
  1. SubParReefer

    Build Thread Beginner Fluval Evo Build

    Hello Reefers! Yet another Fluval Evo build here for all of you! I got into this hobby just over a year ago during a long lockdown YouTube session where I somehow ended up in the saltwater recommended videos. After watching for hours I was hooked and wanted to gather as much information as...
  2. BaghdadBean

    Can we see your 72” long by 24” wide aquascapes?

    I’ve got a pile of rocks waiting to be resurrected back into something more graceful than the old rock wall that they used to be, but I would love to see what other folks are doing. I’m not really a minimal aquascape person, and NSA isn’t quite my thing because I like shy fish, but I definitely...
  3. CincyReefer07

    Can’t decide which brand branch rock I like best…help

    Which of these 4 different brands of branch rock do you guys feel looks maybe the most natural or interesting/cool if going for a natural looking mixed reef tank? Trying to decide which I like best and am having an incredibly hard time deciding. My tank will be scaped with a mixture of dried out...
  4. Carbon Vessel

    My dry rock collapsed - chemistry is BAD!!!

    Hi all, So my chemistry was going well after cycling new tank in December 2021. It was my first aquascape attempt, and was in the middle of the ugly stage so I was doing a clean. During the clean, I knocked the top rock off and it almost crushed my torch and conch snail. Because I didn’t...
  5. S

    Help with aquascape

    Hello everyone, I’ve been reefing for about a year and a half now, and recently bought another waterbox frag tank. It is the waterbox Frag 165.6 it’s 165 gallons, 6 feet long, 2 feet deep and 16 inches tall. I’ve been having so much trouble aquascaping this tank. I’m interested in the...
  6. J

    Changing Aquascape in reef

    Hey everyone, so I have a 20G system that’s been running for about 8 months now, I have 2 big now live rocks in the tank and a whole bunch of marine pure sherries that have been in the tanks since the beginning. Currently only have 2 clowns and corals in the tank and I wanted to remove one of...
  7. Hunter90 HD

    EMERGENCY Red Sea 425xl Aquascaping

    Good morning, afternoon / evening fellow reefers, I am Aquascaping my new Red Sea Reefer 425xl and i am playing around with a few ideas and thought id post a video to share my ideas. The reef will be a mixed reef with wrasses, tangs, clowns etc, my logic is the tank needs to accomodate sps...
  8. gunflintcamper

    Changing all rock to Caribsea LifeRock in 1yr old system?

    We had to go fallow in our 80g tank…the Waterbox Marine 110 (30g sump)…this was our first tank (up to 5 now) and I’ve never been happy with the aquascape. We recently started a 20g with the Caribsea Shapes rock and it looks so amazing that I want to redo the whole bigger tank with it. It allows...
  9. SaltyShel

    Glue Accelerator

    Been a while since I’ve posted but I’m back and ready for my first scape! I was watching that BRS video on building their NSA and they started talking about the glue accelerator, which they referred to as “just acetone”. Now, my question is this — does anyone know if I can use acetone based...
  10. reefsaver

    Encrusted Coral Skull Thread

    I started imagining a crazy art piece of an aquascape like a castle that some guy who makes the CaribSea rock just put together with spare time and it got me to googling encrusted skulls so here are some cool photos and it would be cool for you to add more if you have some :)
  11. exprobratio

    New Tank Aquascape

    Setting up a new 125 gallon tank and just finished the Aquascape. Mostly “real reef rock” and a couple life rock shapes. Was wondering if anyone had some feedback on the design? Not to late for me to alter it. It’s going to be a mixed reed tank. Thanks!
  12. Reefbeard89

    Nano Build Nano ideas

    Hey all!! I have this 10 gallon half moon aquarium. I'd like to do a nice nano reef!! I need ideas!! Themes, corals, aquascape, gear, etc. Throw me all your ideas!! Especially sps dominant ideas since I'm sorta leaning that way right now but I'm open to hear anything!! This is a more vertical setup.
  13. M

    Favorite encrusting coral?

    Favorite encrusting coral? Hi R2R community! First time posting a question on R2R. I’m not new to the hobby, been in and out of the hobby for nearly 30 years since I was in middle school, but it’s been about 15 years since I’ve last built a system, and boy have things changed!. Over the last 8...
  14. Dad2Wyatt

    Should my corals be allowed to grow as they please?

    A few weeks ago I came across a tank(can’t remember where) that was huge, and the corals were allowed to grow where and how they wanted, even if it meant fighting between corals. While parts of the tanked looked great, others not so much. I completely dismissed the idea. since then I’ve seen...
  15. Sagess

    Rearranging live rock?

    I want to rearrange my live rock for a couple of reasons. the most important being all of my coral, I want to change it to create better placement for my coral now and future coral. The second being it does not look complete in terms of rock work. This leads me to my question. Is it okay to...
  16. Muffin87

    Honest opinion on my first aquascape?

    I went with AF Rock -- very heavy on plates and shelves. This is good for my shallow 5ft 100G tank. Except for the two bases, All the other rocks are suspended (i.e. overhangs and the like). Looking for honest, constructive, non-hurtful criticism, and opinions. Is this supposedly minimalistic?

    Waterbox Reef 220.6 DREAMBUILD

  18. B

    New macro setup

    Hey all, just wanted to post my week old setup. Its a 60P sized tank with a pretty simple scape. I really wanted to do something a bit different instead of the mess of colors that reef tanks are known for. I’m basing the design off of a specific area in the game Subnautica. Hopefully i do it...
  19. Dad2Wyatt

    Build Thread 55 gallon mixed reef

    First ever saltwater tank! Started with bc an Aqueon 55 LED starter kit and went to upgrading! Current upgrades include: Cheap soon to be replaced powerhead Viparspectra 165 lights Next up I will be upgrading powerheads and filtration! Current Stock Ocellaris clownfish Orange ricordea...
  20. Dad2Wyatt

    In desperate need of help with this 55 gallon aquascape

    I know I know.. 55 gallons suck but here I am.
  21. Dad2Wyatt

    Tank is Finally Cycled…Where to go from here?

    The long wait is over! After (un)patiently waiting for my cycle to complete, these are the first additions to my 55 gallon tank! 1 False percula clownfish 1 ricordea mushroom 5 blue leg hermit crabs 3 red leg hermit crabs 2 astraea snails 5 nassarius snails 5 margarita snails 1 bumblebee snail...
  22. D

    Aquascape suggestions Thoughts on this aquascape. Open to suggestions to improve it. I liked it when I first built it. Now the more I look at it the more it becomes meh. I don't know where to go from here.
  23. T

    Build Thread 75 gallon mixed reef w/ 30 gallon sump build in progress.

    Just got into the hobby few months ago... finally bought my 2 tanks a 75 gallon and a 30 gallon sump. Also some other items. I’m currently focused on building the Marco rock aquascape, I’m trying to achieve an NSA arch in the center as main display kinda. I haven’t set up tank yet because we...
  24. ewoolpert

    Should I Rescape? 13.5 evo

    Should I re do my aquascape? I am always looking for ways to make my tank better and wonder if anyone has any advice for ways I can improve my aquascape. Should I let it be or change something up?
  25. 1_hopeless_reefer

    Waterbox 145.5 Frag Build Thread

    Here lays the info on my build. Better late than never. Any and all advice is welcome. If you have questions I will do my best. As this is up and running there are a few gaps in between photos but it’s all here or will be as I plan to add and edit as I can. First picture is of it freshly setup...