
  1. N

    Encrusting white layer on my rock

    This stuff showed up almost instantly, 7 week old tank and last few days I've been adding PurpleUp to help the corraline grow. I cant get a good pic but its a layer ontop of my rock and its VERY WHITE. I read it may be bleaching but this is new growth. I have very little flow in the areas...
  2. M

    Tiny algae on the glass

    The other day i noticed these tiny green/brown strands of what i assume to be algae on the glass of my new tank under only the lit up side (one side does not have a light over it yet). The tank has been running for almost exactly one month in total and only 6 days with a light on one side...
  3. A

    Algae on goni frag

    I'm wondering of anyone has any tips on removing hair algae from a goni frag. The algae is growing in between some polyps not on the plug. It's an amazeballs goni so I really want to clear this up without risking the coral. Thanks
  4. tuggerlake26

    Bubble Algae

    I noticed two of the frags I added to my tank about a month ago are growing bubble algae. What's the best solution here? Should I take the frags out, remove all algae, and rinse off with tank water? Does that risk spores? Or could I cover it with some super glue and hope that stops things? Or...
  5. Ryan1277

    Georgia Aquariums Drygoods Ice cap algae scrubber medium will shop

    I have a ice cap medium algae scrubber only about 7 months old, I bought from brs. Asking $225. Shipping from Atlanta
  6. D

    Can someone tell me what type of algae this is

    I believe it is hair Algae on the rock but it’s not green more like white. And if so should I leave it in the tank because it’s beneficial? or remove it completely. I attached a video
  7. rhizotron

    BLEMS - Phycology Nightlight - My original design! - $70 shipped

    BLEMS - Phycology Nightlight - My original design! - $75 shipped This is a simple design, but it's taken me a while to get everything resolved. The Phycology Nightlight is essentially a miniature wall-mount aquarium equipped with a mini LED lamp to grow a live phytoplankton culture while...
  8. Nanolifeuk

    What are these nuisance algae .. and how do I beat them?

  9. C

    Something on Acan URGENT

    Got this acan off the World Wide Corals Sale a couple weeks ago and something has just started to grow on it. No idea what this is can’t find anything on the internet. Video and photo attached.
  10. A

    Advice on fighting dinos

    Hey everyone, I have been battling prorocentrum dinos for 1.5 years at this point. It likely started due to phosphate bottoming out as well as me using tap water. I am a student so I'm a little tight in the financial department so it took a while to get an RODI. My params: Alk 8.6, pH. 7.9, Calc...
  11. CasperOe

    Algae identification

    Hi Reefers I am looking for a definite answer on what kind of algae I am dealing with here on attached photos (Q: Is it green cyano?). It started appearing about a week ago; slightly more every day. If anyone have any suggestions on how to battle this, i'd be all ears. The tank is 5 months...
  12. R

    Acan algae or Acan behavior?

    Hey all, I Purchased an Acan frag and put it in my tank yesterday. Last night it had a ring of color on the sand under it and then woke up to what looked like hair algae growing from the sand bed around it. Is this common of an Acan or did it being in some algae with it? Any help would be...
  13. sparrow78

    Can I win this war?

    Been dealing with this nuisance for a month now. Turbos don’t seem to live long enough to keep it under control. I’ve been doing manual removals but it just keeps growing and growing. Any insights would be appreciated.
  14. Sonatine

    Identify my algae?

    My tank (32.5gal) has been running around 4-5 weeks now, and is starting to come alive. I'm trying to identify the algae I've got going on in there right now. I know I have some diatoms (on the sand, some on the rocks too), but I've also got some pink and green algae coating the rocks and I...
  15. P

    Brown Algae ID

    Over the last few weeks, I have seen a new algae outbreak and I’ve been unable to properly ID it. It seems to be encrusting and does not come off with a tooth brush. My CuC doesn’t eat it. My LFS suggested a pinchushion urchin, but I’m wondering if there’s an alternative. I don’t want the...
  16. AlgaeBarn

    If your refugium is looking for chaeto...

    If your refugium is looking for chaeto like Squidward- we have a surprise for you!! MORE CHAETO has been updated on the website today!
  17. Nanolifeuk

    What’s growing on my GSP?

    My first take is literally just algae, taking over the tissue. It’s still spreading like wildfire so not so much concerned just curious for knowledge.
  18. chemicals

    Black spots growing on my rock

    Hi, recently I noticed some black stuff started growing on my rock. The thanks is around 6 months old. Should I worry? It’s pretty hard to the touch but feels more “slippery” than coralline.
  19. N

    Dictyota or Sea Lettuce?

    I've got some algae starting on a few rocks. I purchased Sea Lettuce macro algae 8 weeks ago from Algae Barn, so I'm wondering if that stuff has the ability to frag and grow elsewhere on its own readily, or if this newly emerged stuff is perhaps a green shade of Dictyota. Do I keep it in place...
  20. N

    Final phase of Cycle in new tank?

    Hi all, I have a 75 gal with sump. Lots of macro in sump and some in main display. Tank is 120 days old. Went through the high ammonia phase, went through the high nitrates phase, the Dino bloom, then into the bright green algae phase. I feel like I should start to see the bright green about to...
  21. D

    Dinoflagellates or Diatoms?

    Hi. I’ve been dealing with this for a very long time now with diatoms growing on my sand and I’ve even reduced lighting a lot and they still keep coming. Now I just decided to ask if anyone knew what was growing on my rocks and how I can get rid of them and maybe grow some corraline algae. I’m...
  22. D

    Zoanthid Bubble

    On my zoanthid very frequently I’ve had these bubble things appearing on my zoanthids. I’m taking them out and popped them and put the Zoas back in the tank. All they do is pop up and I’m not entirely sure what all of this is. I also cannot get my zoanthids to grow anywhere on my rocks. I’ve had...
  23. ILike2Reef

    Can someone help identify…algae?

    This started growing in my refugium and has started taking over the entire fuge. It puts down roots that are attaching to all of the live rock and bio balls. Can someone help identify? Is it a good algae or nuisance/threat? Thx!
  24. G

    Georgia Live Goods Chaeto for sale!! $15 for baseball size ball

    We have chaeto back in stock until it runs out. $15 for a good baseball size ball plus $5 shipping. $20 shipped.
  25. Nanolifeuk

    Why so green ?

    Having a nightmare with the algae on the back wall. The rocks are cured that way and I’m not particularly bothered about them (I read that they should turn darker and purple as coralline takes over) This algae is so hard to scrape away, I press as hard as possible with my scraper but it just...
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