
  1. Perpetual Novice

    Something is wrong with my tangs eye. Please help!

    I have no idea what to make if this. I tried to take a photo but I couldn’t get anything usable so I took a video. here is the video. I have no idea what happened or what to do about it. The fish was added just over a week ago and there has been no signs of aggression in the tank whatsoever.
  2. Perpetual Novice

    It’s been a week. When do I need to intervene to save my wrasse who is always buried?

    I added a couple new wrasses to a tank with two established leopard wrasses. One of the two new wrasses is also a leopard wrasse. It is intimidated by the other fish and stays buried all day except a couple days where it emerged for less than five minutes. I managed to catch the interaction on...
  3. Perpetual Novice

    Wrasse aggression help needed

    I have a tank with two resident female leopard wrasses. I recently added an ornate leopard wrasse (a different species than the ones I have) and a yellow coris wrasse to my tank at the same time. The yellow wrasse adjusted well and the established wrasses accepted it without a second thought...
  4. Perpetual Novice

    What are some food supplements for coralivores?

    About 6 months ago I bought a pair of orange spotted filefish. I know they’re supposed to eat exclusively live coral but can sometimes be trained to accept prepared foods. I couldn’t supply my filefish with live coral but the whole reason I bought them was because they were eating frozen food in...
  5. Perpetual Novice

    How can I tell if a fish has outgrown its tank?

    I have fish that I know will outgrow my tank. They’re small now as juveniles but I know some reach over a foot when grown. I have plans for where they will go when they do get too large. But I don’t know how to tell when that is. What are the signs that it’s time for a fish to move to one of my...
  6. Perpetual Novice

    What are some hardy acropora strains?

    I have a 30 gallon Biocube with a china-box light setup. after having success with plating and then encrusting montipora I have recently been adding some acropora frags to my tank. I don't plan on changing my maintenance and water testing habits to accommodate these new corals although I have...
  7. Perpetual Novice

    Can I convert cyano to algae?

    I have a tank with consistently high nutrients. It’s not neglected but I do minimal maintenance and for the last while there has been mild amount of cyano persisting around the tank. No algae is growing. I know cyano and algae both thrive on high nutrients or poor water parameters but I’m not...
  8. Perpetual Novice

    Will I run out of copepods? Should I add another wrasse?

    I have a 100 gallon reef tank with lots of live rock and 2 leopard wrasses. The wrasses have been fat and happy for about 6 months now. They hunt all day but I think they get most of their food gorging themselves on frozen food. I want to add another wrasse to the tank. I am thinking of adding...
  9. Perpetual Novice

    Is a Six-Line Wrasse a bad idea?

    I have a melanurus wrasse that has outgrown my 30 galloon biocube and will soon be moving to my 100 gallon reef. I want to replace him with another wrasse that helps with pest control and was thinking of maybe getting a six-line wrasse. Plenty of people say they are great community fish and...
  10. Perpetual Novice

    Can I mix species of wrasses?

    I have 2 leopard wrasses in a 100 gallon tank. I Have heard leopard wrasses are very peaceful and was thinking of adding a yellow coris wrasse to the tank community. Is this a bad idea?
  11. Perpetual Novice

    Are these fish compatible with my tank? 100 gallon

    I have a 100 gallon reef tank that has been running for about 8 months now. I am thinking of adding a couple more fish to the community before the established fish become too territorial for any new arrivals. My current stock is as follows: Desjardini tang Powder blue tang Blue hippo Tang 2...
  12. Perpetual Novice

    Help selecting encrusting coral

    So my tank is about 8 months old now but many corals are handmedowns from the tank before I upgraded. I built the aquascape with a nice shelf right in front to be the centerpiece. But I haven’t actually grown any coral there yet. I’ve got GSP growing on a peninsula on the side of the tank and I...
  13. Perpetual Novice

    Using ich to treat ich

    I know the ich life cycle. I know what will kill it and what won’t. I know how to treat a tank that has ich in it. But I don’t treat the ich in my 30 gallon biocube. I’ve seen ich at its worst. Infecting almost every fish and multiplying rapidly. But the ich in my tank has never been very...
  14. Perpetual Novice

    Is shale rock not reef safe? Did it crash my friends tank?

