180 gallon

  1. BlueWorldJeff

    Another Tang for my 180g

    Looking to get another tang for my 180g reef I had three previously, Large Dejardini Sailfin, Medium Yellow Eye Kole and Medium Blonde Naso. One day the Naso didnt look too good. Saw the Sailfin bullying it, so moved it to my hospital tank, but it didnt make it. Looking to get another...
  2. Realworldreefing

    Upcoming 180 Gallon ZEOvit Reef!

    Hey all! Long time reader first time poster! I'm over the moon excited that my decade long dream of starting a reef tank is finally here! I'm moving to my new home in late June/July and my tank will begin then! I welcome all the advice you can give, as all of my knowledge has been gained...
  3. knowen87

    Build Thread 180 Gallon In Wall Tank

    Right now, I live in a small house near the Utah Idaho border. It is only 384sf or about 12ftx32ft but I have a 150 gallon in wall tank. We moved in to the home to save money and pay off debt but it is time to move. We just dont have any room left with two girls my wife and I and our 2 100lb...
  4. R

    Build Thread Robert's Biocube 29

    This is my first saltwater aquarium. It is a Biocube 29. I first put water in it in mid November. Since then I also bought a 180 and am currently getting it setup ready to move everything from this tank into that one. As of now I am resealing the 180 and have 85 lbs of Pukani dry rock curing. I...
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