bubble algae

  1. Kolby’s Reef

    what is this?

    can someone please explain if this is bubble algae or what kind of algae it is and how to get rid of it. It’s in my tank and chaeto.
  2. lazycouch

    angry zoas??

    hey everyone i’m new here and new to the hobby. i just purchased 3 zoa frags about 2 days ago and realized there was some bubble algae that hitchhiked around the stalks. today, i decided to pluck them off outside of my tank (without having them pop of course) but after doing more reading on...
  3. J

    Brown and bubble algea

    I been having this problem for a year my tank its 2 years old I had my no3 and po4 at 0 now my no3 it's at 4 ppm but my po4 it's at 0 at least that's what my red sea says I see some growt in my sps frags but not the best coloration some of the are turning white any suggestions on what to do I...
  4. J

    Brown algae and bubble algae help!

    Im new to the forum ✌ so I been having this brown algea in my tank for more then a year my tank its 2 years old most of my corals are sps frags I see some growth but my coloration it's not good some of them are getting white I just checked my nitrates and phosphates my no3 its 4ppm but my po4...
  5. scott11106

    Dark colored bubbles

    anyone know what these black or dark colored bubbles are? they are not like air bubbles but more look like a solid but wanted to know if they are bad and should i take them out? I think they are bad since the torch they seem to be attached to looks like the stem has eroded or eaten away if these...
  6. Andrew Schubert

    Is some Bubble Algae 'ok' and 'normal' ???

    I have a 120 gallon with 30 gal fuge setup for about 4 months now. I noticed a 'little' bubble algae growing on one of my zio frags, so I took it out and scrubbed the algae off. Now, (about 4 days later) I see one or 2 little specs of it in about a dozen different places on the rocks. My...
  7. RickG

    Have a really bad case of bubble algae

    Any advice on how to deal with a bad case of bubble algae? Have two emerald crabs but I might have to add some more. Started with only a few bubbles but it has blown up on most rocks in the past couple of months.
  8. S

    Bubble algae on stylo

    I just bought a purple stylo frag, it has a big bubble on it. How do I go about getting rid of it without spreading it to my tank. I know the first thing should’ve been not buying it in the first place but it was covered and I didn’t see it so what’s next? If I just remove it will it grow back?
  9. rantipole

    Peroxide questions

    Hi, I recently sprayed peroxide over a live rock to rid myself of some algae. It worked really well. Now, I see some bubble algae growing in on my clove polyp and blue sponge rock. So two questions: Will peroxide kill bubble algae? Will peroxide hurt the sponge? Thanks! Cheers, rant
  10. NATE1979

    Replacing live rock with new cured live rock cause of bubble algae out break

    Had to replace around 7 pieces around 3lbs a piece and replacong it with some new. Cured already from my local fish store will my tank be ok? I have fish and coral in it.
  11. Mike N

    Red bubble algae?

    Is it red bubble algae? I don't see it anywhere else in the tank.
  12. T

    Long time coming

    So I've been battling an outbreak of bubble algae for quite some time now, and have tried all of the natural methods of removal (manual, emeralds). Unfortunately, my tank is too small for me to introduce some of the more aggressive bubble algae eating fish. I'm trying to weigh my options at...
  13. shiftline

    Algae and Pest Predators - The Natural way! - Contest!

    Protect your reef from algae and pests the natural way.. and Win a Baby Groot! As many of us just use chemicals to remedy issues.. there's something beautiful of curing issues the natural way.
  14. Irishman

    60 Cube Upgrade

    So my wife gave me the OK to upgrade from a 60 cube to a 90 gallon for the kitchen. I planned on tearing down the 60 cube and rebuilding the inside anyways but I had the amazing option to trade it for a 90 gallon. The issue I am currently having with the cube is that all my rock is COVERED...
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