
  1. P

    Do I have black bugs????? HELP!!!!

    Today while looking at my tank i notice super small black specs moving all over my clams shell (only after lights out). They are so small I cannot get a good photo with my phone. Now after doing some research I feel like it is black bugs however, they are nowhere to be found on any of my sps...
  2. K

    Unknown Critters... Hopefully Harmless...

    I recently noticed that a frag of green mdntipora had a small area where the flesh was gone and the skeleton was exposed. It had soon before i noticed this fallen from it's spot, so I thought that it had possibly been damaged and the flesh had simply fallen off. I kept an eye on it, and a week...
  3. BRB

    To dip or not to dip or what to do?

    Happy Thursday Soo I got some zoas that were getting eaten by this little Dude but I got him out. I am noticing more than just him. Please help me identify what I need to do. Thanks in advance
Cultivated Reef