ai prime 16hd

  1. ens_reef

    Build Thread emsreef 100.3 waterbox build

    in the process of a 100.3 waterbox build. i got the stand together and of course with my luck the left panel was damaged. waterbox customer service has been great. they already shipped out a new panel. i put it together with the damaged panel and i will save the other as a spare. i am simply...
  2. N

    Help with AI Prime 16 HD and 32 Gallon Cube

    Hello, I have a FijiCube 32EXT with an AI Prime 16 HD. I have been using a profile I found online ( can't remember which one ) for several months but have never really gotten much coral growth. Even before this tank I had a 28gallon AIO with a similar lighting schedule and didn't see much if...
  3. Eliatam

    2x AI Prime 16HD on a 240L

    Hey, this is my first time being on this site and i hope this is the right forum. My 2x AI Prime 16HD arrived today and i'm not sure what settings i should use for my 240L mixed reef. Do you have any recommendations? I tried to use presets but unfortunately i'm not able to connect them to my PC.
  4. WhiskyTango

    AIO Build WhiskyTango's WATERBOX 20

    The downsize is complete, and I couldn't be happier with my new AIO cube. Also the stand sits perfectly on a 18x18 tile.
  5. C

    Lighting too strong for 10 gallon?

    Hey guys, looking for your opinion on this schedule. Will give some details. IM fusion nano 10 gallon AI PRIME 16 HD 13 inch depth Mixed reef (Sps, Lps, soft on sandbed) 50% acclimation 30 days
  6. Z

    Ai prime HD Settings?

    Hey Guys! Hope you Are all safe and well! I was wondering if any of you guys can share the settings you use or the preset file you use for the AI Prime 16HD LIght? I'm trying to figure out what would work best. I have two Clowns, one mandarin Goby, a shrimp, some snails, Zoas, birdsnests, and...
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