
  1. G

    red stuff on gorgonian?

    Hi everyone, Super newbie here with my first post, so please don’t savage me too badly. I have a 2 gallon “pico” tank which is actually a former jellyfish tank. Jellyfish were actually my first saltwater animals. Decided to experiment with an empty tank and so here I am. It’s been up and...
  2. Pizza2049

    Can someone ID this?

    Can anyone ID this yellowish/brownish things growing on the LR? A short backstory, family and I went thru hurricane Michael and I lost everything in this tank (29 biocube). After the power was restored and the shops were back open I reset up tank. It’s been running for about a year before I...
  3. Reefer9871

    I.D. this algae that is taking over my reef tank! HELP PLEASE!

    What is this that is taking over my tank!? These are the best pictures I could get with my son’s microscope. But I figure someone out there might be able to I.D. what it is…. At first I thought dinos or diatoms because they came back worse when I cleaned them and did water changes. After...
  4. D

    Trachyphyllia skeleton growing algae

    So my Trachy got stressed during a move and punctured it’s tissues with its skeleton and now algae has started to grow on it and it won’t fully inflate. Any tips?
  5. D

    Any Good Cyano Treatments Which Don''t Require a Water Change?

    I was wondering if anybody has suggestions for cyano treatments which don't require water changes. I was thinking of using chemiclean or cyanorx but I'm not bothered to do a water change, my nutrients are also undetectable. I also don't mind waiting a few weeks or months for a product to work...
  6. deindery

    Wired little brown algae

    Hi community this is my first post here and I have been battling against an algae that I think is diatoms but some times it look different and I want your input, I already did a blackout but the algae come back. Al my parameters are amonia: 0 nitrite: 0 nitrate:10. also here are some pictures of...
  7. Uzair Aiman

    Help ID-ing Green algae(?) on GSP mat

    Hi guys, I'm still new to this hobby. Lately I have seen some green(?) algae on top of my GSP mat. Im not sure if its green or brown cause with the blue lights I see brown spots on the mat whereas in white lights its green. Im not sure what it is so a help in ID would be appreciated. I...
  8. SaltwaterGuruNeeded

    White film? Algae?

    This white film on the cord of my uv sterilizer and other cords in my fish tank, what is it? I'd assume it to be algae. I've had this in freshwater tanks before, I believe. It comes off very easily and feels slimy. Just want to know what it is, is it good or bad, and how to minimize it or get...
  9. C

    What kind of Lagae

    Hello I have this brown string algae all over my GSP causing it to stay closed. I don’t see it elsewhere in my tank, only by my GSP. Does anyone know what this is? I assume it’s a brown hair algae but I’m not sure. Is there a way to get rid of it? I tried basting and brushing but it has t...
  10. D

    Hello Intermediate Reefer with a Slight Hair Algae Issue

    Ive got a 20gal nano that’s been up for about 7 months and I’ve been experiencing a brown hair algae problem. My nitrates are 0 and my phosphate it’s 0.25 so i am currently trying to increase the nitrate to about 5 over two weeks. Any other opinions would be much appreciated!
  11. C

    EMERGENCY Attack Of The Brown Algae

    Hello just messaging from the Arizona area, looking for some input. I’m fairly new to the world of saltwater aquarium care and could really use some advise. We have a 29 gallon tank about 3 months old housing two ocellaris clowns and a beautiful bunch of mushroom corals who have been doing...
  12. R33fDaddy

    Is this Turf Algae on The Rocks?

    Is this Turf Algae on my rocks? If so what's the best way to get rid of it? Salinity 1.026 Temp 77 Degrees Alkalinity 11.2 dkh Calcium 500 ppm Magnesium 1470 ppm Nitrates 30ppm Nitrite 0ppm Phosphates 0ppm Nutrient Export: 10% Water change weekly Filter Floss changed every 3 days Skimmer Algae...
  13. MrBubble47

    Plating algaes or Sponges?

    Hello, what are these plating things growing in my Fiji live rock?
  14. MrBubble47

    Yellowish algae Identification

    Hello, what algae is this and how do I get rid of it? thanks ;)
  15. Radu

    Stems growing from single point

    Does anybody know what this is?
  16. NanoReeferAlex

    Can anyone ID this algae?

    I’ve noticed it growing for about 2 weeks thinking it was diatoms but now i’m getting more worried it’s not? any id or tips would be greatly appreciated!
  17. Matt1508

    Invasive Pink Algae - Pink Cotton Algae?

    This stuff started as a small patch, but is starting to get rather large and I don’t know how to get rid of it. Any idea what it is, I thought Pink Cotton Algae but it doesn’t branch or puff out into balls rather just encrust , well anything it wants to… it’s odd as I havnt introduced and fish...
  18. T

    White fuzzy stalks - what is it?

    My 4-month-old tank has been thru various phases of the uglies that have been relatively mild, but I see a new growth that I'm having a hard time identifying. As shown in the photo, these white fuzzy stalks are attached to rocks (or the back wall) -- the one pictured is about 3 mm tall, others...
  19. A

    Algae identification?

    I posted a few days ago and didn’t get any helpful responses. Can someone please help me identify this algae? I scrubbed my tank and did a water change Friday evening and now it has all just come back so quickly. Is this GHA or bryopsis? Or is it something else by chance? I want to...
  20. Oscar’s25Gal

    Red algae excessively growing on sand...

    Hi guys - For the recent few months this red algae / bacteria has been excessively growing on my sand and every time i attempt to remove it with a gravel cleaner, it grows back within a week or so. Can anyone please help ID it and if it is my nitrates what is the most effective way of lowering...
  21. UKR33f3r

    Algae/Cyano Issue Not Improving, Help Please?

    Hi all, I have a Red Sea Reefer 250 that has been up and running for 8 months now. My issue is a strange black algae\cyano growth that has plagued me for the last two months+. I have been treating as follows: cleaning gravel twice weekly 20% water changes twice a week Addition of beneficial...
  22. shartpants007

    What is this gunk on my macro algae

    There's gunk on my macro algae. Anybody know what it is or how to deal with it?
  23. M

    Brown Algae problem (hair?) . Help ID pleas and recomend solution.

    Hello. Any ideas what this algae can be and how to get rid of it? this pictures are with filtration turned off, for better seeing. when the filtration is on the water looks crystal clean. It take few days after cleaning and everything is covered in brown algae. i have protein skimmer. 3 small...
  24. tanked4u

    Killer Green Film Algae

    Hello Reef2Reef, I have been struggling with a case of killer green film algae (see attached photo) for about the past 4 months. I just can't seem to kick it. So far, I have lost 3 corals to it, and it looks like my large zoa colony will be the next to go. Background My 32g BioCube has been...
  25. Reefer37

    Algae ID?

    Been dealing with this algae for a little bit now and it's just getting out of hand. Starting to grow on coral skeletons even with scrubbing and removing it regularly. Can someone tell me what this is? Having a hard time 100% IDing it. It is some sort of green sheet algae that grows in layers...