
  1. NL.Reefer

    Build Thread High_Reefing

    Hello everyone my name is Davy and i am new at this beautifull hobby. Im 22 years and living in the Netherlands my reeftank is a Aquamedic 575 and it is 150cm(5feet) x 65cm(2feet +-) and 55cm(2feet +-) high. It has a total system of 575 liters/150gallon...
  2. gatortoes

    Plywood Stand Strength Question

    Hey All, Apologies in advance for the beginner question. I just bought a use 60 gallon cube and stand. Now that I have the stand inside my house I’m starting to question if it is strong enough. It is built with 3/4” plywood, no dimensional lumber bracing, and has an open back and top. I have...
  3. John.Thompson

    EMERGENCY Clear slime on Favia?! Just stressed and irritated?

    Recently put a few coral into my new tank. It was cycled and all stats measured great. A “perfectly” adjusted tank. This morning on about day two, the Favia has this clear slime and opened up?? Does this look like a soon to be dead coral or nothing to worry about?! All other coral seem to be...
  4. maryocean7

    Fish Stock Suggestions

    Hello everyone. We are about 1 month now into the hobby and made a list of fishes we would potentially like to have. We obviously know a lot of these we won't be able to get but would like your opinion on what we can or should not get, problems they may cause or alternatives. Now we do want to...
  5. PinkSango

    What are your best tips for someone wanting to build a business with coral

    As the title asks, what are your best tips for someone wanting to build a business propagating coral? I'm new to the hobby and it's always been my dream to have my own coral farm. (Even possibly help researchers and scientists with building back our natural reefs in some way??)
  6. narkicu187

    Build Thread Newbie 125 Build

    Had a great suggestion from @Fish Think Pink to catalogue my build. So that is what I am going to do. Kept African cichlids for 10+ years and decided for my 40th Bday that I would take the dive and try my hand at saltwater. List below is what I have and will be using for my setup: 2x SunSun...
  7. PinkSango

    Build Thread Fluval Evo 13.5

    This was taken 1/22/22 and I've since moved the mushrooms to the rocks in my tank as I read that they prefer to be on rocks and not in sand ;Cat My tank has been up since Sept. 2021, and I got the coral on Friday 1/21/22
  8. PinkSango

    Hello Hello from Ohio!

    Hello everyone! Just wanting to introduce myself here, my name is Reichel (Rachel) and I setup my first reef tank (fluval evo 13.5) in Sept. 2021, now I have a clown fish, an orchid dottyback, an emerald crab and a nassarius snail! I have a cabbage leather coral and two green striped mushroom...
  9. ajtomase

    Build Thread Desert Reef (200 gallon)

    Ever since I was a child I pretty much lived at the aquarium and thanks to pandemic I’ve been researching the hobby since September 2019 and have had a mentor to help me along my slew of questions (cc_reefkpr on Instagram, @Scubabum on R2R)! Back during the Black Friday sales, I decided to...
  10. R

    New hobbyist seeking opinions

    Hello everyone and happy holidays! Long story short I decided to start a new hobby for the new year and really need some opinions on how my aquarium is looking so far in the first week (since adding livestock). everything looks fine to me however my hammer seems to be having some issues and I...
  11. Zanderson25

    Build Thread First Saltwater Aquarium

    Hey everyone this is my first saltwater tank/reef!! I’ve been learning a lot along the way and Im very happy with my progress. I started out with the Fluval 13.5G Evo Saltwater kit that I got on-sale at the local fish store. I started out with a pair of clown fish and some starter coral to test...
  12. C

    ! - sick(?) tailspot blenny

    Hi Everyone, My tailspot blenny is looking a little worse for wear. His belly is now concave, and his face is looking really skinny. It resembles a really skinny person when their cheekbones are visible. He is now sticking to the bottom of the tank, not moving, whereas before (two days ago) he...
  13. D

    EMERGENCY Tank sos

  14. Andres Pineda

    Need help with first coral

    Hi there. I need some help. This is my first coral , I put it in like 2 days ago and I don't know how is it doing. When I brought it it has flowers all around and now I don't know if it's a normal process or what.
  15. C

    Hello Super Newbie!