    I was helping a friend of mine get into the hobby after he told me he wanted to keep a mantis shrimp. I built him a plan for his build and explained how everything works and all the “rigorous” processes and procedures he’d have to follow to set it up properly and maintain it. It’s a 13.5 gallon...
  15. Perpetual Novice

    Need help. Nudibranch pest?

    I haven’t added any new rock or coral to my tank in months but today I noticed a bright yellow nudibranch about 2cm long moving across the back glass of my aquarium. The back of the tank is rarely cleaned so it wasn’t easy to photograph it through the algae buildup but here are the vest photos I...
  16. Perpetual Novice

    Reef tank getting hotter and I don't know why. Help?

    I have a 30-gallon biocube. The hood has been removed and replaced with a custom acrylic panel that sits on top and a China Box light that is hung above it. There are two nano skimmers in the back section in compartments 1 and 2. There is a 20-watt analog heater in the third chamber with the...
  17. Perpetual Novice

    I dropped a rock on my clam!

    I was adjusting the aquascape in my tank and a large coral skeleton fell on my 7 inch derasa clam. It has opened back up since then and I can see that there is a scratch in the mantle and also another spot where it appears a small piece of coral may have pierced the mantle and broke off. or at...
  18. Perpetual Novice

    How to get jawfish to pair up?

    I have a single pearly jawfish that has been doing well for several months now. It lives in a frag rack that I buried in the sand which it has dugout underneath. There are several holes to poke in and out of, and presumably a lot of space underneath (I have a deep sandbed and its a large frag...
  19. Perpetual Novice

    Is it ever safe to add damsels as a late addition?

    I have a 100 gallon tank with several small tangs, a rabbitfish, a pair of leopard wrasses, two clowns, a canary blenny, and a pearly jawfish. there is a ton of live rock and places to hide. My tank has been stable with these fish for about 3 months now and I am thinking about introducing a...
  20. Perpetual Novice

    Question about Longnose Hawkfish Color Morphs and Other Differences. I need help deciding.

    I am about to do the second wave of stocking in my 100 gallon tank and decided I'm going to make a bulk order of smaller fish on LIve Aquaria. I want to get a Longnose Hawkfish but when I went to add it to my cart I saw they offer two options the same size and the same price. The only difference...
  21. Perpetual Novice

    Advice on fish for algae control

    I have a 13 gallon tank full of zoanthids and some snails and hermits and a pistol shrimp goby pair. I’m looking to add a fish that is appropriate for a nano tank and will help reduce the algae. I wouldn’t say algae is a problem but snails don’t really seem to be doing anything about the hair...
  22. Peach02

    How to be less clumsy

    Essentially I’m very accident prone especially at my work (I work at my LFS) and I need advice on how to be less clumsy, you guys got any ideas?
  23. Perpetual Novice

    Reducing tang aggression with more tangs?

    I have a tank with a 5.5 inch desjardini, a 4 inch powder blue, and a 3 inch blue hippo. They were added at the same time and have been getting along with literally no aggression for about 6 months now. But in the last few days I have noticed the powder blue occasionally chasing the blue hippo...
  24. Perpetual Novice

    When will my leopard wrasse change sex?

    I have two leopard wrasses 4 inch and 3 inch roughly. They both have the speckled female color pattern and look roughly the same except for size. They are active, eat well, and get along great. Usually they are within a foot of each other at any given time so they seem to prefer to swim and hunt...
  25. Perpetual Novice

    Delaware Looking for Peacock Mantis Shrimp. Desperate

    I’ve been sifting through hundreds of pages for online suppliers. Nobody has had peacock mantis shrimp in stock for over a month. Ive talked to fish stores local and half way across the country. They all tell me they’ll notify me when in stock. And I’ve actually specifically ordered one from one...