
  1. ClownFish664

    help picking a coral

    Hi all, Does anyone know what types of corals I can put top left and left side of my reef tank? This is where I have the higher flow from both the wave maker (1000 lph) and the surface skimmer. I'm using a G5 radion on soft/LPS setting
  2. Zoa_Fanatic

    ID help

    Are these snails and this nem bad? I just got them in a frag swap.
  3. Zoa_Fanatic

    Help ID please

    Is this a “strawberry” anemone? I guess that’s a mojano? That’s what people in my area call them. Should I murder it or is it reef safe?

    Af life source

    Anyone dose af life source on a weekly basis? Heard it’s good for cyano and bio diversity… Cheers
  5. A

    Looks like a mite or something. Also it appears to be attacking dinos

    Pretty much what the title said. Looks similar to a mite and appears to be attacking dinos. I attached a video below. Please pardon the random movements because I lost the creature and was looking for it again. I can’t attach a video because the file I have is too large but I will attach a...

    Light colour percentages

    Hi Tank only been running 4-5 month currently have diatoms and cyano….. Made a post in correct forum location with all stats in my tank…. Anyway my question is what percentage of light colours should I be running at….. no corals at the moment but trying to improve my tank…. Picture below of...

    Cyano, diatoms and phosphate

    Hi Had diatoms a while back and they went on there own….. Then cyano came which I’ve been battling for around a month ish….. I used chemi clean first does 24 hours second dose 72 hours….. 99 % of it went just had a very small light pink patch size of a penny…. That was 3 weeks ago when I used...

    Red foot conch

    Just picked this up from shop, any info would be good as I can’t really find any….. will they do the same as orange lipped conch? Thanks in advance…
  9. ClownFish664

    water change advice

    Ok, so I have a nano reef, its 50L having some algae issues at the moment. But my nitrates and phosphates of course go up over time. How often and how big of a water change should be performed on such a system. It does not use a protein skimmer and is LPS only. After noticing my nitrates and...
  10. Hefromabove

    Looking for large tank build planning advice

    I'm currently in the beginning stages of planning to get a larger sized tank, at least 300g+ though probably closer to 500g+, and have about a million and a half questions. I did have a 65 gallon tank for close to 3 years, but sadly had to part with it due to changes in housing arrangements. Me...

    Blue legged hermit crabs

    Hi Will blue legged hermit crabs cause me any problems, are they reef safe? Just got fish and a selection of snails at the minute….. the snails I have are Nassarius, orange conch and fighting conch…..Not far off adding corals aswell…. Do they pester corals? Been researching and there’s mixed...
  12. SaltwaterandLime

    Moving up and branching out, need some stocking ideas (long)

    I currently have a 32g fluval flex that at the moment is my only saltwater tank. I've had the one saltwater tank for a little over two years now and multiple planted freshwater tanks for about 10 years. After quite a lot of discussion with the family we have decided to convert or upgrade the...


    Hi when the best time to add a conch… I have a 250 litre tank, only 4 months old….. Currently going through diatoms and cyano stage…… Heard these guys are good for them….. Currently increased the flow by 80%ish in tank…. Also working on balancing nitrates and phosphate….. Is it a good time to...


    Hi new to reefing tanks been running about 4 months now… Currently have diatoms and little bit of cyano….. when’s a good time to add a conch as I’ve heard their good for this kind of stuff but wanting to make sure they have enough food to feed off without supplementing….. Currently working on...

    Flow advice

    Hi I’m wanting to know if I have enough flow for my 250 litre tank… I have a Fluval cp4 pointed up to surface…. This one delivers 5200 lph….. I also have a sow-4 opposite side for flow acr sand bed… This one outputs 4000 lph….. The tank is longer than it is high if dimensions are needed I can...
  16. JamieTotten1996

    Air Pump in a reef tank.

    good or bad? is there anything to be mindful of? any species that could be effected? so on and so forth.
  17. JamieTotten1996

    What is the easiest coral to keep in a relatively new reef tank (post cycle of course)

    What it says in the title, what is the NUMBER ONE easiest coral to keep? In accordance to hardiness and maybe beauty!
  18. A

    Getting worse before it gets better?

    Hello, I have posted earlier threads of me fighting dinos, and I’m taking all the steps that I really can at the moment. Phosphates up, phyto, Uv, blackouts, h202, manual removal, and lastly silica. Here’s the problem, the dinos have moved from the sandbedbfurther up onto the rocks, and are...

    Cyano, chemiclean, skimmer

    Hi treating cyano with chemiclean….. nearly all gone just doing a second dose….. I have a in tank tunzee skimmer and have took the cup off to help put O2 back in the tank…… This is putting a large amount of micro bubbles inside my tank, will this harm my fish? No corals at the min… Thanks in advance
  20. A

    Dinoflagellate ID help

    Hey y’all, just took a microscope video of some dinos, but I can’t quite make out what species. Can anyone identify? PS: videos usually work on a laptop or desktop from my experience. #reefsquad
  21. D

    Diatoms, Dinos, Cyano, and Hair algae?

    Hello to anyone who's here (and thank you for reading)! I think I've encountered my first issue with my reef tank, which is whether I've got dinos, diatoms, cyano, and hair algae - or maybe all four of them at the same time. I don't have a microscope on hand so I'm aware that the best ID I can...
  22. A

    What is this Algae?

    Tank info: Currently battling dinos and am making decent progress due to more hair, coraline, and film algae showing up. In range of reef tank parameters apart from phosphates which are elevated to encourage Dino competitions. Description: this algae looks like brown dots, and i can’t blow it...

    Bangaii cardinal

    Hi I had 1 bangaii in my tank and went to buy another 3 as I was told you can keep them together….. I now know this is only correct as juveniles….. 1 of them I found dead and the first bigger bangaii is constantly at the other 2 …… Asked for 2 females and a male which again they said would be...
  24. F

    Build Thread 1st saltwater Tank Red Sea reefer 170

    I am just starting it out, I realized I needed to rearrange the live rock after joining this site and finding some tips. Looking to Start with clowns of course, I would like to slowly add in some blennies, royal gamma basset, a star fish and when i think I’m ready a mandarin. Of course I’m...
  25. A

    Mushroom gaping or spilling guts? Help

    I’ve had this mushroom for almost a month, and for the past week and a half it’s been scrunched up. I noticed today that it’s mouth is open and it’s releasing it’s innards. Params: Ammonia/nitrite: undetectable Nitrate: 35(high, but needed to combat dinos. phosphate: undetectable(been dosing...