    Hey All! Super new to the hobby. Just “inherited” a 120 gal tank + fish from a friend who was moving. I’m looking for tips and advice as to how I can make the tank better. It’s a 120 gallon tank running on a fluval FX4 filter, eheim jager thermostat heater, 2 AI prime lights and 2...
  16. R

    Xenia and gsp not opening up

    Hi i am new to this hobby. I ve recently introduced zoas, pulsing xenia and gsp to the tank.the gsp and pulsing xenia is not opening up however the zoas are doing fine. I ve noticed that my ph has lowered to 7.8. Is that the reason ?i have tried different light colours but they dont seem to open...
  17. Waterbox Aquariums

    VIDEO GUIDE: How to Set Up a Waterbox Aquariums CUBE 20 Nano Reef

    Hello R2R, We have created a quick and concise video guide series on setting up our CUBE 20, from unboxing to adding fish and coral. Follow along step-by-step with us as Waterbox MVP Jess sets up our newest aquarium in the Waterbox Studio. This is a great walkthrough for anyone who is new...
  18. rhpmiller

    Nano Tank Start - Step by Step Journey

    Hey all, I just started a 20g nano tank and figured i'd post my steps along the way to see how it goes, as well as field feedback and advice from more-experienced reefers. Start - Day 1 (9/19) Tank: Red Sea Max Nano 20g Sand: Caribsea Arag-Alive Fiji Pink Skimmer: Yes Media: Yes (Carbon/rock)...
  19. R

    Cycling tank with dry rocks

    Hi guys New to the hobby.looking for some advise . Started my 90l tank cycle 8 weeks ago with live sand after 5 weeks of running my tank my parameters were Ammonia 0.5 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 Ph 8.2 but then i decided to add dry rock which has been cured using bleach ie; dipped into bleach...
  20. Uzair Aiman

    Dosing nutrients questions

    Hi. Im planning to add SPS corals to my tank soon. Ive come to realise after some researching that I need to ensure my Alk, Calcium and Magnesium should be on point. For now, I only have and Alk tester which reads around 7 before a water change and at 8dkh after a water change. People say that...
  21. J

    Need ideas for stocking a 40 gallon breeder

    Hey guys, I’m currently in the process of planning a 40 gallon reef tank and need ideas for stocking. I definitely plan on keeping 2 clownfish and a cleaner shrimp. Other than that, I’m not sure what else I would want to put in the tank. What will make a good clean up crew? Also what other fish...
  22. Uzair Aiman

    When do I know my tank is ready for SPS coral?

    Hi. I have a 27gal AIO tank with 2 clowns, a 6 line and a hermit. Its 6 months old and algal bloom is receding and coming to and end. There are also spots of coraline starting to grow at my back wall. I would like to know when my tank and is it ready for SPS corals? I have a clam, a GSP frag, a...
  23. The Fry

    Complete Beginner To Saltwater

    Hey im looking forward to getting a saltwater tank! I want to get a 10 gallon as i dont want to go big and potentially lose everything as i have no experience with saltwater at all. These are the questions i really need answered along with this please also share ur thoughts and advice for a...
  24. A

    Equipment,Advice, help

    Hellooo So I’ve been cycling my aquarium since June. In my aquarium I have reef base rock and aquarium sand. The rock looks like white coral. As water evaporates I just add in some filtered freshwater. *My goal is to get a clown fish* my tank is heated and has a filter and a light. Recently I...
  25. V

    3 Month Old Biocube

    Hello Reef2Reef peers, I am new to the hobby, as my Biocube 32G is only 3 months old. My current stock is 1 Maroon Clown 1 Azure Damsel 1 Coral Beauty 1 Yellow Watchman Goby 1 Pistol Shrimp 1 Peppermint Shrimp 2 Emerald Crabs 6 snails - 3 Nassarius / 3 Turbo 6 Hermits - Scarlet / Blue legged...
Aquatic Life TDS Pen Offer