
  1. J

    Tropic Marine Pro Alkalinity

    Checking to see what others are getting for Alkalinity results in fresh batches of Tropic Marine Pro. I just mixed 60g worth and my alk (hanna) was 6.1 dKh Although I run my DT at about 8.5 dKh....I am not terribly troubled by the NSW result of 6.1. My AWC's are small amounts of only about .4g...
  2. Mtrimble7

    I need help please.

    Been having so many issues. I've read and read and watched videos but something isn't right. Here's my parameters followed by my issues and pictures. Any help and advice would help. Thanks in advance. MG 1440 Alk 9.8 Ca 490 Nitrate 0-5 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0 Salinity 35 Red sea reefer max 260...
  3. Carebearsss.x

    Alkalinity REALLY high

    Hello! We just checked the parameters on our tank and the alkalinity is extremely high! The DKH is at 14 While looking online, my boyfriend and I seen that you can dose vinegar into your tank to lower your alk? Is this a good idea? If so, how much do I add? Pls help :) I’m still trying to...
  4. dtruitt

    RODI water consistently reading 8.3dKH with salifert titration

    I recently saw a huge alk spike after switching salt mixes. After contacting the manufacturer, I got a reading of 8.3dKH on multiple titrations on "clean" rodi with the salifert kit. I dont have a TDS meter on hand. I'm assuming the water must not be very clean. Membrane was changed 6 months...
  5. Cstar_BC

    Acclimating corals to higher alk

    So my water is staying at 11dkh (hanna) after watching the brs video on alk and coral growth I think I’m just going to leave my stable water alone instead of chasing NSW numbers how can you acclimate corals to higher dkh without shocking them ? anyone with experience greatly appreciated
  6. S

    New to saltwater, how to raise ph?

    Hi from the UK! I’ve just gotten into the hobby after a long time of wanting a nano tank. Everything seems to be going smoothly with salinity at 1.026 and ammonia, nitrites, nitrates being 0. One issue: my ph is stubborn at 7.6ish despite alkalinity being between 8-9 as per fritz rpm salt...
  7. 0utworld

    Salt Mix Alkalinity Drop

    Hi all, Due to the difference in alkalinity between my tank (170ppm) and my Reef Crystals salt mix (>180ppm), I've decided to mix my saltwater a few days prior to water changes. After mixing my water for 4 days, I've noticed its alkalinity dropped faster than expected (157ppm). I think it might...
  8. AquaPhilNJ

    Max ALK to dose at one time

    I've been searching and not finding any answer to what is the max ALK a person can dose at one given time. I have head a max raising of 1.4 dkh per day, but nothing about max at one given time or per hour. I have a 55 gallon reef and I've been dosing ALK manually (for now) trying to maintain...
  9. Dinodanger

    Alkalinity high!

    Adding marine buffer has sky rocketed Dkh to near 14! I was wondering if the Dkh will drop naturally with around 10 lps corals in a 250 litre or won't there demand be high enough to make much difference?
  10. psumms

    Hanna Alkalinity Reagent Consistency

    Just finished a bottle of alkalinity reagent on my Hanna tester - alk reads 11.8. Open the new bottle and re-test to check consistency. 10.7 ... Run a third test (from new bottle), confirms 10.7! The previous bottle is still well in date, has been open for approx. 4 months. Confident my testing...
  11. Naw042

    Long term alkalinity swings

    Hi all, I was wondering how much alkalinity swing over time is considered "stable". I know Alk may drift with the daily light cycle, but I'm specifically curious about variability over days or weeks. I started using a dosing pump and 2-part about 4 months ago and have been working on getting...
  12. Sakosreef

    Introduction to dosing

    Hi everyone hope you’re doing well. So today I tested my water for the first time and here are my numbers Calcium: 350 Alkalinity: 7 Ph: 7.8 I have brightwell aquatics calcium, alkalinity and ph ready to be used. I’ve been doing some research on dosing but it’s hard to wrap your head around...
  13. DanSavesTheDay

    pH swing? Dosing sodium bicarbonate "baking soda"

    I've just noticed some RTN on a tort frag. I haven't had any alk swings since this frag was added and it was in a low light area of the tank Could it possibly be a pH swing? My tank size is 88gallons and I usually dose my alk "baking soda" 0.6 tsp mixed in warm rodi dosed into sump at night. My...
  14. Jake_the_reefer

    Use 10 ml of water to raise api test accuracy?

