
  1. S

    Where to place nero 3 + coral plan

    Hi all, this is my first time posting here. It is a waterbox 15g which i have taken high budget to go sps route with xr15. I have got 2 clowns in there since yesterday and i think the flow might be too high and wrong position. Where do you think would be good to place it and what power? The...
  2. B

    Wich scape do you prefer A or B and do you have any suggestions?

    A or B?
  3. B

    What should I add to my new aquascape?

    Just finished this aquascape I really like it but was wondering if there’s any thing else I can add to utilize more of the space
  4. B

    Thoughts on my new aquascape?

    Any pointers / suggestions for my new scape?
  5. B

    Absolute best way to attach rocks together?

    Ok so I would like to know the best way to attach rocks together for aquascaping. I w just want to know if I should be using acrylic rods, super glue, cement, ect. If you have any suggestion please feel free to give them and also if you wouldn’t mind telling me the exact product you use (like if...
  6. B


  7. B

    Will bacteria survive if I crack rocks open?

    Hello, I’m trying to rescale my already cycled tank, I will be taking some of the rocks in there and checking them open.I will periodly be spraying tank water in these rocks, will the bacteria be Albee to survive all this? Thanks!
  8. Danielsj

    Too cramped or just right?

    Hello fellow humans i have just setup my very first saltwater tank, and i am worried i may have put in too much rock. I like the way my hardscape looks but i would like to keep a pair of clownfish and some corals later down the line. So i am wondering if my tank has enough open space as it is...
  9. B

    How to get cheap branching rock?

    So I wanted to add some branching rock to my aquascape to give it texture the issue is I don’t need a whole lot and just a tiny bit to add that needed texture what are some ways I can achieve this cheaply?
  10. B

    What’s the best glue for aquascaping?

    I’m rescaping my tank by useing some of the rocks that are already in the tank, what is the best glue to aquascape with/ the cheapest.
  11. osvaldogarza21

    Build Thread Waterbox Marine X 60.2 By Osvaldo Garza

    I started with a Waterbox 15 Peninsula.
  12. B

    Thin or thick glue for aquascape

    I am planning on rescaping my 1 year old set up.I will be breaking the rocks already in the tank, so should I be using thin or thick glue when scaping? If thick, what export would you guys recommend or would you recommend not using any epoxy at all
  13. B

    Dose a hammer and a flathead screw driver work for aquascaping?

    Hello everyone I am trying to smash up some dry rock and I’m on the fence on weather to purchase a chisel or just use a flathead screw driver I don’t need. Any other suggestions on ways to smash the rock and if there are tips on how to smash it precisely I would be great full to here them.
  14. B

    Help need with aquascape!

    So I have had my tank been pretty much a stack of boulders and I really would like to change that.bellow I have a few pictures, one is of my tank and the circled area is the area I would like to change out also below is some old dry rock that I have. I would love to make a tank that looks...
  15. B

    How should I add new rocks to established setup?

    So I have wanted to change my aquascape around a bit but I already have pre-established rock in my tank so below I have a picture of the rock that I wish to add, also you can see my diy box algae scrubber that works amazing, my plan is to add a pump in the sump that gose into another one of...
  16. S

    Narrow and tall scape help! Odd dimensions

    Hello everyone. I have always struggled coming up with a scape for this tank. It was bought for me as a gift so I’m working with what I got! The dimensions are unlike any other tank I’ve had before and I struggle to find any examples for similar scape needs The exact dimensions are 48 inches...
  17. Phoerut

    Can I disturb a watchman goby/pistol shrimp cave?

    I’ve just bought a watchman goby and a pistol shrimp. They’re the only 2 creatures in there aside from a few corals and a hermit crab. They’ve dug a pretty extensive network of caves all under the rocks. I now kind want to move them rocks or add another rock, will they be okay? Should I go about...
  18. P

    Build Thread SCA 105 48x24x20 new build

    Hey R2R, I've been a member here for a little while but mostly just for the market place and really never posted. I am currently in the midst of putting together a 105 sca reef tank. Quick pics i took today but here is the progress so far.
  19. K

    New reefer, first time aquascape

    Hi all, Just after some open and honest feedback on aquascaping a 4 foot Cade 1200. This is our first time aquascaping so open to any changes you would make. We are aiming for a mixed reef tank with some negative space. So far what you can see in the pics is 20lb Caribsea shapes and 40lb of...
  20. |Tom the Bomb|

    Aquascaping for large tanks?

    Just started scaping for my reefer 900 and this is my 2nd attempt lolFirst attempt was ok, I did a horrible job of applying the mortar and when I tried to lift it some rocks did detach I've seen most people do it out of the tank so that's what I did, just wondering once I'm done how would I get...
  21. M

    Aquascape - Waterbox 130.4

    Howdy fellow Reefers! Finally started to work on my tank! Played around with some D-D Dry Rock and some Stax Rock (from Two Little Fishies) I also used some acrylic rods for my arch structure with a mixture of watery glue and sand alongside Aquaforest Stonefix to put it all together. Going...
  22. P

    Build Thread Hardest but rewarding hobby to start. My first tank

    This is a photo of my tank .i want honest opinions on the aquascaping. I like it but its so different from everything i see. Is there a reason others dont do a similar aquascape or is it just ugly to others. Its about 5 months old. Im obsessed and loving the hobby but something in my tank is...
  23. Ocean’s Piece

    [First Post] Opinions NEEDED on my Aquascape

    Hi, This is my first post. I have had my Coralife Biocube 32 running for around 2 months now. The nitrogen cycle has completed and now I have moved on to the ugly stage, as you may see with some hair algae and diatoms (diatoms just started forming in the past few days). But that’s not the...
  24. Sharebear

    Is it possible to redo aquascape?

    Dear Aquascape Guru/Artistic and talented people.. I sort of want to re-do my aquascape or at least the half portion highlighted in yellow... I wanted a bit more open space for my fish to swim freely ... and for me to.. be easier to stalk my fish (especially my mandarin gobies) Also.. that...
  25. Z

    Aquascape feedback

    Hi, beginner here, I am setting up a tank for the first time and was wondering if I can get some feedback on what my daughter and I came up for aquascaping. I read somewhere that a video is better than pictures so here we go: I am wondering if it is too much rock and if the tall "mountain"...
Black Label Aquatics