
  1. Jtreps

    First time aquascaping help! Critique my 20G cube :)

    I have a 20 gallon Red Sea nano max and was trying to create a twin island type of look! I’m not sure how well this will be in the long run for a mixed reef tank. What corals would do well with the levels of lighting provided? Help with that would be greatly appreciated as well! Should I tweak...
  2. D

    first aquascape

    rebuilt a half dozen times but kinda liking this one. thoughts?
  3. RileyRadReefs

    55 Gallon Reef Tank Project

    I tried making a more open aquascape so water could flow trough the live rock better. The goal was to have the least amount of rock touching the sandbed to prevent detritus buildup overtime. I plan on adding a protein Skimmer tomorrow and then a hang on back refugium over time. Just about to...
  4. N11morales

    AIO Build 32G biocube: Coral suggestions

    Hello I was wondering what other corals people would recommend me to get in my tank. I know it’s preference but I’m curious to what others would add.
  5. Gxry

    88g Dry scape round 1- Thoughts?

    So just started working on my scape for my 88g Red Sea 425 xl. What does everyone think so far?
  6. Michelesreef

    Aquascaping and the rule of thirds

    So I'm trying to redo my Aquascape as I've never used any type of epoxy or anything like that so I wanted something unique and different for my tank. I need some advice though as I'm trying to follow the rule of thirds and this is what I have so far and I'll also take a picture of some of the...
  7. REEFer86

    13.5 Fluval SEA EVO - Aquascape

    Hi All! I’m pretty close but not so close to getting this build wet. I’ve bought some live rock from my LFS this past weekend. Going to be posting some scapes that I like and would love your opinion. Thanks to you all as always for collaborating!
  8. BigTex1836

    Love it or Hate it? New 140 Gallon Aquascape from Texas!

    Tell me what you think of my aquascape on my new 140 gallon build!
Pacific East