!! I have a 120gal already :p lol hope I won't regret maintenance days . Thinking of a Euphyllia dominate with LPS/Softies.
Powerhead: MP10 or...
Hey everyone, first time doing a build thread here. I currently have a 75g lightly stocked tank with some simple and odd ball corals.
I’m upgrading to a 180g system. I got a lightly used tank from a friend of mine. I ended up resealing all of the inner seals just to give myself some peace...
After 2 years away from the hobby, I've decided to jump back in! Now I know this isn't some monster build, but nanos have always had a small place in my heart! I've decided to go with a 20 Gallon Nuvo Concept Peninsula tank, it offers a very unique style, while also being a nano AIO build...
Ok, my time as come to start by build thread. I've been watching @Tonycass12 @Arcu2 @FrontRangeReefer Marine X 60.2 threads, but probably time to start mine. Just to document progress, ask questions and contribute my own experience for others. No ETA for the tank yet, but hopefully soon. This...
The main purpose of this build thread is to show other people my age that YOU CAN DO IT! This hobby isn't just for all the oldies here (although where would we be without the oldies?)Although the going gets tough (and expensive) it is possible to have a successful reef as a teen. And while I am...
Hi all! So I've been thinking about making a build thread for my current SPS tank for a while and I finally feel like I'm at the point where I'd like to show it off! Below is some information about me and my tank as well as some pictures. Hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
Hey y'all the CADE 1200 came in today! I would like to give thanks to Algae Barn for this amazing opportunity and would like to personally thank each and every member involved in the special post. Also, I would like to personally thank Rudy, a fellow Niners fan, for helping me place the tank/...
I am starting a new build and figured this time I would try and do it on here as well as my youtube channel, JCS Reefing.
The tank I ordered is roughly 150g 72x22x22 15mm Euro braced Peninsula SC Aquariums tank. I went with this company simply because I currently run a tank by this company and...
Starting a new build after diving into the hobby around 1.5 years ago.
I had been a planted freshwater guy, and when I moved to a new home I decided to tear down the freshwater tank and go salt. As such, I have been nursing a 65 gallon petco special tank, with a siphon based over tank overflow...
After 2 years running my 75 gallon mixed reef I've upgraded.
I got this beautiful tank with the stand and canopy from a LFS
I painted the back with black enamel paint, I didn't paint the over flows just for ease of maintenance down the road and if I ever have to fish anyone out of the...
And it starts again...!
Long story short...I had this 24g AIO cube mixed reef tank running from from May 2019 to July 2020 and then unfortunately had to take it down as I was not in town for a prolonged 8 months and the LFS care that I was relying on was not going much good.
This time I...
6 years after getting into this hobby I am putting together my dream tank. I have had several tanks over the years from a 20 tall, 29 gallon and a Nuvo 30L. The Nuvo 30L is still up and running and will be shut down once the new 151g is setup.
20 Gallon Build Thread -...
Hello everyone!
This is going to be the build thread for the first ever saltwater tank that my partner and I have done. We have had success with freshwater in the past, but it is time for something new! In my introduction thread, @P-Dub referred to our nascent system as the Emerald Reef, which...
Well let's start from Day 1, I started my saltwater journey after being in freshwater game for 6-8 years. Well last year with a 29 gallon tank later I started the salt water tank and later in the year my wife cousin gave me his 65 gallon tank with a clown and a goby. This past Thanksgiving I...
Hi Everyone!
So I decided to post my first build thread to R2R! I currently have an SCA 80 gallon FOWLR that has been running for over 1 year and after finding a good petco sale on the Fluval 13.5 / redoing my office I decided I wanted to start a nano reef for the office(thinking this would be...
Well after a year with my fist tank I feel confident enough to go ahead and post my build. Although I have spent countless hours researching and pouring myself into this tank, I consider myself lucky to have the amount of success that I've had so far.
This tank was started December 19th 2019...