anemone behavior

  1. ethridge78

    Anemone changing colors

    Has anyone ever had a anemone get streaks of purple?
  2. nanonøkk

    anemone changing?

    ok so i’ve had my new nem for a while and i know all of its normal behavior but to day i fed it and it was fine the first few hours but what is happening and i think this may be due to the anemone crab? anyone have any thoughts on this it looks to be changing into some sorta eldrich horror or...
  3. nanonøkk

    anemone feeding

    ok so i waited a week before feeding my anemone a small peice of food and can anyone tell me is it normal for it to rip it out of your fingers and also how many days till it fully like reinflates it’s self it looks how it looks in the morning when my lights first turn on but it’s been looking...
  4. M

    Anemone shriveled up and something coming out of it

    Hello, I got this bubble tip yesterday, it was doing good (opened up and moving around) and when I woke up I found it like this. Does anyone know what is going on with it? Thanks
  5. S

    EMERGENCY Is my Long Tentacle Anemone splitting?

    I’ve had it for about 2 months now and it is sometimes stressed and other times not. But it’s looked like it’s on the verge of splitting all day. Am I mistaking? I’ve included pictures as well. Thanks for your help!
  6. C

    BTA Heath Issues?

    Hi all! So I have a 55 gal tank Ammonia 0 Nitrates 0 Nitrites 0 pH has been around 8.1 using marine buffer to bump it up to 8.3 Alkalinity I was told was a tad low as well earlier this week but I don’t have an at home test - the buffer is also supposed to be helping this Tank is fully cycled, I...
  7. nanonøkk

    my anemone is acting weird

    ok so the last few nights it would drink down and then have it’s mouth open it did this for two nights the only thing i could say it was is because i was feeding it every day so i didn’t feed it today and it went from the first picture is what it normally looks like to today’s picture so should...
  8. Valum

    EMERGENCY Is my nem ok? Looks like it's splitting

    Hi all just wanted some advise/re assurance my nem was healthy last night but this morning I woke up two a huge hole in the middle and it's still like this 4 hours later anyone have any opinion If it is splitting how long does this take and do I need to do anything?
  9. N11morales

    Removing nem deep in rock.

    How do I get my anemone to let go of the rock? I don’t want to damage it’s foot. I can barely getto the foot. If I point a power head at it how long does rhay usually take?
  10. Reefing_addiction

    Rbta anemone

    So got an rBTa yesterday. Here’s a pic of where he was marked by the red x and how he got to where he is. Should I worry about my duster? I’m assuming he isn’t done moving Is he just trying to get adjusted? Where he started
  11. R

    Is my Sebae dying?

    I need some help with my Sebae. He has not seemed happy since I have bought him. I have had him for about a month now. Sunday he started to look really bad his mouth is open pretty wide. He is not loosing his color and he is still eating. It might just be stress but I would like some other...
  12. R

    What kind of Anemone is this?

    I was wondering what kind of Anemone this is? Thanks in advance for the answers.
  13. BighohoReef

    The Anemone at the gate (Finally getting a NEM!!) Share your nem homes

    Well it’s finally happened the wife cracked and we’re finally getting a rainbow nem!!! First I would love to get some ideas for nem placement. Post a pic of how you house them In your tank! Bonus for a brief on your thoughts behind it. Second I need some advice in my current plan: As with...
  14. AceShadow_Reefer

    Colorado Sunburst Anemone Problem!!

    Hey guys, I'm new here so it's cool to meet you all. I'm posting this today because I noticed my poor Colorado Sunburst BTA is starting to look really strange... Never seen a nem look like it before. It almost looks as though it's withering. The tentacles look almost flat!! This occurred after...
  15. BabyShark

    Anemones and coral

    Any feedback is welcome! I’ve had a Condy anemone for a few months and he’s been doing great, but every now and again he’ll relocate. Once I woke up and he was on top of a colony so I’m wondering how long does it typically take for anemone to harm a coral? What’s the proper way to separate the...
  16. Z

    Is My Anemone Dying?

  17. Accidentalreefers

    BTA acting strange

    Hey, just curious my anemone seems to be acting strange this is my 1st anemone I added him to the tank around 4 months ago found his spot and has been hanging out there ever since and had been very opened up only closes up a bit at night. A couple days ago I noticed hes been closed up alot more...
  18. Bnteasley

    Anemone identification

    We purchased this anemone a few months ago and everything was going great. We had a pair of clowns that were hosting in it, etc. 120gal tank, and all parameters have been great. We feed the anemone jumbo shrimp, raw, every day and he always ate well. Now, within the past week he's gone rogue and...
  19. Michelesreef

    Anemone keeps moving...??

    I've let this go on for about a month now, maybe a little less. I have a ling tentacle anemone and a clownfish to host him. The clown is great, giving the nem food and cleaning him. The only problem is the nem keEPS MOVING. It's so frustrating. I have tried so many different things and he keeps...
  20. Adam.derrick.100

    My BTA won’t open, it’s been months.

    So everything in my tank looks great but my BTA won’t open. It’s been at lest 2 months of prolonged closure and it’s moved once about 2 weeks ago. I have had this BTA for about 6 months and I can’t figure out why this is happening? Any help would be appreciated.
  21. C

    What the heck is going on with my Anemone?!

    Could someone please help me figure out why My long tentacle anemone seems to like keeping his mouth open and at times poking it inside out?He had it open when I brought him home it was not protruding at that time. It closed during the acclimation then opened again right after putting it in the...
  22. C

    Why is my LTA mouth almost always open?

    Could someone please help me figure out why My long tentacle anemone seems to like keeping his mouth open and at times poking it inside out?He had it open when I brought him home it was not protruding at that time. It closed during the acclimation then opened again right after putting it in the...
  23. mrbryan809

    Help Not sure if hes dying

    Picked him up from a friend that no longer in the hobby a week ago. hes been doing great but the past few days hes been shriveling up randomly and my father in law just sent me the pic below. Is this normal or can i do something to help him. The only thing i did different was give it a single...
  24. midlife-reefer

    Anemone eating my fish?

    So, a month ago I had 2 baby clowns and after a week, I was down to one. I have a BTA in the tank and after scouring everywhere around the tank, I assumed the BTA may have eaten the clown. But, all the other fish have been fine. A week ago, I got a Mimic Yellow Tang, 1+ inch, and fed it this...
  25. Michelesreef

    Are my nems okay?

    I need to know of this is a normal anemone thing..i took pictures but im not sire how well you can see them. Every morning when i wake up before i turn on the aquarium lights my nems are usually closed up. Well this morning they were however they both had white 'threads' coming from them. I...
Pirates Reef Corals