
  1. Cal

    California Live Goods Wyoming Whites Clownfish PAIR

    $200 or looking to trade for another designer pair or ? changing up stuff getting bored I guess
  2. LxHowler

    I can’t keep aptasia alive

    This is probably going to sound abit odd to some people, but I’ve been breeding berghina nudibranchs for about a year now. As such I have a small tank that I use to grow aptasia on live rock to feed to them. The tank is 30l, full of live rock, has a cheap Chinese light and filter on it and gets...
  3. vaguelyreeflike

    Apogon Parvulus / Red Spot Cardinals breeding! Help!

    In our work tanks I have a school of 6 red spot cardinals (apogon parvulus, but some sources say ostorhinchus parvulus?) and one of them has a fat mouth full of eggs! He(?) briefly spat them out partially and immediately pulled them back in so I did get a visual confirmation on them, theyre...
  4. Trahs

    Tiny Banggai Cardinal found in refugium.

    Digging through some old photos and found this photo from when I was doing aquarium service. This tank was a 200 gal mixed reef. Changing out filter socks one day and saw movement in the refugium. This little one was about the size of a pencil eraser. No clue how it managed to get down there but...
  5. L

    Breeding Garden Eels

    Hello :) My Garden Eels have been spawning kind of semi-regularly for a few years now. I have caught and hatched the eggs a few times but never been able to get the larvae past 11-14dph. I'm assuming it's down to what I'm feeding them. I have one batch parvo calanus pods but they didn't survive...
  6. K

    Check out my video of breeding cardinals in 32 gal Biocube.

    Hey guys thought you might like this little video I put together of the Biocube. My cardinals have done this one other time and we had little babies swimming around however the male got hungry unfortunately. Enjoy.
  7. Elijah F

    Shrimp/inverts that breed readily in tanks?

    As an avid freshwater enthusiast, I absolutely love freshwater shrimp, especially since they will breed constantly and keep their populations high without much effort. Now, of course any saltwater critter might take some more elbow grease to get breeding, but I'd still love to have some version...
  8. T

    Help For Housing 2 Breeding Clownfish Pairs

    Hi, I Currently Have a 15G Tank with a pair of clowns. I have a spare 10-gallon tank that I was planning on turning into a sump but I'm not sure if it will be suitable for 2 pairs of clowns. Would this be more successful and easier to maintain than turning the 10-gallon into a new tank and...
  9. Azzeon

    Oregon WTB WTB Clownfish Breeding Pair

    I'm looking for breeding pairs of clowns. Preferrably a pair that has already spawned. I've been searching online but it's mostly bonded pairs not pairs that have actually bred. Im a sucker for black and mocha storms lol. Let me know if you have any!
  10. A

    EMERGENCY Clownfish Laid Eggs

    Hi all, It’s now Day 3 since my clownfish laid eggs and I was wondering if anyone here can give me a load of useful information/tips that will aid me in raising the fry. I have wanted to breed clownfish for a while and I have done my research so I know the basics but I’m after more searching...
  11. C

    Clown fish laying eggs (video)

    Thought I’d put a video here for anyone interested. My clowns have been laying eggs for a while but I finally caught them in the act.
  12. The_ReefB0y_FOX24

    Looking to get into Clown breeding

    I want to get into breeding and I was wondering if anyone had tips. Also I need help choosing a mate for my Wyoming White Clown to get the coolest offspring.
  13. huwa

    Two Pairs of 4 Day Old Conjoined Dwarf Seahorses Born in my Tank

    First post on the forum! Just about a month ago, I finally got dwarf seahorses again, setting up a slightly experimental tank for them in a 34g Solana cube AIO... So far so good, with 19 adults and several babies with more on the way! 4 days ago, one of my pregnant males gave birth to a handful...
  14. F

    How long to breed copepods in 125G display tank for a mandarin?

    So I put over 65,000 copepods of varying species in my 125G tank in March, and they're literally everywhere. All over the glass, the filter, the refugium, the skimmer, and I have to assume the rocks and the sediment. I can see them moving. So do you guys think this had been enough of a breeding...
  15. S

    Brine shrimp and ammonia spikes. What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys. Been harvesting baby brine for a while and all is very successful. I do about a gram a week in a one liter bottle with great success. My struggle is that I set up a 10 gallon breeder with just an air line and heater to try and raise them to adults. I use freshly mixed salt water that I...
  16. S

    Brine shrimp and ammonia spikes. What am I doing wrong?

    Hey guys. Been harvesting baby brine for a while and all is very successful. I do about a gram a week in a one liter bottle with great success. My struggle is that I set up a 10 gallon breeder with just an air line and heater to try and raise them to adults. I use freshly mixed salt water that I...
  17. mirarose

    Clownfish cleaning rock, eggs soon?

    I have a pair of clownfish that are at least a couple years old. Female is about 3 inches. The male has been vigorously cleaning a rock the past few days as well as twitching near the female. Do you think they'll lay eggs soon? I have a rotifer culture and a small tank set up ready for fry. Are...
  18. C

    Feeding phyto/rotifer culture question

    Hi, Does anyone have any experience keeping a phyto/rotifer culture up in Canada? I'm looking for something to feed a phytoplankton culture but can't find anything. I can't get rg complete or micro algae grow here in Canada and looking for an idea for an alternative. Thanks
  19. randalli

    DIY Artemia Breeding Station

    Some weeks ago I started playing with the idea of breeding and raising my own Artemia. The only fish store I have around me that carries them from time to time is 30km away and they rarely have Artemia of a quality I want to throw in my coral soup. But how would I breed them? I tried with one of...
  20. Clowny1221

    Wild caught to captive bred

    If a wild caught clownfish breed in a aquarium, are the frys captive bred?
  21. J

    Florida WTB Looking for breeding pairs of clownfish

    I’m located in Florida willing to pay for shipping. Looking for breeding pairs I don’t have currently. Normal Nemo’s, black snowflakes, Picasso’s of any sort. Please pm me if you have pairs.
  22. agame2021

    New build in the works

    So, I went to my LFS and got to know a really cool lady who unfortunately is moving on with her life outside of working at a fish store. But anyways we were talking and I was explaining the type of tank system I wanted to build. I was thinking a bookshelf with multi differing levels and sized...
  23. C

    Bristleworms as live food?

    I have always been fascinated with live feedings for fish, they really get to display their natural hunting behavior, so I thought maybe try bristleworms? I am thinking of setting up a separate bristleworm breeding tank used to feed an arrow crab and a neon dottyback, just wanted to share and...
  24. WheatToast

    Is it possible to Raise and Breed Brine Shrimp in my Refugium?

    This might sound stupid, but would it be possible to raise and breed brine shrimp in my refugium? The water parameters required by brine shrimp seem to line up with those in my marine system, I dose phytoplankton (Kent Marine PhytoPlex) four times a week, and my refugium is well sheltered with...
  25. Adrift

    Breeding live food

    Hello all. I’m interested in breeding live food: mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, copepods, and phytoplankton. Can y’all post some pictures of your equipment/setup and advice on what you need to get started.