bubble algae

  1. J

    Build Thread A poor boy's reef. :)

    Hello R2R family. My name is Jimmy, I am from south south Texas. and I am a customer service supervisor for a global audio group. After years of working as a IT/Cable technician in the field on ladders with extreme heat here in South Texas, as well as attic work, I now work from home and I am...
  2. Sick_man

    Might quit because of Algae

    So i have a 33 gallon long tank that is about 2.5 years old and I have never been able to defeat algae. The tank is overrun with bubble algae and GHA. I'm even dosing Vibrant (algaecide) but nothing seems to be working. Almost every week I have to clean pumps because they get clogged up with...
  3. O

    Bubble Algae on Bubble Coral

    Hi, I just discovered what I think it bubble algae on a new bubble coral I just purchased. It is right on the tip of its skeleton, which I noticed at night while the coral was closed up. Is it safe to clip off the edge of the skeleton with bone cutters to remove it all together or should I...
  4. jpgillespie2

    Popping Valonia ventricosa aka Bubble Algae

    In October of 2021, I set up 2 saltwater aquariums. One of the aquariums is a 29 gallon "mixed reef" tank and the other is a 10 gallon "coral quarantine" tank. I started each aquarium with dry rock from my local fish store. After researching, I came to the conclusion that I would cycle the...
  5. FlowGod

    Major aiptasia and bubble algae issue

    Hello everybody. I haven't been on here for a while and that will also show with my tank. I have had the bubble algae issue for a long time. Probably 1 year with the aiptasia issue. I would go in and remove as much bubble algae and pulsing xenia as I could and I would forget about the tank again...
  6. B

    Moving, thoughts on drying rock out

    Moving from CA to TX and stopping for a week in Vegas. I have a 20 gallon that’s been running for almost two years. Fighting bubble algea and aiptasia. Thoughts on tossing the sand and drying out the rock? Would the water be fine sitting in jugs for two weeks before the tank is up and running...
  7. Reefing Reefer

    Cyano or Bubble?

    I've started seeing these bubble-like algae in my reef. The tank's been running for approximately 10 months; 20 Gallon w/ mixed corals and a clownfish. I've had bubble algae in the past, and this doesn't seem to be the same - it more seems like the algae are growing over air bubbles. I've tried...
  8. tuggerlake26

    Bubble Algae

    I noticed two of the frags I added to my tank about a month ago are growing bubble algae. What's the best solution here? Should I take the frags out, remove all algae, and rinse off with tank water? Does that risk spores? Or could I cover it with some super glue and hope that stops things? Or...
  9. N

    First tanks first big problem. My solution

    I have a Fiji 39 gallon peninsula. Love the tank, all of my parameters have been decent (ive had it for about 10 months now). I have had torches successfully and got a lot of coralline algae growing which is super exciting. I Unfortunately, I let a pest problem go too long. I had a lot of rock...
  10. N

    Nightmare bubble algae/aptasia problem

    Hey guys, I've had my tank almost a year and all my parameters are fantastic, corals and fish doing great. The issue is the insane bubble algae problem and aptasias i have. A friend recommended to just het new rock but... i have so much rock in my set up i dont wanna ruin it. What do you think...
  11. Gonj


    Bubble algae issue is getting way out of hand, I’ve got 6 emerald crabs in a 50 g display (90g system) and they haven’t made a dent. Manual removal isn’t really an option most of the rock work is covered in coral or fused together with putty making it way too large to pull out. I try to scrape...
  12. TouchThemMangos

    Transparant bubbles on Ricordea Florida

    Hi! I bought a new Ricordea Florida (green) a few weeks ago & noticed some transparant bubbles on the side of the plug. At first I thought it was new growth, but am starting to wonder if it’s bubble algae instead. Does anyone know what it is?
  13. wvfeefkeeper80

    Algae Anxiety

    Algae Anxiety
  14. H

    It just gets better and better...

    A few months ago my lfs convinced me to buy some live rock to speed up my cycle. It was a huge mistake. First, I got GHA. Next, I saw an aiptasia coming out of the rock. They sold me some F-Aptasia to get rid of it. It worked. The next day I saw multiple aphasia coming out of the rock along...
  15. Foggy Pirate

    Help.. low food input, great water parameters, and still algea grows. HAIR CYNO BUBBLE

    Help!!!!! So all my livestock has been in this tank for a couple months. I think everything has been in here since March 29th 2021. The 2 Cerith snails I believe i got a little later Maybe early June. So introducing stuff only could have happened awhile which leads me to my first observation. I...
  16. kwirky

    Green star polyps to combat bubble algae?

    I've been fighting bubble algae on and off for about a year now and I'm getting tired of it. I physically remove them with a hose and screw driver and they come back within a week. They detach from rock and end up in my powerheads, causing cascading issues. I'd rather grow GSP because at least...
  17. gr8pretender

    A Suncoral Worth Saving?

    Here is a photo taken today, from my coworkers tank below. My coworker bought this sun coral from one of our LFS a few weeks ago, they had discounted it because it looked on its way out. There is only one polyp left now. His parameters aren't 100% (although I read that shouldn't matter that much...
  18. S

    Tapering off Vibrant

    summary: I successfully eliminated bubble algea using vibrant. I slowly ramped up my dose from 2ml per week up to 5ml per week. It's taken three months but the bubble algae is finally gone. I think I'm going to slowly ramp down the dose over the next month or two. I have read that vibrant act...
  19. Jordan Wright

    Bubble Algae Issue

    hey so i have noticed i am getting a bubble algae outbreak. I was re-arranging my aquascape and figured i mine as well go on a hunt and pick all of it off with tweezers since i took my rocks out, and i heard if you pop it in the water it will cause it to spread even more. It was all gone for a...
  20. Reefing Reefer

    Bubble Algae?

    Needing some confirmation that this is bubble algae; the bubbles are dark, leaving me wondering if it’s something else. I am treating the tank with vibrant, once per week. No changes since starting 4 weeks ago. Last water test results: Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate 0 Phosphates 0.25 ppm Calcium 400...
  21. D

    Build Thread My mom's 13 gallon bubble algae Christmas present tank build!

    Some of you may have seen my post about a month ago on wanting to grow bubble algae as my moms Christmas present. Well I did it, and this is the build thread for that tank...
  22. D

    I need help setting up a unusual saltwater tank for my moms Christmas present. Basically I wanna grow bubble algae.

    So uh, yeah this is probably a pretty unusual question. How do you intentionally grow bubble algae? For a bit of background my whole family are huge nerds. My mom is a botanist, my brother is a geologist (almost done with his degree,) and I am a 3d artist. While rockhounding about a month ago...
  23. Kolby’s Reef

    what is this?

    can someone please explain if this is bubble algae or what kind of algae it is and how to get rid of it. It’s in my tank and chaeto.
  24. Kolby’s Reef

    EMERGENCY what is this

    can someone please explain if this is bubble algae or what kind of algae it is and how to get rid of it. It’s in my tank and chaeto.
  25. Kolby’s Reef

    What is this?

    can someone please explain if this is bubble algae or what kind of algae it is and how to get rid of it. It’s in my tank and chaeto.