
  1. MSB123

    HELP- is my anemone dying?

    I just received a blue tip seabae anemone from liveaquaria. He has not been eating as far as I can tell and he seems bleached. What should I do? He moves a bit but his tentacles are short and pulled in. Please help!
  2. Eva Rose

    Bubbletip Anenome "Stalker" Attacking a Coral

    I just got my first Anenome--a bubble tip. I knew it might move a bit. I placed it away from my corals. But it moved itself near my gonipora corals. Then it moved onto a 2 inch gonipora. I moved the gonipora victim. This morning the BTA moved 8 inches during the night and has latched onto...
  3. Chase89

    Missing anenome

    Here goes my milk carton ad. I got my first bubble tip anenome two days ago. The first night he crawled under a rock and looked stuck (two or three tentacles could been seen through a tiny opening in the rock). So I carefully dismantled my rockscape moved him to a higher spot with better...
  4. Coach63


    Anyone local (Knoxville area) have an anemone they would want to sell? Looking for one local before having one shipped to me. Thanks,
  5. Ryan Rioux

    Coral or anemone ?!?

    Had this on my live rock for months , it was only one head , since I upgraddd the lighting , it has been growing and multiplying pretty quickly . I don't think anemone but I can't be sure .
  6. Mike Arnold

    Clown finally hosting (condy) anenome

    After about 6 months, a couple of my clowns are starting to host one of my anenomes. I have a rose bubble tip and a condylactis; I thought it was odd that they started hosting the condy and not the rbta, so I thought I should share.