biocube 32

  1. O

    Starting a New Hobby with my Significant Other

    Hi all! I have a 32-gallon biocube that my SO and I started. This is our very first tank! It's been cycled for a few months now. We have a firefish named Ember....get it?! A yellow watchman goby named Hamilton (like the watch brand), a pistol shrimp named Pistol Pete. Unfortunately, Hamilton...
  2. Alexx17

    Red line on new clownfish

    i got 4 clownfish from my lfs on Yesterday and this morning I noticed this red line near his tail. Is this normal for a new clown? He also has been the only one swimming against the font of glass from side to side. He doesn’t do it all the time. Just everyone and again presses against the glass...
  3. Alexx17

    Biocube led light cycle setting???

    I have the biocube 32 and 4 clownfish. I know fish sleep. But my lfs said to leave the light all the time. White in the day and the blue at night. But I read online that if I do that they will stress and die. So which is true do I leave the lights on all the time, or do I have the blue light on...
  4. Alexx17

    Tank is Hot.

    I have a 32 biocube. I set it up about a week and half ago, got all the items I needed from my local fish store. The biocube is stock. I have 19 pounds of live rock and 20 pounds of live sand, with a bag of carbon and bioballs in the filter, in the first chamber there is a “accu-therm heater...
  5. M

    All in One System advice

    I have been out of the saltwater hobby for nearly 6 years and I really want to get back into it. I used to have a 75G with 20G sump setup. Since I am military I move around every few years so I want to get a system that is easier to break down and take with me if possible. My biggest concern is...
  6. Cameron Wise

    Build Thread 32 gallon biocube!

    This will be my 32 gal biocube thread! I will post updates soon! So far it's shipping to my house!
  7. 5

    Biocube 32 Lighting Upgrade

    I just started cycling a Biocube 32 and want to upgrade the lighting. I've looked at Steve's LEDs, Nanobox & Rapid LED. Are there any other that I need to look at? I want to keep the lid on, but don't mind if I need to modify it. Interested in Zoas, mushrooms, etc and eventually a clam maybe...
  8. Schmitty

    BIOCUBE VS NUVO or something else?

    So my 29g biocube started leaking and I need to get another tank, was looking at the 32 g biocube since it will fit on my stand but wondering if any of you have better suggestions without going to much higher then 40 for lack of space in my small apartment... I did notice the Nuvo 40g looks...
  9. Joshua Huff

    New to the hobby Biocube 32

    I am new to the hobby and decided to start small with the Coralife Biocube 32. I did jump into the hobby without really doing the research i normally do on a large purchase, but i sure have enjoyed the experience so far. I have made a few upgrades to the tank like a UV-filter and protein...
  10. Steelheader09

    Biocube 32 Filtration

    So I have a LED Biocube 32. I am using the stock filtration basket for now. My question is how high should the water be in the back. I see on the 29's there was a high water mark, however my 32 only has a min mark. I filled the back and my media kept floating and I noticed that defeated the...
  11. Steelheader09

    Build Thread Trying the new biocube 32

    So, I've been in the hobby for 4 years now. I started with a 2nd hand 55gal with some old equipment. I upgraded over time to a new 55 with LED lighting, canister filter and a bakpak skimmer. However this tank is at my parents place and they have slowly fallen in love with it. I am moving and...
  12. headlines

    Adding Lights to Biocube 32

    Without switching to a full hood gut lighting system ( nano-box/steve's ) does anyone know of a good way or if it's even possible to supplement the in-hood Biocube 32 lighting this way ? The lights are okay for what's in the tank now and they're doing well, but if I can easily add some sort of...
  13. landlocked303

    AIO Build LED Biocube

    Just wondering if anyone has had a good experience with the new LED biocube. I have the older coralife biocube and am thinking about buying just the canopy to upgrade the lighting. Have people had good results?
  14. Triggerhappy77

    What's the best water to start with?

    Hey, I'm green to the marine game and have been doing a lot of research, but still have a lot of questions. Hope y'all can help! 1. I'm having a lot of trouble finding out if I should start my biocube 32 with nutri seawater (price varies greatly and mixed reviews from enthusiasts), pre made from...
Tropic Marin USA