advice needed

  1. R

    requirements for a nano soft coral tank!

    Hey guys. I just joined the saltwater gang and bought my own 10 gallon tank. It’s small BUT we gotta start somewhere. Anyways, it’s already cycled and therefore it already has fish in it ( a clown fish) and live rocks. Since my first goal was to set up this tank for fish and get it within the...
  2. T

    Mixing clownfish harem.

    I am planning on doing a clownfish harem. I have a 48" long 20" tall and 20" wide tank. I was planning on doing two Oscellaris types. 8 of each for a total of 16. Anybody with experience have any tips? I have watched brs, they said you could do it but havent done it themselves.
  3. Netotek

    Here's my plan

    Here is what I have so far.. - Fluval Evo 13.5Gallon Saltwater Kit - Box of Seachem Vibrant Sea Salt - Fluval 50W submersible heater - Wide range specific gravity meter Im currently running a leak test on the tank but this is my plan. Please let me know where I should change or adjust. Going...
  4. Matt Bravo


    Hey guys I just got a new hammer and Duncan from my lfs. After I dipped them these little worms came off the hammer. Are these the flatworms that eat euphyllia? What’s the next move on this?
  5. Kerbash

    Opening a new fish store - gauging interest/advice needed!(Tacoma, WA)

    Hi guys, I've been thinking about this for a while, but I've been playing around with the idea of quitting my job and opening up a fish store around Gig Harbor or the Tacoma area in Washington. I'm honestly very unsure about this as it is a very big step, but a fish store has always been my...
  6. J

    Help with “fish room” and how small is yours??

    So I’m currently in the build list process of a 96Lx36Wx30H acrylic display tank or 120x36x30. I will most likely go with the 96 so I can buy local. The DT will be going on the main floor of the house, no basement, no crawl space, house built in 08, and wide tile flooring. The tank would be...
  7. D

    Advice on re-scaping my 120g Red sea

    Hi everyone, I am new to this forum but I’ve been a long time browser of this website. I am having issues re-scaping my tank, I can’t seem to find a style that I enjoy and gives all my corals/fish the attention they need. My questions are: if I were to replace ALL of my rock with new dry rock...
  8. S

    Blue legged hermit crab.....multiplied?!

    This is totally going to sound weird, but I bought two blue legged hermit crabs, yesterday, and today, I see a third one, without a shell? It looks like it’s molting, from what I’ve read online. This is my first time having these creatures, so I have no idea what’s going on. I attached two...
  9. Silverback26

    Aquarium upgrade

    Hey guys, I’ve been reefing with all in one tanks for the past few years just getting into the hobby and I definitely got the reefing bug. I have a fluval evo 13.5 gallon and a 32 gallon biocube and I love them but I feel like I’m running out of space and I just want to use what I’ve learned to...
  10. S

    How much can I sell this for?

    I have a rock with ultra orange Yuma mushrooms, I bought one head for $80 last year and there’s now at least 8-9 heads on this rock and some scrambled egg zoas next to it. How much can I sell this rock for?

    Hole in torch skeleton

    Hi found a small home 5mm in a new frag… Noticed a couple of hermits picking at it over the corse of a week which has made it bigger….. Looked inside the hole and found no hitch hikers so I’ve plugged it with reef putty to stop crabs picking at it …. Have I done wrong plugging it in tank while...
  12. F

    Can i use freshwater light for the coral Xenia?

    I am new to saltwater and i have a simple 20 gallon tank with 2 clownfish. My tank is actully made for freshwater and has a white light. I was thinking of adding a really easy coral to keep and i heard pusling Xenia is a easy coral that can almost grow anywhere. Do u think this coral will...
  13. N

    need help deciding what to dose

    I've been in the hobby for 3 years but id consider myself semi beginner intermediate and have been recommended last year to dose as my levels have not been stable between water changes. Being a student whos about to head to college, school has not let me research what i really need in terms of...
  14. Zoa_Fanatic

    Sand stirring inverts

    Hey guys will nassarius do a decent enough job of turnover to prevent my sandbed from becoming a solid mess of algea? I have some in my 32 biocube and a sand sifting conch and my sand is beautiful. In my 16G I only have a smaller conch and he doesn’t do enough to keep the sand clean at all. It’s...
  15. Zoa_Fanatic

    Remove clove polyps for good

    Some clove polyps hitchhiked into my tank somehow. They are isolated to a small are about the size of a half dollar on a movable top rock. I have contulinously removed them by removing the rock and brushing them off with a toothbrush destroying the polyps under running water. I don’t do this in...
  16. Matt Bravo

    Brook in tank

    I lost my clown today to what I believe to be brook. Cloudy eyes, mucus on skin and rapid breathing last night. I noticed this 2 days ago but honestly I didn’t want to believe that she was sick. Even though I’m upset about it since she was my first fish, she is not the only one in the tank. I...

    Phyto culture

    Hi I’ve started cultivating my own phyto and it looks about ready for harvest…. How do you know if there’s still f2 that’s not been used up and what I’ll effects would there be if you dose phyto with f2 left over…. Ive cultivated 3.5 litre of phyto with 4ml of F2….. Im currently on day 7…...


    Hi I’ve started cultivating my own phyto and it looks about ready for harvest…. How do you know if there’s still f2 that’s not been used up and what I’ll effects would there be if you dose phyto with f2 left over…. Ive cultivated 3.5 litre of phyto with 4ml of F2….. Im currently on day 7…...
  19. keb10d

    Button Coral White Substance?

    Any idea what’s going on here?! Doughnut button coral.. woke up with a white goo substance on it..
  20. 1epauletteshark

    Which cleaner shrimp should I purchase?

    I have a small 17gallon aquarium and yesterday I went out and bought a coral banded shrimp not realizing how agressive they are and that it would eat my sexy shrimp, my question is which other cleaner shrimp should I buy? A pacific (skunk) cleaner shrimp or a peppermint shrimp? Fish plans: 2x...
  21. corinateut

    New to me

    Hello everyone, thank you for having me here! My name is Corina and I’m a 100% beginner Let me tell you little about my journey. As a little child I had a freshwater tank, and that was back in my county (Romania). So 0 information about saltwater! Now living in UK London. After Christmas me...
  22. Zoa_Fanatic

    Torch head tissue

    Just wondering if this is the correct amount of tissue on my torches skeleton or if it is experiencing tissue recession. It’s fully open and happy in the daylight. It’s slowly split from one head to around 5 now. Does the tissue look like it thins out as new heads grow? Photo in blues and...
  23. tcarstens4

    Stocking Advice for 2 75 gallon tanks

    So I am seeking some advice on fish we can have in both our 75 gallon tanks(180g total), these tanks are plumbed together attached are two images of said tanks, with the aquascapes in them, my fiancé would like to decide all the fish that goes into the left hand side tank that currently has a...
  24. Dknight43

    mp10 vs ice cap 2k gyre?

    looking at power heads for my biocube 32, currently don't have any coral but planning on a lps dominant tank and will have a nem and want some feedback on what the best route is to take. thanks in advance.
  25. Matt Bravo

    Red Ogo macroaglae question

    Hey guys so I’m a little ways into the diatom stage (I got lucky I got a conch and few other snails early that keep my sand clean) But my nitrates are really higher than I’d prefer (40ppm API test kit) they get all the way up to 60 by the weekend and I’m forced to do a 20 and 40% WC in order to...