40 gallon breeder

  1. alechales1

    Building an AIO 40 gallon and getting married need you help!

    My name is Alec! I've been doing freshwater for a while I currently have a 75 gallon discus/southern Painted Turtle tank and a 29 gallon galaxy rasbora, planted. I've been wanting to do a reef tank for a while but I promised myself I would spend several months researching (I started the end...
  2. John Kastanos

    40 Breeder Snowflake Eel Tankmates

    I am planning to convert my 40 Breeder from freshwater to saltwater, and I'm starting to plan on what kind of fish I will be keeping. I have heard great things about the Snowflake Moray Eel and I really really want one, so it is definitely on my list. What other fish can I keep with it? Will he...
Black Label Aquatics