biocube 32

  1. J

    Bubble tip anenome in biocube?

    I’m mostly concerned with the stock lights, would they be powerful enough? My tank is a year and a half old, and it’s been mostly FOWL, but I recently got frogspawn, a few Zoas, some gsp, and a toadstool which are all doing good. I’m getting more into corals, but am really interested in...
  2. J

    Could I feasibly keep a (captive bred) mandarin dragonet in a biocube 32

    I’ve seen things about them being able to destroy a pod population in a few days, but is this really true? I have an inTank Refugium comming in a few days so I’ll have a little fuge to support a pod population, but would also be willing to dose pods on a somewhat regular basis (bi weekly?) and...
  3. I

    32 bio cube established help please

    I have a year old established 32 bio cube I have a neo 3 I have a good blue light I have all the hanna checkers practically my tank seems happy I did a water change yesterday because my nitrates were threw the roof, I've got them under control now. I have a watchman goby, a pistol shrimp, 2...
  4. goldfish423

    Cube Build Biocube Cooling

    Rising temps outside has made my apartment and my tank temps rise!! I was struggling to get the airflow needed to cool my tank. Biofish has designed a 3d printed model and it is a mount for a small cabinet fan that allows airflow to escape from the tank getting rid of humidity and raising tank...
  5. M

    Green Algae on live rocks

    Hi.. I have biocube 32 gallon tank for more thank 1 year. For last few days it started growing green hair like thing and it's growing fast all over my live rocks. Can I get rid of old rocks and add new live rocks with the fish still in the tank (clown & chromis) ? Please help.
  6. Lynx

    Build Thread Dragon Reef - Biocube 32

    First foray into saltwater! Calling this Dragon Reef because a friend just pointed out my main rock structure (left) looks like a dragon DT is a Biocube 32 - got InTank filter basket and fish saver added! Started 6 weeks ago with a coral QT tank so I could get some things going while I...
  7. Lynx

    Tentative Stocking Plan

    Planning on a Coralife Biocube 32 been doing freshwater for many years and have always been interested in reefs but never had the time/$$$ to make the plunge! The past few weeks has been tons of researching/obsessing so here's my general ideas for livestock! My goal is a super cool aquascape...
  8. OneMerissa

    Cycle parameter question

    Hey all. I have a biocube 32. Currently on day 15 of the Dr. Tim fishless cycle. My current readings are: PH 7.8 (and dropping) ammonia .25 (and dropping ) Nitrite at LEAST 5.0. That’s the highest the test kit will read and Nitrate also as high as the test will read at 160. should I do a water...
  9. OneMerissa

    BioCube 32 v2 protein skimmer over bubble

    I have the Coralife protein skimmer that came as a bundle with my bio cube 32. I am getting a lot of micro bubbles and over flow . I’ve just started my Bio cube 32 …the skimmer has only been on about 7 days now. But my problem is I can’t get the airflow right, I either have too much bubbles and...
  10. S

    best way to treat ich without QT setup

    So i recently picked up a pair of clowns for my 32 gallon biocube and have noticed that they both have ich. They seem to behave and eat normally but they have lots of noticeable spots on them. I do not have the space or budget to setup a QT tank to treat them so i was wondering what the most...
  11. S

    kalkwasser making water cloudy

    So about a week ago i began dosing kalkwasser into my tank through my ATO to try to raise my alkalinity and calcium given they were both reading lower than usual. My alkalinity has increased by .2 already which is good except the kalkwasser mix seems to be making my water cloudy. I am running a...
  12. K

    Aquatic life 115 making a lot of bubbles

    Hello, I know that there is a break in time for the protein skimmer. I was curious if there anything that I should be doing that might prevent the overflow of bubbles? Here is a picture:
  13. L

    Biocube 32 coralife protein skimmer and intank media basket

    Hi all, I have a biocube 32 with the coralife protein skimmer. I recently upgraded the media basket to the intank one that fits biocube 32s. I was curious to if anyone else has done this and what they've done to fit the coralife protein skimmer and the intank media basket so that both work...
  14. S

    Will kalkwasser increase alkalinity or just maintain?

    So I just tested my alkalinity and it was 6.9 and I would like to get it back up to around 10. I want to start dosing kalkwasser through my ATO to do this but dont know if this will increase my alkalinity or just keep it stable at where it is now. Does anyone have experience using kalkwasser to...
  15. S

    thinking about giving up...

    So i am currently in the middle of my second battle with dinos and things have really taken a turn for the worst. I have stable levels of nitrates and phosphates so i know nutrients aren’t an issue. I tried a UV sterilizer with no success. I had read articles on reef builders and seen videos...
  16. NanoCube

    AIO Build Biocube 32 (Stock Lighting) Montipora Growth

    I have has a Biocube 32 LED ( STOCK lighting) set up for about 5 years now. Rocks and biomedia from a 55g so biologicaly speaking it is over 10years old. At this point perimeters are more stable than I am. Although that might not be saying much. in the past 6months I have started taking heavy...
  17. S

    How do I transport fish?

    So it looks like I am gonna have to bring my flameback angel back to my LFS as it has really started going to town on my hammer colony. I have never transported a fish from my tank anywhere nor did I think I would ever have to. So if anyone can let me know the easiest and best way I should do...
  18. S

    Diamond Goby to help with dinos?

    So I am experiencing a bit of a dino problem on my sand bed. I have experienced dinos before but this time they are not nearly as bad as they were, previously they took over all the rocks, sand and basically the whole tank. Now they are back but only in patches on the sand bed. I have had...
  19. S

    Can ich cure itself?

    So I have recently noticed that my flameback angel has a few ich spots on it. They are much more noticeable under the blue light than they are the white but I am pretty certain it is ich. I know the best way to treat this is with copper in a quarantine tank but I unfortunately do not have the...
  20. S

    How many fish is too many?

    So in my biocube 32 I already have an ocellaris clown, midas blenny and flameback angel who are all thriving and doing great. The only corals I have right now is a hammer and a small colony of acans which are also doing good. My tank overall is running pretty smooth as of now with no major...
  21. C

    AI Prime 16HD for BioCube32

    Hi All! I recently bought a new AI Prime 16HD as an upgrade over the stock lights/hood for my Biocube32. Need some help on a proper program to run.. Currently I'm running the AB+ @ 70% acclimation. My Clove Polyps went from eight nice heads, down to three. My GSP is seemingly bleaching, even...
  22. S

    Royal Gramma Missing

    So I have had my Royal Gramma in my 32 gallon biocube for about a year now and it has been great. For the first few weeks after I added it it spend most of the time hiding in my rocks only coming out to eat which I know is normal because they like to hang in caves in the rock work. After the...
  23. Dinglehopper

    Build Thread Dinglehopper's Biocube 32

    Good Afternoon everyone, I am finally posting my tank after building it in September of 2021. Was nervous I was going to crash my tank so I waited to post until now. Tank Setup: Biocube 32 with a refugium and filter floss in chamber two. In chamber one I have the bio cube skimmer that I...
  24. S

    Reef Glass Nano Skimmer

    So I am currently using the reef glass nano skimmer on my biocube 32, its been working pretty good and been collecting a decent amount of skimmate. Just wondering if anyone knowa how hight the bubbles are supposed to be in relation to the stopper, Im not even sure if it really matters because...
  25. S

    Biocube 32 Dimensions

    Hey Everyone! Looking to upgrade my Fluval Evo 13.5 to a Biocube 32 that I will be picking up later this week. As far as total tank dimensions go the overall tank is 20.25" long X 21.875" Wide X 21.5" High. Does anyone have the dimensions on hand for the display portion only of the tank not...