
  1. TerraMagnus

    Diamond Watchman Gobies - A Breeding Adventure

    My wife & I have been on a bit of a Diamond Watchman Goby (Valenciennea puellaris) breeding journey, and I think we're making some progress. I thought I'd share what we've been up to with the hive mind. We've got a batch that hatched out this morning. I'll update this thread with photos, videos...
  2. T

    Red Brittle Starfish had BABIES. Care/Feeding Advice? Will pistol shrimp/goby pair OR bristle worm eat them?

    Hello All, I've had a red, brittle starfish for a few months and recently saw about 10 miniature (Image 2 is one of the 10 starfish), clear brittle starfish emerge from a hole in my live rock under a hammer coral, ranging in size of 2-5 mm diameter. These little guys have been hanging in there...
  3. Karen00

    CITES captive breeding program

    Hello fellow saltines, Are there any CITES experts in the community? I happened to be on the website of a local saltwater/freshwater community and happened to see someone selling an Arowana. I have no interest in this fish but was curious as to who keeps them because I know they get large. I...
  4. Cpark15

    Breeding Mandarin Dragonets

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for any advice on breeding Mandarin Dragonets. I want to get a pair and cultivate my own copepods for their food. Would love to hear tips and tricks that other people have found as well as how much they food they needed to keep their fish and fry happy! Cheers to all!
  5. B

    Trying to breed beta fish for the first time, they are fighting quite fiercely is this normal.

    I just put them in the same tank after putting them in small tank adjacent to each other they did not seem to be aggressive so I put them isn’t the same tank. I’ve had the blue one for a couple months now and 4 day ago I bought him a mate. I read the wiki how page about breeding beta fish and...
  6. L

    EMERGENCY What’s these?? found them in my larval tank and now i don’t see any larvae.

    hi everybodies, so i finally have the time to raise my fish and here goes. my larval tank is about 3liters, it’s a black bucket with a bubbler so i’m raising neon gobies here’s a time line -fish hatches -i do a minor water change -i buy more rotifers for backup and put them into the tank - i...
  7. M

    Breeding Clownfish

    Hello All, I am getting into breeding clownfish. I have 2 in a 75ltr/22g tank that are breeding on the back wall. I have a hatchery tank setup with same sal/temp. I am now setting up the roti/Phyto. My first question is, I want to add a tile so I can take it out. Do I put it where they...
  8. Biota_Marine

    Livestock Brand New captive-bred Hybrid Angelfish and Captive-bred Comets

    Alright y'all, We have some crazy angelfish in stock right now. The newest addition to our availability is the Nebula Angelfish or the Xanthotis X Griffis Angelfish Hybrid. These came in looking amazing and no two look the same. These are some of the rarest angelfish in the world since their...
  9. Biota_Marine

    Livestock New Species Alert! 3 new additions

    I just added two brand new species to our site and an old favorite! First we have the lyretail damselfish, these are actually very cool damsels that like to school in the mid level of the reef tank. The black and yellow pattern really stands out in a reef tank so much so that I put a school of...
  10. J

    What kind of snail is this it’s shell is the size of a nail and seems to only cover the top the heck is this thing

    Also on a side note I’m pretty sure that little snail next to it is a baby astrea if not please educate me as they all mated in my reef tank and I now have around 200-300 in my 100.3 reef tank.....LOL I love them tho picture of large group of them below
  11. L

    San Francisco brine shrimp

    According to brineshrimpdirect SF strains of brine shrimp, they are smaller? Like the size of rotifers, could I use them as a first food because I have no luck with rotifers :3
  12. A

    Clownfish BREEDING PAIRS

    I have enjoyed breeding these pairs and it is time to move on. shipping available: Actual Shipping Cost is non-refundable and will be deducted from any refund subject to the following conditions: SHIPPING INFO *shipper IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DELAYS including, but not limited to: carrier...
  13. L

    Conditioning diet

    What can i use for conditioning banggai cardinals? i know chopped squid, mysis and even baby guppies??? If I bought baby saltwater mollies from my LFS would that still be the same as the guppies? would it have the same effect? and "wild" cherry shrimp, there are people in my area selling...
  14. theocorals537

    Wyoming White clownfish spawned!

    Ive had this pair of clowns for about 8 years, i love them as a pet. they have been going crazy at the rocks for a while now and i always thought it was algae they were after. i looked today and saw the male cleaning a big patch of eggs under their rbta! will they hatch in tank? i always dose...
  15. cant beat reef

    Spotted mandarin speaking

    Hey everyone, second time posting in here and everyone has been so helpful. I have recently purchased (2 weeks ago) a female spotted for my male, my male has been great with her there has been no fighting (fingers crossed ) other than the beginning for 20 sec or so I’m assuming that was...
  16. S

    will my clowns eventually breed?

    I have a male naked triple dot ocellaris clown and a female snowflake ocellaris clown. They are both still pretty small, definitely not close to full grown size. But, will the eventually breed since they are both types of ocellaris?
  17. itselenababe

    Bangaii m or f??

    We got 3 bangaiis today and put them in qt but we have no idea if they’re m/f/both. What do you think?? I put a coloured dot to represent each one if that helps I’ve looked at a bunch of pictures but can’t figure out the whole vent thing. I tried feeding them to see if it would help but they...
  18. L

    Recent aggression in existing pair of clowns

    I had a lone ocellaris clown fish in my tank for about a year before getting a second clown to pair with it. The new clown I got was significantly smaller, about 1/3 the size of my existing clown. They seemed to pair up almost immediately with only some minimal aggression in the first day or...
  19. F

    Banggai and Pajama Cardinal hybrid

    Okay, I am totally new to this forum but have a 55-gallon saltwater aquarium and a totally interesting situation! I have a banggai and pajama cardinal and didn't even think them breeding was possible or likely, but my banggai cardinal has been acting strange- not eating, staying in a corner...
  20. Biota_Marine

    Another Species success- Can you guess which one?

    Hey R2R, We're happy to announce we've had another breakthrough on a brand new species. Before we officially announce it let's get some guesses from the R2R community! Check out the first two photos below:
  21. LeoTanure

    Black Storm Clownfish offspring

    Hi guys, to get most storm babies, should I pair my male black storm with a female Darwin or another black storm, pls help me guys, thx
  22. T

    “New” type of berghia nudibranch?

    I ordered “bergiah” early this year With hopes of starting a nudibranch culture to deal with aptasia. I decided to order a pair from 3 different vendors in order to diversify my genetics. I believe I received 3 entirely different species. It seems one group was truly berghia, but I can’t seem...
  23. LxHowler

    How do I get nassarius snail eggs to hatch

    I have just seen that my nassarius snails are laying eggs in my tank and I was wondering what I need to do to get these to hatch. I know that my fish will eat alot of them but they have laid some in an are my fish can't get too, the gap is too small for the fish to get into, so they should be...
  24. Lybia

    Build Thread Lybia sp. Breeding Journal

    10 gallon Aqueon tank with a 5 gallon drum cut to about 10.25" length to act as a kreisel, sealed with silicone cured for 48 hours. Two windows that are 120 micron nylon mesh of about 4" by 3". Adjustable submersible pump/filter hybrid connected with two feet of 1/2" inner diameter silicone...
  25. Tristan

    Mysis Shrimp Bloom?

    I’ve only seen this twice in the past 2 months. At night maybe an hour after the lights go off, hundreds of baby mysis shrimp are floating in the water column. Is this some sort of hatching event or something?
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