    So I was dumb and let myself use up all the alkalinity reagent from my hanna checker before ordering more. I am currently fine tuning my daily dose so I can set up a dosing pump. All I have is an api alk test which is accurate to intervals of 1. 1 drop = 1 alk 2 = 2 alk so on and so forth...
  15. DanSavesTheDay

    Higher alk waterchange?

    I am looking to change out about 10 gallons in my 90 gallon reef *88 gallons=tank+fuge* housing some expensive sps frags. If my current DKH is 8.2 and the DKH of Reef Crystals is 13 would that be too much of a change? I did the math and doing a waterchange would add about .5 DKH for 10 gallons...
  16. psumms

    Dosing Plan - When & with what...

    Hi all, I'm now using a D-D P4 Pro dosing pump and which give great control over chemical anti-interference, split dosing over a schedule etc. and its got me researching for answers to a couple of questions... For each of my Alkalinity, Calcium, Magnesium, NoPoX ... Recommended times of day to...
  17. O

    Correlation between Alkalinity and pH?

    Hi everyone, I have a 300 gallon mixed reef system, and I am trying to make my tank a tad more stable/automated since I am traveling out of state for weeks at a time due to school. I am switching from a bubble magus dosing system (using biotech two part solution) to a korallin calcium reactor...
  18. smartwater101

    California Focustronic Alkatronic

    SOLD Batch 3. I love this thing but I just can't justify owning this AND a Reefbot. Its packed up and ready to go! A BNC cable is included for hooking up to a Profilux or Apex. 620$ shipped
  19. REEFer86

    Salt Brand Suggestion - Discussion

    Hi all! I like to support my LFS in anyway I can. One way is I purchase the salt they use. I’ve tested it’s Alkalinity and it’s bad. Not sure if it’s the batch because the salt seemed to have got moisture in it because it was hard but it did soften quickly when dropped on the floor like you...
  20. RichyRich50


    Hanna Checkers $30 CALIBRATION CHECK $5 call or text me 678-467-7495
  21. REEFer86


    Has anyone tried the Red Sea Reef Energy Coral nutrition A/B ? What effects does it have on calcium and magnesium? How can the calcium and mag dip and rise without doing anything? Started dosing Alkalinity by Red Sea. Need to get CO2 to get my calcium reactor running. Who’s used a calcium...
  22. MnFish1

    Concerning the Trident:

    A quick poll about how to be sure your trident is giving correct measurements: You can pick one or more than one. This poll is about the trident - and is not designed to be a negative. Its designed to see how many people actually do what Neptune says they should do when using their equipment...
  23. smartwater101

    Weather/Temperature and its effects on pH and Alkalinity consumption?

    pH: normally ~8.49 - 8.55, now its ~8.35 - 8.45 (apex, re-calibration confirmed accurate. As accurate as apex can be anyway. Rabble Rabble) Alk: normally ~9.2 - 9.5, now its ~9.6 - 9.9 (alkatronic, re-calibration confirmed accurate. Also confirmed with Hanna & Red Sea) Neither is a big...
  24. M

    Rising Alk

    Hi, Over the past month, my alk keeps climbing steadily. I test the same time each week, and everything remains in line except the alk lately. Same salt since starting the tank over a year ago (RS Coral Pro). I change water the same time each week (10%). All rock has been in the tank for at...
  25. Jeremy Chatham

    My New ReefBot cannot test 8 things. Only 4.

    So I just received my new reefbot. I am surprised to report that it cannot test 8 different things as one setup. I am able to test Alk. Calcium. Mag. And phosphates. So even though there are 8 vials in the machine some test kits require multiple reagents for a single test. I guess I will need...
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