apex 2016

  1. AshwinRavi

    1 month break

    Hello, reefers! Around Thanksgiving this year, I will be leaving the country for a month, and my biggest fear is imagining what my reef is going to go through. So, I look to the thousands of reefers here for advice on what I can do to prevent the most common mistakes. Since I have been...
  2. flex13

    Build Thread Flex's Crystal Dynamic Build

    Hello I am going to attempt my first build thread. First let me apologies for my grammar or missing words. This will be my 3rd tank but I have been out for 15 years and wow things have changed. I have spent the last 8 months reading a shaking out all the dust in my brain. Through this time I...
  3. RickG

    Apex 2016 use while offline

    So I have been having issues with my internet as of late. My modem and router aren’t connected to the internet leaving my apex without WiFi. I am out of town and have had family members try to fix it but nothing gives. Was wondering if my Apex will still run the configurations as I programmed...
  4. Raxnar

    8 Pump Dosing unit

    My tank is still quite young, hardly any corals at the moment so I don't need to be super concerned about daily dosing just yet. I am contemplating following the Red Sea Mixed Reef Recipe one day. This thread is purely hypothetical at this stage and can be a fit for other multi-part methods...
  5. Tmcgoo13

    Build Thread Let the Journey Begin - Red Sea Reefer P650

    This is the story of our journey of the second large saltwater tank we built. During the series I’ll add bits about the things we learned from the first build, that have helped us so far. We started a 90 gal mixed reef tank 2 years ago, learned a lot from the journey, a lot that we wish we...
  6. S

    Build Thread SoonerBerrios 425XL

    It's been a long time coming, but I'm finally getting around to a build thread for my RedSea Reefer 425XL. I broke down my first tank a 40B in July of 2016 when I bought my 425XL https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/soonerberrios-40b-sumpless-build.227835/ The 425XL has been up since July 2016...
  7. Elder1945

    The Apex Board By Elder1945

    This was posted in my 16 foot reef build but it was one of my first personal apex board. I wanted to do something over the top and think i hit the mark. It was headed for the trash when I took down the tank but lives on with @lennyd19 system :). Wanted to share some of the old build pics...
  8. AiKkz

    Large Build 300 Gallon In-Wall + Fish Room / 115 Gallon Frag Tank

    Been in the hobby for a little while and looking to upgrade to a large tank that will be SPS dominant. Several years ago I started with a 40g breeder, then went to a 90 bow front, and recently tore down my 220 because I had to move so now i'm taking advantage of the new house and the wife let...
  9. SuncrestReef

    Build Thread SuncrestReef's Red Sea Reefer XL 425 build

    Tank status as of Oct 2019: (original build thread begins below: ) --- After months of planning, I'm finally ready to start my official build thread. This will be my first aquarium, so please be patient with me as I'm completely new to this hobby. A couple weeks ago I first joined R2R and...
  10. EastSideBAy

    Colorado WTS Brand New Apex

    As the title state, I am selling a brand new 2016 wifi apex for $750 shipped pm me if you are interested. :)
  11. C

    New tank build.

    Started a build tread in the members tank section. It is still a work in progress but is coming along enough to have some photos. https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/custom-80-gallon-rebuild.352618/#post-4405127
  12. C

    Build Thread Custom 80 gallon rebuild...

    Long story short my 58 gallon Oceanic tank with basement sump had to come down for space. I built a new tank in the basement. All was going fine until I cooked the tank. 106 degrees and nothing lives. This thread will document the rebuild and upgrade to that system.
  13. T

    Build Thread Tom's 90G Build

    Happy New year all! I've been wanting to post to this forum for a while now about the new build I'm working on and finally sliced out some time. For some background, I've had multiple SW and FW tanks in the past, and due to a leak in a FW tank, I took the opportunity to convert the space into a...
  14. lbacha

    Nano Build Shallow 8g SPS Nano

    Howdy all I've been out of the reef hobby for about 10 years (high tech planted tanks have kept me busy and in touch with newer tech, I run Kessil tuna suns and vortechs). My fiancé saw a frag tank while we were getting Plants for one of my tanks and said we need one of those. Long story...
  15. Ferrell

    New Contoller and Equipment Placement

    Ok looking for critique from the 2016 apex users. I have limited space in the dry section of the cabinet. The boards are held in place with door magnets so no problem for access. They also form a corner as shown in unlabeled picture. Anyone see any wiring problems? Need more holes? Any advice...
  16. Ditto

    Switching Controllers from Apex to GHL

    The title of the thread says it all. I am not going to bash Neptune systems, all I am going to say mine crashed again, and the word fluke in the technical response left me going I cannot take any more chances. This was my second hard crash of the system, where both time the system came up in an...
  17. Antics

    Build Thread 80 Gallon Shallow Reef - 48 x 24 x 16

    Current FTS 12/24/16: I will try to keep this updated but I am rather lazy about taking and editing photos, so we will see. :) I broke down and sold my previous tank because I was a little disenchanted with the size and the way filtration was handled. I still consider it an excellent tank...
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